Last updated on Thursday, March 9, 2023
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 Name : Zhiqiang Cheng
Title : Specialist
Unit : Department of Plant & Environmental Protection Sciences
Address : 3050 Maile Way Honolulu, HI 96822
Room : Gilmore Hall 611A
Phone : (808) 956-6416
Fax : (808) 956-2428
E-mail :
Website :
Specialties : Turfgrass and landscape pest management; IR-4 Specialty Crops Pest Management; pesticide safety education
Professional Prep/Appointments :
2007. Environmental Science, The Ohio State University.
2000. Environmental Biology, Nanjing University (P. R. China).
Projects : Please see more project details on
Lab website:
UH Turfgrass Management Extension Program website:
banyan stem and leaf gall wasps,
lobate lac scale,
coconut rhinoceros beetle,
suppressing Bermudagrass in seashore paspalum turf,
light exclusion approach to renovate turf,
take-all patch of turfgrass,
mini ring of turfgrass,
rover ant (nuisance pest of golf courses), and
hala scale.
PEPS/TPSS 418 Turfgrass Pest Management (offered every Fall)
Academic Interests : turfgrass and landscape pest management,
soil ecology,
environmental bioindicators,
urban ecology
Selected Publications :
Li, J., Y.-C. Zhao, G.-D. Ren, and Z. Cheng. 2017. Taxonomic study on specimens of the genus Micrencaustes deposited in the Bernice P. Bishop Museum (Coleoptera, Erotylidae). ZooKeys, 645: 27-35.
Moore, A., R. Quitugua, I. Iriarte, M. Melzer, S. Watanabe, Z. Cheng, and J.M. Barnes. 2016. Movement of Packaged Soil Products as a Dispersal Pathway for Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and Other Invasive Species. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society, 48: 21-22.
Bhandari, B.P., and Z. Cheng*. 2016. Trunk injection of systemic insecticides to control stem and leaf gall wasps, Josephiella species (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae), on Chinese banyan (Rosales: Moraceae) in Hawaii. Florida Entomologist, 99(2): 172-177. *corresponding author.
Sharma, K., Z. Cheng, and P. S. Grewal. 2015. Relationship between soil heavy metal contamination and soil food web health in vacant lots slated for urban agriculture in two post-industrial cities. Urban Ecosystems, 18: 835-855.
Wang, K.-H., T. Radovich, A. Pant, and Z. Cheng. 2014. Evaluating soil and plant health improvement effects of cover crops and vermicompost water extract in a short-term vegetable cropping system. Applied Soil Ecology 82: 26-37.
Bal, H. K., N.
Acosta, Z. Cheng, H. Whitehead, P.
S. Grewal, and C. W. Hoy. 2014. Effect of soil management on Heterorhabditis
bacteriophora GPS11 persistence and biological control in a vegetable
production system. Biological Control, 79:
E. L. McCoy, and P. S. Grewal. 2014. Water, sediment, and nutrient runoff from
urban lawns established on subsoil or topsoil and managed with inorganic or
organic fertilizers. Urban Ecosystems, 17: 277-289.
J., Z. Cheng, J. Kovach, M. D. Kleinhenz, and P. S. Grewal. 2014.
Quantifying soil health and tomato crop productivity in
urban community and market gardens. Urban Ecosystems, 17: 221-238.
A., Z. Cheng, S. S. Grewal, K. R. Islam, M. D. Kleinhenz, P. S. Grewal.
2013. Soil health as a predictor of lettuce productivity and quality: A case
study of urban vacant lots. Urban Ecosystems, 16: 637-656.
S. S., Z. Cheng, S. Masih, M. Wolboldt, N. Huda, A. Knight, and P. S.
Grewal. 2011. An assessment of soil nematode food webs and nutrient pools in community
gardens and vacant lots in two post-industrial American cities. Urban
Ecosystems, 14: 181-194.
S. O. Salminen, and P. S. Grewal. 2010. Effect of organic fertilizers on the
greening quality, shoot and root growth, and shoot nutrient and alkaloid
contents of turf-type endophytic tall fescue, Festuca arundinacea. Annals
of Applied Biology, 156: 25-37.
S., Z. Cheng, B. B. McSpadden Gardener, and P. S. Grewal. 2010. Are
nematodes effective bioindicators of soil conditions and processes along
distance from roads and age of development in urban areas? Journal of Environmental
Indicators, 5: 28-47.
S., Z. Cheng, H. Yang, E. E. Morris, M. Sutherland, B. B. McSpadden
Gardener, and P. S. Grewal. 2010. Differences in soil chemical properties with
distance to roads and age of development in urban areas. Urban Ecosystems, 13:
and P. S. Grewal. 2009. Dynamics of the soil nematode food
web and nutrient pools under tall fescue lawns established on soil matrices
resulting from common urban development activities. Applied Soil Ecology, 42:
D. S. Richmond, S. O. Salminen, and P. S. Grewal. 2008. Ecology of urban lawns
under three common management programs. Urban Ecosystems, 11: 177-195.
Cheng, Z., P. S. Grewal, B. R. Stinner, K. A. Hurto, and H. B. Hamza. 2008. Effects of long-term turfgrass management practices on soil nematode
community and nutrient pools. Applied Soil Ecology, 38: 174-184.
S. S., G.
B. Jagdale, Z. Cheng, C. W. Hoy, S. A.
Miller, and P. S. Grewal. 2007. Indicative value of soil
nematode food web indices and trophic group abundance in differentiating
habitats with a gradient of anthropogenic impact. Environmental Bioindicators,
2: 146-160.
Languages : English; Chinese