TPSS | CTAHR | UH | |||
Refereed and Reviewed Publications Kaufman, A., Adams, R., Cox, L. (In Press). A Tropical Paradise: Native Hawaiians and Visitors to Hawaii Landscape Perception of Aesthetic Qualities of the Urban Forest and Natural Landscapes of HawaiiIn: C. A. Shoemaker, (Editor), Horticultural Practices and Therapy for Human Well-being. Acta Horticulturae xxx International Society for Horticultural Science. Pp. xxx Kaufman, A. J. and Lohr. V. I. (In Press). Does it Matter What Color Tree You Plant? In: E. Matsuo., (Editor), Acta Horticulturae xxx International Society for Horticultural Science. Pp. xxx. Cabugos, L., Kaufman, A.J., Cox, L.J., Miura, T., and Easterday, D. 2007. Feasibility of Rooftop Landscaping with Native Hawaiian Plants in Urban Districts of Hawai`i. Fifth Annual International Greening Rooftops for Sustainable Communities Conference Proceedings. GRHC. Minneapolis, MN. Kaufman, A. J. and Lohr. V. I. 2004. Does Plant Color Affect Emotional and Physiological Responses to Landscapes? In: D. Relf, (Editor), Expanding Roles for Horticulture in Improving Human Well-Being and Life Quality. Acta Horticulturae 639. International Society for Horticultural Science. Pp. 229-233 Lillywhite, J.; Kaufman, A.; Peter, G.; Sato, F.; Tate, J.L.; Tirmizi, S. N., and Gieske, J. A. 1998. More Than Just Another Dam project: Gaining Insights in Applied Sociology Through a Post Evaluation of the Lake Red Rock Study. Social Insight. Fall 1998, Volume 3. Pp. 18-24. Kaufman, A. J., Gimblett, H.R., and Daniel, T.C. 1996. Benefits of Leisure: A Tool for Exploring the Human Dimension of Ecosystem Management. Proceedings of The Sixth International Symposium on Society and Natural Resource Management. Social Behavior, Natural Resources, and the Environment Conference. Penn State University. Kaufman, A. and Gimblett, H.R. 1995. Benefits of Leisure and GIS: A tool for Exploring the Human Dimension of Ecosystem Management. Proceedings of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. Iowa State University. Book Chapters Kaufman, A. J. and Lohr. V. I. 2002. Where the lawn mower stops: The social construction of alternative front yard ideologies. In: C. A. Shoemaker (Editor), Interaction by design: bringing people and plants together for health and well being (An international symposium). Iowa State Press. Pp. 291-300. Non-Refereed Publications Kaufman, A.; Cox, L. J.; Miura, T.; Easterday, D. 2006. Feasibility of Green Roofs in Hawaii: A Source of Private and Public Benefits. Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, College of Tropical Agricultural and Human Resources. University of Hawai`i at Manoa. Report for the Hawaii State Legislature 2007 Session. Padgitt, S., Kaufman, A., and Petrzelka, P. 1999. Area Wide Pest Management of Corn Rootworm Progress Report. Iowa State Extension Unit report for Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) branch of the USDA. Padgitt, S., Kaufman, A., and Imerman, E. 1998. Good Neighbors Project Progress Report. Iowa State University Extension report for Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) branch of the USDA. Manuscript Reviewer
Symposium/Conference Papers/Presentations Oral Presentations Kaufman, A. 2006. The Connection of Research, People, Nature and Design: Can Academic Research be a Viable Tool for Designing with Vegetation? Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA ‘06) Conference. Vancouver, Canada. Kaufman, A., Livingston, M., and Myers, D. 2005. Plants, Design and Diversity: Barriers and Links with Vegetation in Three Multi-cultural Cities. Environmental Design and Research Association (EDRA) Conference. Vancouver, Canada. Kaufman, A. J., and Lohr, V.I. 2004. Does it Matter if the Tree You Plant Green or Not?. International People-Plant Symposia. Awaji Island, Japan Kaufman, A. J., and Lohr, V.I. 2000. Where the lawn mower stops: The social construction of alternative front yard ideologies. International People-Plant Symposia. Chicago, IL. Padgitt, S., Kaufman, A., and Petrzelka, P. 1999. Agrarian Independence and the Selling of Area-Wide Pest Management: 61st Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociology Society. Portland, Oregon. Padgitt, S., Kaufman, A., and Petrzelka, P. 1999. Agrarian Independence and the Selling of Area-Wide Pest Management. North Central Branch Rootworm Area-wide Symposium: Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa State Extension Unit Representative. 