The Biotechnology Outreach Program, under the direction of Dr. Ania Wieczorek provides students and the public with scientific information about genetically engineered food crops. The program goal is to provide current and accurate information so people can make informed choices about this controversial topic. Please contact Dr. Ania with any questions about biotechnology or this web site.

Associate Professor
University of Hawai‘i, M?noa
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences -
Graduate Program Chair
Director of Biotechnology Outreach Program

Phone: (808) 956-7058

St. John Plant Science Building
Office: St. John 117
Lab: St. John 115

Visit Dr. Ania Wieczorek's other websites:

Biotech in Focus

Biotech in Hawaii

GENE-ius Day

Growing Our Talent

Molecular Ecology Research