4-H/NREM Keiki Water Fest

Maryknoll Spotkaeff
4-H Extension Agent

Jody Smith
Education Specialist

Click here to read more about the 2001 Festival and view a streaming video clip.

Bishop Museum outdoor classroom

The 4-H NREM Keiki Water Fest is an inter-active, participatory, educational program for fifth graders designed to educate and motivate positive experiences by emphasizing freshwater education principles within a fun, interactive environment. Water festivals typically consist of structured learning stations and exhibits where students actively engage in hands-on water activities and investigations. Station topics can include the hydrological cycle, ground water, spring water, water quality, wetlands, water management water conservation, properties of waters, soils, living history, and much more. Keiki Water Fest focuses on developing positive attitudes, management and respect towards the environment and its’ consequential outcomes. This is a collaborative effort involving the 4-H youth staff, the Friends of Waipahu Cultural Garden Park (dba Hawaii Plantation Village), “Protect the Planet” personnel, Urban Garden Center Ohana, and the Natural Resources & Environmental Management-NREM personnel.

The Keiki Water Fest was held on October 17, 2003, at the Hawaii Plantation Village, a 50 acre facility that houses traditional, cultural-plantation villages, natural water resources with Hawaiian methods of growing taro (lo’i) and a forest of various trees. A river also runs through the facility.

Outreach (2003): 438 students from Kaleiopu'u, Waipahu, and Honowai Elementary Schools

The Keiki Water Festival has been held for four years. Previous festivals were held:

2000 - CTAHR Urban Garden Center, Pearl City, O'ahu

2001 - Palama Settlement, Honolulu, O'ahu.

2002 - Kaunakakai, Molokai
2002 - Wai'anae, O'ahu
2002 - Waimanalo, O'ahu


Teachers and their students will gain new knowledge about water issues.

Students will learn about the affects that trees and forests have upon clean, freshwater.

Students will be make conscientious choices about “how to use water.”

Teachers and students will receive educational materials to enable them to understand the ecology of freshwater.

They will complete these activities with positive attitudes.

The fifth grade students will be able to recognize detrimental environmental issues that will affect water quality.

Students will realize that they can make a difference in the community and in the State of Hawaii.

Students will continue to teach others about freshwater.

Talk Story with Stella Pihana