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 Name : Kent D Kobayashi
Title : Associate Researcher
Unit : Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences
Address : 3190 Maile Way Honolulu, HI 96822
Room : St. John 207A
Phone : (808) 956-7876
Fax : (808) 956-3894
E-mail :
Specialties : Photomorphogenesis, photobiology, plant nutrient management, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), floriculture and ornamental crops, hydroponics, crop modeling.
Professional Prep/Appointments :
• Ph.D., Horticulture, Oregon State University, 1981.
• B.S., Horticulture, Oregon State University, 1978.
• M.Ag., Agronomic Crop Science, Oregon State University, 1975.
• B.S., Entomology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1972.
• Hilo High School, 1968.
Projects :
• Light-emitting Diodes for Anthurium Micropropagation.
• Environmental and Nutrient Management of Ornamental and Nursery Crops.
• Alternative Media and Fertilizer Formulations Utilized in the Production of Floral and Nursery Crops.
• Nutrient Management System for Potted Dendrobium and Oncidium Orchids.
• Light Quality Enhancement of Flowering of Orchids and Anthurium.
Courses Taught:
• TPSS 674 Plant Growth and Development (team taught).
• TPSS 654 Communications in the Sciences.
Professional Interests :
• Photobiology and photomorphogenesis of ornamental and nursery crops.
• Plant nutrition management of ornamental and nursery crops.
• Hydroponic production of vegetable crops.
• Modeling growth, phenology, and yield of tropical crops.
Chair, Plant Nutrient Management (PNM) Working Group, American Society for Horticultural Science.
Advisory Committee, The American Pomological Society.
• LEDs (light-emitting diodes) for plant growth and development.
• iPhone applications in agriculture
• Computer applications in horticulture.
• Agricultural technology--space farming, robotics, green roofs, vertical farming.
Mentor, Hawaii Space Grant Consortium.
• Technology in education.
Publications :
• Liu, L. and K.D. Kobayashi. 2011. Estimating leaf area of five cultivars of coffee plants in Hawaii. Tropical Agriculture (in press).
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2011. Orchid care for the novice--an orchid's perspective. Orchid World (in press).
• Kobayashi, K.D. and K. Perez. 2011. Graduate students—an untapped teaching resource for an undergraduate horticulture production systems course. 2011 Hawaii International Conference on Education-Conference Proceedings, p. 4343-4351.
• Clifford, P. and K. Kobayashi. 2010. Non-invasive fruit trees for gardens in Hawaii. Cooperative Extension Service, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Fruit, Nut, and Beverage Crops, F_N-17, 10 p.
• Clifford, P. and K. Kobayashi. 2010. Non-invasive landscape plants with fragrant flowers. Cooperative Extension Service, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Ornamentals and Flowers, OF-46, 9 p.
• Kobayashi, K.D., T.J.K. Radovich, and B.E. Moreno. 2010. A tropical perspective on environmental sustainability in horticultural education. HortTechnology 20(3):503-508.
• Kobayashi, K.D. and K. Perez. 2010. Could horticultural virtual field trips supplement actual field trips? 2010 Hawaii International Conference on Education-Conference Proceedings, p. 2934-2946.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2009. Effects of photoselective shadecloth and plastic film on the growth of potted poinsettia. Proceedings 35th National Agricultural Plastics Congress, 5 p.
• Perez, K., K. Kobayashi, and G. Sako. 2009. Foxtail Palm, Wodyetia bifurcata. Cooperative Extension Service, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Ornamentals and Flowers, OF-45, 4 p.
• Kobayashi, K., E. Mersino, A. Kawabata, J. Lichty, and J. Griffis. 2009. Sustainability in Ornamental Crop Production. CTAHR Research News. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. p. 21-22.
• Kobayashi, K.D. and K. Perez. 2009. Enhanced active learning and TA involvement in a production systems horticulture course. 2009 Hawaii International Conference on Education-Conference Proceedings, p. 738-748.
