Raising Grandchildren
Helping to bring up your ‘Ohana’s keiki, you have made a lot of sacrifices. You have lost sleep, given up spare time, neglected your social life, and maybe even taken another job to help support them. More>>
Keiki who experience major changes in their lives often react in ways you may not expect. Here are some ways that can help you to understand why keiki behave the way they do and help you to identify which behaviors might require professional help.
Parents who abuse drugs and alcohol aren’t always able to do what is right for their keiki. As kupuna, it often comes to you to help out by teaching the keiki what is right. They often won’t know or understand why mom or dad can’t be around, and they may feel abandoned and unloved. You might be feeling hurt as well. Although this situation might feel hopeless, there are many positive things you can do to improve the situation.