University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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Get Your Degree in Animal Sciences

Animal Sciences is a Bachelor of Science degree program focusing on the unique considerations associated with animal production in the tropics and provides foundation for a career in veterinary medicine.

Required courses include economics, chemistry, mathematics, physics, biochemistry, biology, and a range of animal science courses.

Work with Top Professors . . .
. . . and join an internationally recognized group of scholars that includes experts in genetics, animal breeding, reproduction, nutrition, and related areas who are graduates of such schools as Cornell, Wisconsin, Illinois, Nebraska, UC-Davis, and other top universities. Get to know and learn from these professionals in our small classes (usually 5-25 students) and through laboratory and field experiences.

Use Cutting Edge Technology . . .
. . . such as ultrasound, recombinant protein production and purification, in vitro fertilization, polyclonal and monoclonal antibody production, near-infrared spectroscopy, gas and high pressure liquid chromatography.

teacher, student and horse Team up with Award-Winning Students . . .
. . . recognized locally, nationally, and internationally for their achievements.

Open Doors to New Careers and Opportunities
Opportunities abound for graduates of the Animal Sciences program. Teaching is always an option, in schools, 4-H, and Future Farmers of America. Learning the skills necessary for basic and applied science prepares you for many jobs that require a science-based degree. Specialize in genetics and animal breeding and find work in such areas as artificial insemination, breeding stock production, and endangered species conservation. Learn the impact that animals have on the environment and find careers in waste management or animal housing and equipment design. Courses in nutrition will prepare you for feed manufacturing or animal nutrition management. Meat science can lead to careers in food inspection, meat processing, or marketing. If you study animal health, you may become a veterinarian or work at an animal quarantine station. Many different career opportunities exist in aquaculture or animal production and management. Studying the business of animal production will prepare you for careers in agricultural lending or agribusiness. In the area of animal care and welfare, look for work at humane societies or animal shelters.

For Fun and Friends . . . students and veterinarian
. . . Join the Pre-Veterinary Club and assist in community activities involving animals, such as volunteering at the zoo, attending the Hawai‘i Veterinary Medical Association annual meeting, assisting at dog shows, and participating in tours. Learn about animal and veterinary related topics, such as Humane Society Activities, and learn tips on getting into veterinary schools. Visit the Pre-Vet Club’s homepage at

Are You Prepared?
Students are strongly advised to take chemistry and biological sciences courses before entering the Animal Sciences program. Once admitted, students will be assisted by academic advisors to identify their career objectives and select an appropriate option for study.

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