• Kobayashi, K., R. Criley, A. Kaufman, S. Tsugawa, A. Ricordi, and P. Clifford. 2008. Barrier Plants. Cooperative Extension Service, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Landscape, L-20, 9 p.
• Kobayashi, K.D. and E. F. Mersino. 2008. Photoselective shadecloths alter flowering of potted orchids. Proceedings 34th National Agricultural Plastics Congress, 6 p.
• Sadanaga, K. and K.D. Kobayashi. 2008. Kupukupu Fern. Cooperative Extension Service, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Ornamentals and Flowers, OF-43, 3 p.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2008. Enhancing graduate students' professional writing and oral communication skills. 2008 Hawaii International Conference on Education-Conference Proceedings, p. 2093-2100.
• Kawabata, A.F., J.S. Lichty, K.D. Kobayashi, and W.S. Sakai. 2007. Effects of photoselective shade cloths on potted (Dracaena deremensis) 'Janet Craig' and (Dracaena marginata) 'Colorama.' Journal for Hawaiian and Pacific Agriculture 14:49-54.
• Kobayashi, K.D., A.J. Kaufman, J. Griffis, and J. McConnell. 2007. Using houseplants to clean indoor air. Cooperative Extension Service, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Ornamentals and Flowers, OF-39, 7 p.
• Kobayashi, K.D., J. McConnell, and J. Griffis. 2007. Bougainvillea. Cooperative Extension Service, College of Tropical Agriculture and Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Ornamentals and Flowers, OF-38, 12 p.
• Kobayashi, K.D., J. McEwen, and A.J. Kaufman. 2007. Ornamental ginger, red and pink. Cooperative Extension Service, College of Tropical Agriculture and Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Ornamentals and Flowers, OF-37, 8 p.
• Kobayashi, K., J. Griffis, A. Kawabata, and G. Sako. 2007. Hawaiian Ti. Cooperative Extension Service, College of Tropical Agriculture and Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Ornamentals and Flowers, OF-33, 14 p.
• Kobayashi, K.D., A.F. Kawabata, J.S. Lichty, and W.S. Sakai. 2006. Growth and flowering of potted anthurium 'Lola' under photoselective shadecloths. Proceedings 33rd National Agricultural Plastics Congress, 5 p.
• Kobayashi, K.D. and A.J. Kaufman. 2006. Common Gardenia. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Ornamentals and Flowers, OF-32, 7 p.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2006. A writing course to develop scientific writing skills of graduate students in tropical agriculture. 2006 Hawaii International Conference on Education-Conference Proceedings, p. 3425-3434.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2006. Use of computer simulation to enhance student learning of crop physiology. 2006 Hawaii International Conference on Education-Conference Proceedings, p. 3435-3443.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2005. Enhancing student learning of computer application,high technology, and robotics in agriculture. 2005 Hawaii International Conference on Education-Conference Preceedings, p. 2307-2314.
• Kobayashi, K.D. and H. Perez. 2005. Professional development series: preparing graduate students for graduate school and beyond. 2005 Hawaii International Conference on Education-Conference Proceedings, p. 23-15-2321.
• Perez, H. and K.D. Kobayashi. 2004. Graduate student professional development: a case study. HortTechnology 14(4):625-627.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2004. Effect of photoselective plastic film on the growth of chrysanthemums. 2004 Hawaii International Conference on Sciences-Conference Proceedings. p. 453-459.
• Loero, D.R. and K.D. Kobayashi. 2004. Estimating yield of coffee in Kona, Hawaii. 2004 Hawaii International Conference on Sciences-Conference Proceedings. p. 460-469.
• Kobayashi, K.D., D.L. Hensley, and H.C. Bittenbender. 2004. Selecting trees for landscaping using a hypermedia information system. 2004 Hawaii International Conference on Computer Sciences-Conference. p. 296-302.
• Kobayashi, K.D. and K. Perez. 2010. Could horticultural virtual field trips supplement actual field trips? 2010 Hawaii International Conference on Education-Conference. January 7-10, 2010, Honolulu, HI.