1999. Community Forum: Water Management in the Des Moines & Raccoon River Watersheds. Des Moines, Iowa. Kaufman, A. J., Gimblett, H.R., and Daniel, T.C. 1996. Benefits of Leisure: A Tool for Exploring the Human Dimension of Ecosystem Management. The 6th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM). Penn State Univ. Kaufman, A. J. and Gimblett, H.R.1995. Benefits of Leisure and GIS: A Tool For Exploring The Human Dimension of Ecosystem Management: Council of Educator’s in Landscape Architecture (CELA ’95). Iowa State University. Poster Presentations Kaufman, A.; Cox, L.J.; Kawabata, A., and Miura, T. 2007. Beyond ABC’s: Can Plants in a Classroom Have an Impact on High School Math Student Behavior and Academics? Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) 2007 Conference. College Park, Pennsylvania. Easterday, D., Kaufman, A., L.J. & Miura, T. 2007. What is a Green Roof? 2007 Hawaii Congress of Planning Officials. Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel, South Kohala, HI. Kobayashi, K.; Kaufman, A. and Ohama, A. 2006. University of Hawaii Campus Plants Web Site. American Society for Horticultural Science 2006. New Orleans, Louisiana. Kaufman, A.J. and Lohr, V. I. 2002. Does Plant Color Affect Emotional and Physiological Responses to Landscapes? XXVIth International Horticultural Congress. Toronto, Canada. Pagitt, S., Kaufman, A., and Emmerman, E. 1999. Good Neighbors Project: The Drying Up Of A Wetland Restoration Project: 61st Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociology Society. Portland, Oregon. Pagitt, S., Kaufman, A., and Emmerman, E. 1998. Good Neighbors Project. The 7th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM). Columbia, Missouri. Padgitt, S., Miller, R., and Kaufman, A. 1998. ISU Manure Management Workshops: Soil and Water Conservation Society Conference ’98. Also presented to the Iowa State Legislature. Ames & Des Moines, Iowa. Pagitt, S., Kaufman, A., and Emmerman, E. 1997.Preserving Wetland and Protecting Bureaucratic Turf: A Case Study of the Iowa “Good Neighbors” Project. 60th Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociology Society. Toronto, Canada. Curry-Roper, J. and Kaufman, A. 1997. Community-Level Worldviews and the Sustainability of Agriculture: Leopold Center Symposium/Conference Moderation Symposia Session Moderator. 2006. Oral Session S12. International People-Plant Symposia (IHC 2006) Seoul, Korea. Symposia Session Chair. 2004. Oral Session 6. International People-Plant Symposia. Awaji Island, Japan Panel Discussion Chair. 2002. Symposium 7: Horticulture in Healing Spaces. XXVIth International Horticultural Congress. Toronto, Canada. Invited Lectures/Presentations Professional Kaufman, A. 2007. Green Roof Technology: Opportunities and Barriers for the University of Hawaii Manoa Campus. University of Hawaii Campus Center Board Meeting. Honolulu, HI. Kaufman, A. 2005. Plants, Color, & Aloha: Can People-Plant Research Effect Landscape Industries in Hawaii? Maui Association of Landscape Professionals (MALP). Kaufman, A. 2005 Plant-People Relationships: Dose it Affect Plant & Landscape Industries of Hawaii? MIDPAC Horticultural Expo. Hilo, Hawaii. Kaufman, A. 2004. Design and Build with Aloha: Weed Risk Assessment and Plant-People Research? American Institute of Architects (AIA) and Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) Building Trade Expo. Honolulu, Hawaii. University Kaufman, A. 2005. Tree Planting Techniques. University of Hawaii Manoa Honor Student Tree Planting Seminar. College/Department Kaufman, A. 2005. Turf: Something More Than Just Mowing. U.H. TPSS 405 Turf Grass Management. Kaufman, A. 2005. Tropical Landscape Concepts and Industries. U.H. TPSS 300 Tropical Production Systems. Kaufman, A. 2004. Beyond GPA, research and coursework: How to survive Grad school. U.H. TPSS 711 Graduate Seminar. Kaufman, A. 2004. Plants & Aloha: Landscape Industries/Opportunities in Hawaii. U.H. TPSS 120 Tropical Crop Science. Community Kaufman, A. 2005. Plants & Aloha: Principles of Landscape Design. Kona Outdoor Circle Master Gardner Program.
