University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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Yong  Li

Name :

Yong Li

Title :


Unit :

Department of Human Nutrition, Food & Animal Sciences

Address :

1955 East West Road
                  Honolulu, HI 96822

Room :

Ag Sciences Building 302C

Phone :

(808) 956-6408

Fax :

(808) 956-4024

E-mail :

Specialties :

Food Microbiology, Food Safety

Professional Prep/Appointments :

• M.A. Statistics, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2005
• Ph.D. Food Science, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2004
• M.S. Microbiology, China Agricultural University, China, 1997
• B.S. Microbiology, China Agricultural University, China, 1994

Projects :

• PI.  Prebiotic and antimicrobial potential of tropical commodities. USDA-ARS. 2018-2024
• CoPI, with Jun, S., and Ho, K. Electric and magnetic field-based supercooling technology to ensure the freshness in the food supply chain.  USDA-AFRI. 2021-2024
• CoPI, with Ho, K., and Jun, S. Empowering underrepresented graduate students with advanced research training in Food Science.  USDA-AFRI. 2022-2027
• PI, with Odani, J., Klinger-Bowen, R., and Brodsky, M.C. Detection and Control of finfish pathogens in Hawaiian aquaculture. Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture. 2023-2024



Selected Courses Taught:

• FSHN 403. Microbiology of Foods
• FSHN 440. Food Safety
• FSHN 494. Food Science Capstone
• FSHN 701. Rapid Detection and Fingerprinting of Microbes in Food



Research Interests :

• Novel detection methods for foodborne pathogens
• Natural antimicrobials and alternative sanitation techniques
• Prebiotics, probiotics and gut health
• Microbial survival and virulence during food processing

Selected Recent Publications :

Saxby, S.M., Dong, L., Ho, K.K.H.Y., Lee, C.N., Wall, M., and Li, Y. 2024. Nutritional, physicochemical, and functional properties of Hawaiian taro (Colocasia esculenta) flours: A comparative study. Journal of Food Science. DOI:

Dong, L., Wall, M., and Li, Y. 2023. Behaviors of Salmonella Typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes on whole avocado during storage at 21 or 7°C and their reduction by aqueous chlorine dioxide and peroxyacetic acid. LWT-Food Science and Technology 173: Article No. 114359. DOI:

Wu, B., Hu, J.S., and Li, Y. 2022. Development of an ultra-sensitive single-tube nested PCR assay for rapid detection of Campylobacter jejuni in ground chicken. Food Microbiology 106: Article No. 104052. DOI: 

Dong, L., Wall, M., and Li, Y. 2022. Aqueous chlorine dioxide generated with organic acids have higher antimicrobial efficacy than those generated with inorganic acids. International Journal of Food Microbiology 369: Article No. 109632. DOI:

Liu, X., Wu, B., Nakamoto, S.T., Imamura, J.L., and Li, Y. 2022. Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157:H7 growth by ohelo berry (Vaccinium calycinum) fractions: anthocyanins, non-anthocyanins phenolics, and organic acids. Microorganisms 10: Article No. 2231. DOI: