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Coffee Berry Borer (Hypothenemus hampei)

How to Make a Coffee Berry Borer (CBB) Trap


1 plastic bottle (2 Liter)
Knife, scalpel, scissors
Red paint: Pantone 186 C Red, specialty plastic
Lure bottle: LDPE: Low-Density Polyethylene. Fisher Scientific. No.: 2750-9050
Lure solution: mixture of methanol and ethanol (3:1)
Galvanized wire, approx. 12-gauge
Galvanized wire, approx. 24-gauge
Soapy water (unscented): mixture of 4 tablespoons of liquid soap to a gallon of water


mark the plastic bottle 1

Using the marker, draw a 4” x 4” square in the middle of the plastic bottle.
cut the bottle 2

Cut out the window with a scalpel and scissors.
paint the bottle 3

Paint the outer surface of plastic bottle and cap.
drill a hole 4

Drill a hole in the center of the bottle cap. The hole should be big enough to insert the end of the wire hanger.
insert wire 5

Insert the 12-gauge galvanized wire through the hole in the top of the cap and bend it into a small loop. Bend the other end of the wire into a loop large enough for hanging on tree branches.
secure the wire 6

Secure one end of the 24-guage galvanized wire to the 12-gauge wire loop and tie the other end around the neck of the lure bottle, positioning it in the middle of the bottle.
pour soap 7

Pour 1-2 inches of unscented soapy water into the bottom of the bottle.
hang the trap 8

Hang the trap on a coffee branch at 1.5 m (chest height).

Helpful CBB trap information

  1. Check weekly or every two weeks to ensure soapy water level is maintained in the trap.
  2. Change the lure every two months.
  3. For mass trapping use eight CBB traps per acre, and for monitoring use three traps per acre.

Lure and trap prices

I. Lure bottle and attractant can be ordered from:
Lure bottle: LDPE: Low-Density Polyethylene. No.: 2750-9050. Case of 25 for $35.87.
Fisher Scientific.

Phone: 1- 800-766-7000; Fax: 1-800-926-1166. Fisher Scientific. 200 Park Lane Drive.
Pittsburgh, PA 15275

Or seek a lower price online or locally.

Lure: methanol:ethanol 3:1. Check with the following suppliers on availability, and any requirements for purchase:

  1. VWR International: 1310 Goshen Parkway, West Chester, PA 19380, Orders: 1-800-932-5000
  2. Fisher Scientifics:
  3. Pharmco-AAper: 1-800-456-1017,
  4. Check with your local ag chemical supplier to seek if they can order methanol and ethanol or sell them premixed.

II. A commercial coffee berry borer trap and coffee berry lure can be ordered from:

AgBio Inc. Contact information: Jan Meneley, Westminster, CO
80031; ph 303-469-9221; fx 303-469-9598

Coffee berry borer lure: methanol:ethanol 3:1; packaging is 10 lures per sealed foil
package. Grower price is $4.95 per lure, plus freight from Colorado. There will be a
discount for volume purchase.

The formulation is a gel matrix of the active
ingredients in a controlled-release dispenser.

Small red coffee berry borer trap: (Fig. 1. left), $8.95 each, plus freight.

Large red funnel coffee berry borer trap: (Fig. 1 right), $17.95, plus freight.
AgBio is the U.S. distributor for ChemTica, representing a wide range of agricultural and
consumer products. ChemTica is one of the leading insect pheromone and trap suppliers worldwide.

Japanese beetle trap: (Fig. 2). This trap must be painted with Pantone 186 C Red, specialty plastic. Price for this trap and the container cup is ~ $ 12.00.

Fig. 1. Coffee berry borer trap used in Latin America. Lure is Methanol:ethanol 3:1, One funnel trap (left), large funnel trap (right).

Fig. 1. Coffee berry borer trap used in Latin America. Lure is Methanol:ethanol 3:1, One funnel trap (left), large funnel trap (right).

Fig. 2. Japanese beetle trap used in Hawai‘i to collect the black twig borer, <em>Xylosandrus compactus</em> (Curculionidae: Scolytinae).

Fig. 2. Japanese beetle trap used in Hawai‘i to collect the black twig borer, Xylosandrus compactus (Curculionidae: Scolytinae).

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