University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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Richard A  Criley

Name :

Richard A Criley

Title :

Emer Horticulturist

Unit :

Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences

Address :

3190 Maile Way
                  Honolulu, HI 96822

Room :

St. John 107

Phone :

(808) 956-8492

Fax :

(808) 956-3894

E-mail :

Website :

Specialties :

Flowers in gen.-Production-all aspectsFlowers in gen.-PropagationFlowers in gen.-NutritionFlowers in gen.-Growth RegulationFlowers in gen.-ControlFlowers in gen.-Species IdentificationFoliage in gen.-Production-all aspectsFoliage in gen.-Propagation

Professional Prep/Appointments :

B.S., Pennsylvania State University (1962) M.S., Horticulture, Pennsylvania State University (1964) Ph.D., Plant Science, UCLA (1968)

Projects :

? HAW-856H - Physiology of flowering of tropical ornamentals ? HAW-825H - Propagation of native Hawaiian plants for ornamental industry in Hawaii

Courses Taught:

TPSS 120E- Ornamentals (spring of odd years) TPSS 311 - Current Topics in Plant Science (undergraduate seminar, F08) TPSS 369 - Ornamental Plant Materials (fall of odd years) TPSS 420 - Plant Propagation (yearly in spring) TPSS 674 - Plant Growth and Development (fall of odd years)

Research Interests :

? Flowering: physiological manipulation of flowering in Dendrobium, ginger (Curcuma, Globba, Etlingera, Zingiber), plumeria, Rhododendron spp., Leucospermum, Leucadendron.? Propagation of ornamental and non-endangered native plants.

Selected Publications :

Criley, R. A. 2009. Plumeria rubra: an old ornamental, a new crop. Acta Hortic. 813:183-190. Criley, R. A. 2008. Ornamentals -- More than just beautiful. Acta Hortic. 788:23-28 Criley, R. A., K. W. Leonhardt , D. Oka, P. N. Shingaki. 2008. Extending the flowering period of Leucospermum hybrids through disbudding. Acta Hortic. 766:183-186 Criley, R. A., M. S. Roh, M. Kikuchi, and R. M. Manshardt. 2008. A comparison of Gardenia augusta cultivars using isozymes and RAPD markers. Acta Hortic. 766:461-468 Perez, H. E., R. A. Criley, and C. C. Baskin. 2008. Promoting germination in dormant seeds of Pritchardia remota (Kuntze) Beck., an endangered palm endemic to Hawaii. Natural Areas Journal 28:251-260. Roh, M. S., R. Lawson, J.S. Lee, J. K. Suh, R. A. Criley, P. Apavatjrut. 2006. Evaluation of Curcuma as potted plants and cut flowers. J. Hort. & Biotechnol. 81:63-71. Criley, R. A. 2006. Ethephon defoliation of Plumeria rubra for winter flowering. Proc. 32nd Ann. Mtg. Plant Growth Regulator Society of America. pp 65-68. Criley, R. A. 2006. Note on propagation of various tropical woody ornamentals. Comb. Proc. Intern. Plant Prop. Soc. 55:507-511. Paz, M. del P., J. S. Kuehny, G. McClure, C. Graham, and R. Criley. 2005. Effect of rhizome storage duration and temperature on carbohydrate content, respiration, growth and flowering of ornamental ginger. Acta Hortic. 673(2):737-744. Criley, R. A. 2005. Creating a potted, flowering Hedychium with growth retardants. Acta Horticulturae 683:201-205. Criley, R. A. 2005. Program assessment – It’s all the rage! Acta Horticulturae 672:111-118. Criley, R. A., J. Y. Uchida and Z. Fu. (2003) Productivity and periodicity of flowering in Heliconia orthotricha cultivars. Acta Hort. 624:207-212. Herring, E. C. and R. A. Criley. 2003. The Hawaiian native plant propagation web site: Developing a web-based information resource. HortTechnology 13(3):545-548. Maciel, N. and R. A. Criley. (2003) Morphology, growth and flowering behavior of Curcuma zedoaria Acta Hort. 624:111-116. Parvin,P. E., R. A. Criley, and J. H. Coetzee. 2003. Proteas – a dynamic industry. Acta Hort. 602:123-126. Paz, M.P., J.S. Kuehny, and R. Criley. 2003. Effect of rhizome storage time and temperature on growth and carbohydrate content of ornamental ginger. Acta Hort. 624:103-109. Criley, R. A., J. Y. Uchida and Z. Fu. 2003. Productivity and periodicity of flowering in Heliconia orthotricha cultivars. Acta Horticulturae 624:207-212. Agboka, D. and R. A.Criley. 2002. Control of vegetative growth and flowering in white ginger Hedychium coronarium Koenig. Bull. Heliconia Soc. Intern. 10(4):7-8. Criley, R.A. and N. Maciel. 2002. Seasonal flower production among Zingiberales – Some examples from a commercial cut flower grower in Hawaii. Bull. Heliconia Society Intern. 10(4):10-13. Criley, R. A., N. Maciel, Z. Fu, and J. Uchida. 2001. Productivity of three Heliconia hybrids. Bul. Heliconia Soc. Intern. 10(3):1-3. Criley, R. A. 2001. Proteaceae: Beyond the big three. Acta. Hort. 545:79-85. Criley, R. A. 2001. Vireyas: New Rhododendron variants for use as potted plants. Ohio Flor. Assoc. Bull. 855:4-6. Book Reviews: Criley, R. A. 2008. Plant Tropisms. S. Gilroy and P. H. Masson. 2008. Blackwell Publ/John Wiley & Sons. IN NACTA Journal 52(2):68-69. Criley, R. A. 2005. Floriculture Principles and Species. 2nd Ed. J. M. Dole & H. A. Wilkins. 2005. Pearson/Prentice Hall. NACTA J. 49(4):70-71. Criley, R. A. 2002. A field guide to tropical plants of Asia. (A book review) HortTechnology 12:744-745 Criley, R. A. 2001. A Painter’s Year in the Forests of Bhutan. (A book review) HortTechnology 11:679. Book chapter contributions Criley, R. A. 2008. Anthurium. Heart of Hawaii’s Floral Industry. Pp 62-63. IN Hawai’I’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Celebrating the First 100 years. B. M. Brennan and J. R. Hollyer (Eds.) The College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii, Honolulu HI Criley, R. A. 2008. Orchids. An image of paradise. Pp. 64-65. IN Hawai’I’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Celebrating the First 100 years. B. M. Brennan and J. R. Hollyer (Eds.) The College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii, Honolulu HI Criley, R. A. 2008. Protea. A global competitor. Pp. 66-67. IN Hawai’I’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Celebrating the First 100 years. B. M. Brennan and J. R. Hollyer (Eds.) The College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii, Honolulu HI