Dr. Ania Wieczorek


Associate Professor
University of Hawaii, Manoa
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences -
Graduate Program Chair
Director of Biotechnology Outreach Program
Phone: (808) 956-7058
Email: ania@hawaii.edu
St. John Plant Science Building
Office: St. John 117
Lab: St. John 115



Dr. Ania Wieczorek’s work has two areas of focus, the Molecular Ecology Lab and the Biotechnology Outreach Program. The Molecular Ecology Lab concentrates on conservation and the management of invasive species through the application of DNA technology. The Biotechnology Outreach Program provides public education about agricultural biotechnology to a wide range of audiences and includes the GENE-ius Day Program.

Dr. Ania Wieczorek's research interests are broad and include addressing agricultural problems (such as invasive species management and risk assessment for genetically modified crops), environmental conservation, population genetics, and evolutionary biology. She addresses issues in these areas by molecular biology technology. She also has a strong interest in using molecular techniques to address basic and applied ecological problems. Her research work includes both aspects, viz., problems of agricultural importance, combined with a basic study of the population genetics of groups of important invasive plants.

In addition to this, Dr. Ania Wieczorek is the director of the Biotechnology Outreach Program. As she worked with adults and children in the community, she recognized that there is a need for increased knowledge and awareness of genetics. This is important to her because with this knowledge, individuals are better able to understand and make decisions about biotechnology issues.

Educational Background

Doctor of Philosophy, 1999. University of the Western Cape, South Africa Area of Specialization: Molecular biology; Molecular ecology Dissertation Title: "Evolutionary relationships of the polymorphic African reed frog complex, Hyperolius spp.

Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude, 1994, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
Major: Molecular Biology

Select Publications (2009 - 2014)

Research Publications

Extension Publications

Mahalo to the Sponsors

This project is suppoted by grants awarded to Dr. Ania Wieczorek by these organizations:

University of Hawaii - Manoa, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources

USDA - Agricultural Research Services