
Tomatoes can be grown the year around at most localities in Hawaii by choosing the best adapted varieties.

Soil Management
Tomatoes will do best on well drained soils with a pH of 5.5 to 7.0.

Seedlings raised in flats or peat pots are transplanted to the garden 3- to 5-weeks after seeding. Space plants 15-inches apart in rows spaced 24- to 30-inches apart. Place support stakes, 4- to 5-feet long, next to the seedlings and tie the vines to the stakes at 12- to 15-inch intervals with twistems, raffia or other tying material.

Irrigate an average of 1- to 2-times per, week during periods of little or no rainfall before fruit set. After fruit set, 2- to 3-irrigations per week with heavy soaking (not light sprinkling) will be necessary for most soils and localities.

Insect & Disease Control
Tomato plants and fruits are commonly attacked by numerous insects and diseases; therefore, some control measure must be taken to raise a successful crop.

The fruits should be harvested no sooner than the pink or breaker stage when pink color appears on the bottom of the fruits.


StarBulletin - Tomato trauma article