Extension Publications & ActivitiesPublications Kobayashi, K.D., McEwen, J, and Kaufman, A.J. 2007. Ornamental Ginger, Red and Pink. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Aug. 2007, OF-37. Kaufman, A.J., Cox, L. J.; Muira, T.; Easterday, D. 2006. The Potential for Green Roofs in Hawai‘i. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Resource Management, Feb. 2007, RM-15 Kobayashi, K.D. and A.J. Kaufman. 2006. Common Gardenia. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Hawaii at Manoa. May 2006, OF-32. Kaufman, A. 2007. Cultivating Relationships Between Nursery Growers and Landscape Professionals. Hawaii Landscape. Vol.11 No 5 Sept/Oct 2007. Kaufman, A. 2005. Plants and Aloha: Some Principles of Landscape Design. West Hawaii Today. October 16, 2005. Oral Presentations Kaufman, A. 2007. The Aloha of Trees: Beyond the Ordinary Environmental and Economic Factors. International Society of Arboriculture Conference. Sheraton, Waikiki, Honolulu, HI. Kaufman, A. 2007. Green Roof Technology: Opportunities and Barriers for the University of Hawaii Manoa Campus. University of Hawaii Campus Center Board Meeting. Honolulu, HI. Kaufman, A. 2006. Designing With Aloha: Landscaping With Native Hawaiian Plants. 2006 Hawaii Green Industry Conference: “Building Bridges”. Honolulu, Hawaii. Kaufman, A. 2006. Plant-People Relationships. “Plants That Heal” Symposium sponsored by Friends of Honolulu Botanical Gardens. Honolulu, HI. Kaufman, A. 2005. Plants & Aloha: Principles of Landscape Design . Kona Outdoor Circle Master Gardner Program. Kaufman, A. 2005. Plants, Color, & Aloha: Can People-Plant Research Effect Landscape Industries in Hawaii? Maui Association of Landscape Professionals (MALP). Kaufman, A. 2005 Plant-People Relationships: Dose it Affect Plant & Landscape Industries of Hawaii? MIDPAC Horticultural Expo. Hilo, Hawaii. Kaufman, A. 2004. Design and Build with Aloha: Weed Risk Assessment and Plant-People Research? Institute of Architects (AIA) and Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) Building Trade Expo. Honolulu, Hawaii. Poster Presentations Easterday, D., Kaufman, A., L.J. & Miura, T. 2007. What is a Green Roof? 2007 Hawaii Congress of Planning Officials. Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel, South Kohala, HI. Nagata, N. and Kaufman, A. 2005. Maui’s Turfgrass Extension Program. 2004 CTHAR Extension Conference. University of Hawaii, Manoa. Media Interviews Kaufman, A. & Easterday, D. 2007. Interview by Jon Letman. Landscape Architects Want to Revive Degree programs at UH. Pacific Business News April 6, 2007 Kaufman, A. 2007. Interview by Melissa Chang. CTAHR Takes Financial Hit, Loses Key Programs. Hawaii Landscape Vol.11 No2 March/April 2007. Kaufman, A. 2007. The Importance of Plants in Everyday Life. Thrive Live: ESPN 1420's Radio Health and Fitness Show hosted by Don Robbs. ESPN 1420 AM. Honolulu, HI. November 21, 2007. Kaufman, A. 2006. Interview by Emily Viglelmo. Support Building for UH Program. Hawaii Landscape. Vol.10 No.5 Sept/Oct. Kaufman, A. 2006. Conference “Building Bridges”. Interview by Chris Aguinaldo. Agriculture Hawaii. April/June 2006. Kaufman, A. & Adams, R. 2005. The Urban Forest. OC16 Outside Hawaii Television Program Series. Honolulu, Hawaii. Kaufman, A. 2005. Hawaii Short of Landscape Architects as Demands Grow. Pacific Business News. February Vol. 42, No. 52. Workshops/Field Days