College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Dr. Arnold H. Hara
Arnold Hara

Contact Information:

Department: Plant & Environmental Protection Sciences
Section/Office: Beaumont Res Ctr
Island: Hawaii
Mailing Addr: 875 Komohana Street
Hilo, HI 96720

Office Phone: (808) 981-5199 (HAWAII)
Fax: (808) 981-5211
Email: arnold@hawaii.edu

As a graduate faculty member of the Department of Plant & Enivronmental Protection Sciences (PEPS), Dr. Hara is stationed at the Komohana Research and Extension Center in Hilo , Hawaii . He is an ornamental entomologist focusing on the development of pest management programs for tropical floricultural crops, including anthuriums, orchids, flowering gingers, birds of paradise, heliconia, protea and foliage plants (palms, dracaena). Dr. Hara also develops integrated pest management for new invasive pests in the tropical landscapes.

Major research activities include:

  1. identifying major insect and mite pests of tropical floricultural crops and elucidating their bionomics,

  2. investigating nonchemical control methods such as biological, cultural and microbial control,

  3. developing and implementing integrated pest management programs on major floricultural crops, and

  4. testing chemical and biorational insecticides for efficacy and phytotoxicity on tropical floricultural crops.

Dr. Hara specializes on preharvest and postharvest control treatments in a systems approach to quarantine security to meet stringent interstate and foreign quarantine regulations . Some of his research accomplishments include the development of postharvest heat treatments to control quarantine pests, which provides pest-free, high quality flowers and foliage for export.

When Dr. Hara serves as chairperson of a thesis or dissertation committee, graduate students may elect to complete their coursework at the Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences in Honolulu, Hawaii, and conduct their research at Komohana Research and Extension Center in Hilo, Hawaii.

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