Memorandum of Agreement Relating to Quality Care for Home-Based and Center-Based Child Care Providers | Human Services, Dept - HI | 6/1/2007 | Yuen, Sylvia | $646,787 |
Learning to Grow 2007-2008 | Human Services, Dept - HI | 6/1/2007 | Fong, Grace | $601,213 |
Area-Wide Pest Management Tephritid Flies that Infest Hawaii-Grown Fruits and Vegetables | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 8/14/2007 | Mau, Ronald | $550,000 |
Portal Program for Iraq and Afghanistan Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT-Portal) | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 8/21/2007 | Jarjees, Ekhlass | $471,646 |
United States Navy/4-H Youth Development Project | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 11/1/2007 | Ikeda, Carol | $250,000 |
Hawaiian Home Lands Agricultural Education Program | Hawaiian Home Lands, Dept - HI | 1/23/2007 | Nishijima, Wayne | $239,993 |
Value-added Products and Postharvest Treatments Development for Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/28/2007 | Hashimoto, Andrew | $237,519 |
Protecting Papaya from Pests and Diseases | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 4/4/2007 | Vincent, Douglas | $216,713 |
Relating to the Evaluation of the UPLINK Program | Human Services, Dept - HI | 12/10/2007 | Yuen, Sylvia | $202,000 |
Implementing Quarantine Heat Treatments for the Coqui Frog and Other Invasive Species Impacting the Hawaiian Nursery Industry | Agriculture, Dept - HI | 5/23/2007 | Hara, Arnold | $200,000 |
Hawaii Pineapple Improvement | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/27/2007 | Vincent, Douglas | $189,970 |
Protecting Papaya from Pests and Diseases | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/27/2007 | Vincent, Douglas | $189,970 |
Data Collection and Analysis of Substance Abuse Prevention Services | Health, Dept - Alcohol & Drug Abuse Div-HI | 2/27/2007 | Yuen, Sylvia | $189,017 |
Minor Crops Pest and Disease Control | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/27/2007 | Vincent, Douglas | $180,426 |
Data Collection and Analysis of Substance Abuse Prevention Services | Health, Dept - HI | 10/17/2007 | He, Shi-Jen | $173,283 |
Longevity Foods, Sirt Activation and Diabetic Dyslipidemia | Health & Human Svc, Dept - Natl Inst of Health (NIH) | 9/26/2007 | Nerurkar, Pratibha | $173,000 |
Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation's Professional Development Program: Enhancing On-Farm Performance in Food Safety to Market the Highest Quality Produce | Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation | 9/28/2007 | Hollyer, James | $160,000 |
Environmental Effects of Tephritid Fruit Fly Eradication and Control | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/27/2007 | Vincent, Douglas | $159,716 |
Attraction of Non-Target Organisms to Fruit Fly Female Attractants and Male Lures in Hawai‘I | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 8/14/2007 | Rubinoff, Daniel | $151,423 |
Water Quality Research and Extension in Hawaii | Arizona, University of | 10/30/2007 | Evensen, Carl | $151,370 |
A Risk Management Training Program for Socially Disadvantaged Filipino and Southeast Asian Growers of Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 8/24/2007 | Swift, Sabina | $150,000 |
Terrestrial Oilcrops for Biodiesel Production | Agriculture, Dept - HI | 5/14/2007 | Uehara, Goro | $150,000 |
Food Stamp Nutrition Education - UH/CES | Health & Human Svc, Dept - FED | 9/24/2007 | Kanehiro, Naomi | $149,640 |
Services to Evaluate and Monitor Substance Abuse Service Outcomes and Process Evaluation Activities of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division Funded… | Health, Dept - Alcohol & Drug Abuse Div-HI | 6/18/2007 | Yuen, Sylvia | $147,563 |