• Kobayashi, K.D. and J. Griffis. 2009. Use of light-emitting diodes in dracaena micropropagation. 2009 American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. July 25-28, 2009. St. Louis, MO. HortScience 44(4):1105.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2009. Nutrient management of potted dendrobium and oncidium orchids. 2009 American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. July 25-28, 2009. St. Louis, MO. HortScience 44(4):1187.
• Kobayashi, K.D.* and K. Perez. 2009. Virtual field trips in a tropical production systems course. 2009 American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. July 25-28, 2009. St. Louis, MO. HortScience 44(4):1138.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2009. Effects of photo selective shade cloth and plastic film on the growth of potted poinsettia. Proceedings 35th National Agricultural Plastics Congress.
• Kobayashi, K.D. and K. Perez. 2009. Enhanced active learning and TA involvement in a production systems horticulture course. 2009 Hawaii International Conference on Education. January 4-7, 2009. Conference Proceedings, p. 738-748.
• Kobayashi, K. and J.L. Griffis, Jr. 2008. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and their possible uses in micropropagation. Hawaii Agriculture Conference Ag 2008. September 4-5, 2008. Honolulu, HI. Ag 2008 Program, p. 19.
• Kobayashi, K., J. Griffis, A. Kawabata, and J. Lichty. 2008. Alternative potting media and reduced fertilization for impatiens. Hawaii Agriculture Conference Ag 2008. September 4-5, 2008. Honolulu, HI. Ag 2008 Program, p. 19.
• Kobayashi, K.D.* and E.F. Mersino. 2008. Photoselective shadecloths influence flowering of Dendrobium orchids. 2008 American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. July 21-24, 2008. Orlando, FL. HortScience 43(4):1262.
• Kobayashi, K.D.*, J.L. Griffis, Jr., A.F. Kawabata, and J.S. Lichty. 2008. Effects of alternative media and fertilizer level on potted impatiens. 2008 American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. July 21-24, 2008. Orlando, FL. HortScience 43(4):1175-1176.
• Ortega, G., T.J.K. Radovich*, J.K. Leary, and K. Kobayashi. 2008. Greenhouse screening and field evaluation for weed tolerance in Brassica oleracea genotypes. 2008 American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. July 21-24, 2008. Orlando, FL. HortScience 43(4):1226-1227.
• Perez, H.*, Hill, L.M., Criley, R., Baskin, C., Drake, D., Kobayashi, K., Maunder, M., Walters, C.T. 2008. Physiological aspects of seed development in a hawaiian palm. 9th International Conference on Seed Biology. July 6-11, 2008. Olsztyn, Poland. pp. 135. Meeting Abstract.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2008. Enhancing graduate students' professional writing and oral communication skills. 2008 Hawaii International Conference on Education. January 5-8, 2008. Honolulu, HI.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2007. Effects of photoselective shadecloths and plastic film on the growth and flowering of poinsettia and Easter lily. 2007 American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. July 16-19, 2007. Scottsdale, AZ. HortScience 42(4):949.
• Kobayashi, K.D.* and E.F. Mersino. 2007. Effects of photoselective shadecloths on flowering of potted Dendrobium Remy Hartmann orchids. 2007 American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. July 16 19, 2007. Scottsdale, AZ. HortScience 42(4):949-950.
• Kobayashi, K.D.* and E.F. Mersino. 2006. Effects of photoselective shadecloths on flowering of potted orchids. 2006 American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. July 27-30, 2006. New Orleans, LA. HortScience 41(4):1066.
• Kobayashi, K.D.*, A.F. Kawabata, and J.S. Lichty. 2006. Effects of photoselective shadecloths on potted Dracaena and Anthurium plants. 2006 American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. July 27-30, 2006. New Orleans, LA. HortScience 41(4):1053-1054.
• Kobayashi, K.D.*, A.J. Kaufman, and A.A. Ohama. 2006. A website of horticulturally important plants on the University of Hawaii campus. 2006 American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. July 27-30, 2006. New Orleans, LA. HortScience 41(4):1045.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2006. A writing course to develop scientific writing skills of graduate students in tropical agriculture. 2006 Hawaii International Conference on Education. January 6-9, 2006. Honolulu, HI.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2006. Use of computer simulation to enhance student learning of crop physiology. 2006 Hawaii International Conference on Education. January 6-9, 2006. Honolulu, HI.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2005. Effects of photoselective shadecloths on growth and development of orchids. Hawaii Orchid Growers Association Annual Conference. October 7-9, 2005. Hilo, HI.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2005. Effects of photoselective shadecloths on growth and flowering of potted chrysanthemum. 2005 American Society for Horticultural Sciences Annual Conference. HortScience 40(4):1012. July 18-21, 2005. Las Vegas, NV.
• Kobayashi, K.D.* and E.F. Mersino. 2005. Effects of photoselective shadecloths on growth of potted orchids. 2005 American Society for Horticultural Sciences Annual Conference. HortScience 40(4):1014. July 18-21, 2005. Las Vegas, NV.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2005. Enhancing professional development of graduate students through a scientific writing course. 2005 American Society for Horticultural Sciences Annual Conference. HortScience 40(4):1043. July 18-21, 2005. Las Vegas, NV.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2005. Enhancing student learning of computer application, high technology, and robotics in agriculture. 2005 Hawaii International Conference on Education. January 4-7, 2005. Honolulu, HI.
• Kobayashi, K.D.* and H. Perez. 2005. Professional development series: preparing graduate students for graduate school and beyond. 2005 Hawaii International Conference on Education. January 4-7, 2005. Honolulu, HI.
• Kobayashi, K.D.*, H.C. Bittenbender, and I.S. Campbell. 2004. Farmer's Bookshelf information system: Evolving to meet the needs of stakeholders. 2004 Extension Conference. October 20, 2004. Honolulu, HI.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2004. Height control of potted chrysanthemums withphotoselective plastic film and shadecloth. 2004 Extension Conference. October 20, 2004. Honolulu,HI.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2004. Effect of photoselective shadecloth and plastic film on growth of chrysanthemums under supplemental lighting. 101st Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. HortScience 39(4):837. July 17-20, 2004. Austin, TX.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2004. Enhancing students learning of high technology in horticulture. 101st Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. HortScience 39(4):809. July 17-20, 2004. Austin, TX.
• Kobayashi, K.D. 2004. Effect of photoselective plastic film on the growth of chrysanthemums. 2004 Hawaii International Conference on Sciences. January 15-18, 2004. Honolulu, HI.
• Loero, D.R. and K.D. Kobayashi*. 2004. Estimating yield of coffee in Kona, Hawaii. 2004 Hawaii International Conference on Sciences. January 15-18, 2004. Honolulu, HI.
• Kobayashi, K.D.*, D. Hensley, and H.C. Bittenbender. 2004. Selecting trees for landscaping using a hypermedia information system. 2004 Hawaii International Conference on Computer Sciences. January 15-18, 2004. Honolulu, HI.
• Kobayashi, K.D.*, H.C. Bittenbender, and I.S. Campbell. 2004. Farmers Bookshelf information system on crop production. American Farm Bureau Federation 85th Annual Meeting. 2004 Meet the Researchers, p. 14. January 10-14, 2004. Honolulu, HI.
• Organized and moderated the "Innovative Applications of Computer in Horticulture" workshop held at the 2009 American Society for Horticultural Science Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2009.
• Moderated and invited speaker in the "ASHS Primer: Getting the Most out of the Conference" workshop held at the American Society for Horticultural Science Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2009.
• Organized and moderated the "Current Innovative Computer Applications in Horticulture" workshop held at the American Society for Horticultural Science Conference, Orlando, FL, 2008.
• Invited speaker in the "ASHS Primer: Attending a Professional Conference" workshop held at the American Society for Horticultural Science Conference, Orlando, FL, 2008.
• Organized and moderated the "Current Innovative Uses of Mechanization in Horticulture" workshop held at the American Society for Horticultural Science Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2006.
• Organized and moderated the "Current Innovative Computer Applications in Horticulture" workshop held at the American Society for Horticultural Science Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 2005.