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Pests and Diseases
Noni Stem Blight
stem blight disease
Defoliation, drooping and yellowing of noni leaves associated with stem blight disease.
stem blight disease
Yellowing and drooping of noni leaves associated with stem blight disease.
Rotten roots
Rotten roots and blackened basal stem associated with stem blight disease. A white tuft of fungal mycelium (the fungus, Sclerotium rolfsii) forms just above the soil line.

Disease: Noni stem blight.

Pathogen: Pathogens associated with this disease are a fungus Sclerotium rolfsii, and root-knot nematodes. Apparently, the disease occurs when plants are greatly stressed from nematode attack and/or flooding.

Symptoms: Foliar chlorosis and wilting; stem girdling at or near soil line; internal stem necrosis; stem rot; defoliation; plant death.

Signs: White fluffy fungal mycelium; brown sclerotia at soil line.

Disease distribution: The fungus associated with noni stem blight has a world wide distribution, although the disease has only been observed in the Puna district on the island of Hawaii.

Epidemiology: Noni stem blight is an opportunistic disease favored by predisposing stresses (flooding, poor drainage, wounding of stems, infection by root knot nematodes).

  1. Avoid planting in low-lying areas with poor drainage.
  2. Avoid plant-parasitic nematodes.
  3. Avoid injuring stems with weed-whackers.
  4. Do not pile rocks around the base of noni plants, as they may injure the stem.
  5. Avoid undue plant stresses.
Notes: Noni stem blight has not been reported previously to occur in Hawaii or elsewhere in the world.

Tufts of white fungal mycelium
Tufts of white fungal mycelium (Sclerotium rolfsii) and brown sclerotia can form just above the soil line of diseased plants. The fungus is associated with stem rot and girdling.
Girdled and cracked noni stem
Girdled and cracked noni stem associated with noni stem blight disease.
Internal stem necrosis and basal stem rot
Internal stem necrosis and basal stem rot associated with noni stem blight disease.

Last Updated on December 7, 2006