UH-CTAHR Extension and Research Projects in Maui County FY2008 | County of Maui - Ofc of Economic Development | 12/13/2007 | Keyser, Harold | $132,556 |
Ralstonia Solanacearum Race 3 biovar 2: Detection, Exclusion, and Analysis of a Select Agent Pathogen | Wisconsin Madison, University of | 4/3/2007 | Alvarez, Anne | $131,408 |
Manduca blackburni Sphinx Moth as a Model Organism for Hybrid Insect MEMS Technology and Feasibility Study for Aquatic Beetle MEMS | Defense, Dept - Advanced Rsch Proj Agency | 10/5/2007 | Rubinoff, Daniel | $127,740 |
Supplement to Initial Proposal: Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Online BodybuggTM Calorie Monitoring System for Long-term Weight Control | APEX Fitness Group, Inc | 4/30/2007 | Titchenal, C | $126,684 |
Networking, Collaborating, and Partnering for Effective Family & Community Programs | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 5/8/2007 | Ikeda, Carol | $124,000 |
Hawaii Pineapple Improvement | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 4/4/2007 | Vincent, Douglas | $117,866 |
Management of Formosan Subterranean Termites in Hawaii Through School Campus Based Research and Suppression | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 7/12/2007 | Grace, Jack | $112,500 |
Biological Control, Invasive Species, and Public Policy | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 6/19/2007 | Messing, Russell | $112,000 |
Nutrition Consultation and Review | Human Services, Dept - HI | 4/27/2007 | Kanehiro, Naomi | $100,000 |
Assisting Rainwater Catchment System Users in Hawaii County | County of Hawaii | 2/23/2007 | Macomber, Patricia | $100,000 |
Synthesis of Fluorescent Peptide Toxins for Cellular Imaging of Ion Channels Detective in LQT Syndromes | American Heart Association | 12/7/2007 | Bingham, Jon-Paul | $97,500 |
Solarization and Cover Crop as Alternatives to Soil Fumigants for Hawaii Pineapple Growers | Environmental Protection Agency | 10/26/2007 | Wang, Koon-Hui | $90,000 |
A Survey of the Natural Resources, Fine-Fuel Loads, and Extent of Fountain Grass Invasion on Rangelands in the Pu‘u Wa‘awa‘a Area of West Hawaii | West Hawaii Wildfire Management Org | 2/27/2007 | Thorne, Mark | $86,241 |
Detection, Control and Mitigation of Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) and Citrus Tristeza (CTV) Virus in Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/27/2007 | Vincent, Douglas | $77,151 |
Multi-Sensor Translation of EOS Reflectance and Vegetation Index Products for Long Term Continuity with AVHRR | National Aeronautics & Space Administration | 3/20/2007 | Miura, Tomoaki | $75,156 |
2006 Hawaii Kids Count Plan Guidelines | Casey (Annie E.) Foundation | 2/20/2007 | Yuen, Sylvia | $75,000 |
Hawaii Rainfall and Forage Production Index Project | Agriculture, Dept - Ntrl Resources Conservation Svc -FED | 8/8/2007 | Thorne, Mark | $73,334 |
Genetic Selection of Beef Cattle Through DNA and Ultrasound Technology | Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation | 9/28/2007 | Yang, Jinzeng | $70,000 |
Western Regional Center in the National Plant Diagnostic Network | California Davis, University of | 10/5/2007 | Alvarez, Anne | $70,000 |
Establishment of a Chemical Database of Hawaiian Coffees for Origin Authentication Using Gas Chromatography and Near Infrared Spectroscopy | Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation | 9/28/2007 | Gautz, Loren | $65,825 |
Innovations in Stream Phytoremediation and Erosion Control of Degraded Steam Banks | Sustainable Resources Group International | 6/19/2007 | Bruland, Gregory | $63,502 |
Development of Isoform Specific Sensory Neuronal Sodium Channel Blockers | Indiana University | 4/16/2007 | Bingham, Jon-Paul | $62,606 |
