Stippling (and anthocyanescence) of a spider lily (Hymenocallis caroliniana) leaf, caused by the feeding of spider mites.

Stippling of a kava leaf (Piper methysticum) associated with feeding damage caused by the fringe guava whitefly (Aleurotrachelus sp.).  

Stippling of a kava leaf (Piper methysticum) associated with feeding damage caused by the fringe guava whitefly (Aleurotrachelus sp.).  Pupae of the whitelfy are visible on the adaxial leaf surface.

Stippling of the upper surface of sapote (Pouteria sapota) leaves, caused by feeding of cotton lace bugs (Corythucha gossypii) on the lower surface.

Frass and cotton lace bugs on a sapote leaf.  Stippling of the upper surface of sapote (Pouteria sapota) leaves is caused by feeding of cotton lace bugs (Corythucha gossypii) on the lower surface.


Stippling is series of small dots or speckles in which chlorophyll is absent.

Etymology. stipple: 1675, from Du. stippelen "to make points," freq. of stippen "to prick, speckle," from stip "a point," probably ult. from PIE base *st(e)ig- "pointed" (see stick (v.)).