Pigeon Pea

Pigeon pea is cultivated either as a food crop (dried pea or vegetable pea) or as a cover/forage crop species depending upon the region.

Soil Management
Pigeon pea adapts to a wide range in soil types. It grows best at soil pH between 5.0 – 7.0.

Plant seeds 1 inch deep, 1-2 feet apart in rows 2-4 feet apart.

Pigeon pea can be grown in dry areas. Receiving 24-40 inches of rainfall per year is optimal.

Insect & Disease Control
Pods can be infested with borers that damage both pods and seeds. Beetles, aphids and scales may be minor pests.

Flowering usually begins in 120-150 days and seeds mature in 95 to 250 days but can be as early as 60 and 100 days respectively depending on cultivars.