General Characteristics: Medium in height, stiffly erect, maturing within 9 to 12 months, producing from 2 to 5 oha; identified by dark green petioles flecked with reddish-brown near basal portion.
Petiole: 60 to 90 cm. long, dark green flecked with reddish-brown on lower portion, with an indistinct, narrow, reddish edge, pink at base.
Leaf blade: 40 to 65 cm. long, 30 to 50 cm. wide, 35 to 55 cm. from tip to base of sinus, sagittate, thin in texture, slightly crinkled, dark green; piko and midrib whitish to light brownish; lobes obtuse with shallow, wide sinus.
Corm: Flesh white with light pinkish tinge, especially near apex, and yellowish fibers; skin dark pink to purplish.
Origin, and derivation of name: Native variety; apowale means "to seize," and undoubtedly derives from the fact that the variety has a tough root system and must be grasped firmly when pulled.
Distribution: Grown to a limited extent on Oahu, principally at Waialua, usually under wetland culture.
Use: Chiefly as poi taro.