Prevention and Control of Invasive Termite Species in Hawaii and the American Pacific | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 8/29/2007 | Grace, Jack | $60,500 |
Management of Formosan Subterranean Termites in Hawaii Through School Campus Based Research and Suppression | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/4/2007 | Grace, Jack | $59,463 |
Pacific Regional Aquaculture Information Service for Education (PRAISE) and Publications, Year 1--Publications Components | Oceanic Institute - Ctr for Tropical & Subtrpcl Aquaculture (CTSA) | 8/15/2007 | Hashimoto, Andrew | $56,270 |
2007 Hawaii IR-4 Food Use Field Projects | California Davis, University of | 10/17/2007 | Kawate, Michael | $54,000 |
Water Quality Research and Extension Coordination in Hawaii | Arizona, University of | 2/27/2007 | Evensen, Carl | $53,725 |
Ultrasensitive Immunoassays Using a Novel Phage-Mediated Signal-Amplification System | HCF-Straub (George F) Trust Estate | 6/6/2007 | Su, Wei-Wen | $50,000 |
Hawaii Pest Management and Regulatory Information and Notification Network | California Davis, University of | 11/2/2007 | Kawate, Michael | $50,000 |
Nutrition Service for Older Adults | Health, Dept - Executive Office on Aging-HI | 5/24/2007 | Kanehiro, Naomi | $50,000 |
Hawaii Animal Premise Identification System Outreach and Communication | Agriculture, Dept - HI | 6/8/2007 | Thorne, Mark | $49,000 |
Analysis of Energy Crop Production and Other Agricultural- Related Uses For Dole's North Shore and Lanai | Dole Food Company | 5/3/2007 | Ogoshi, Richard | $47,543 |
Soil Organic Matter Management to Improve Soil and Crop Quality on Intensive Vegetable Farms in Hawaii | Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation | 9/28/2007 | Deenik, Jonathan | $46,513 |
New Innovations in Native Forest Restoration for High-Elevation Rangelands Infested with the Noxious Weed Kikuyu Grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) | Agriculture, Dept - Ntrl Resources Conservation Svc -FED | 8/9/2007 | Idol, Travis | $46,040 |
Enhancing Phyto-Nutrient Content, Yield and Quality of Vegetables with Compost Tea in the Tropics | Utah State University | 8/20/2007 | Radovich, Theodore | $45,343 |
Implementation of Local Action Strategy to Address Land-based Pollution Threats to Hawaii's Coral Reefs | Land & Natural Res, Dept - Div of Aquatic Resources-HI | 6/20/2007 | Evensen, Carl | $45,000 |
Communication in Agricultural Biotechnology | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/28/2007 | Wieczorek, Anna | $42,305 |
Baby SAFE Program Report | Health, Dept - Maternal and Child Health Branch-HI | 10/10/2007 | Yuen, Sylvia | $41,000 |
Rapid Assessment and Trajectory Modeling of Soil Carbon Across a Southeastern Landscape | Florida, University of | 11/27/2007 | Bruland, Gregory | $40,431 |
Development of Best Management Practices for the Control of Madagascar Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis Poiret) in Hawaii | Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation | 9/28/2007 | Thorne, Mark | $40,000 |
Enhancing Soil Quality and Fruit Tree Growth with Arachis pintoi Cover Crops in Hawaii Orchards | Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation | 9/28/2007 | Radovich, Theodore | $38,751 |
Biotic and Abiotic Attenuation of Nitrogenous Energetic Compounds (NEC) in Coastal Waters and Sediments | Defense, Dept - Office of Naval Research | 6/25/2007 | Li, Qingxiao | $36,971 |
The Kauai Hybrid Papaya Project | Agriculture, Dept - HI | 6/12/2007 | Sekioka, Terry | $35,659 |
Home Range and Disturbance Patterns of Feral Pigs | Nature Conservancy of Hawaii | 12/26/2007 | Lepczyk, Christopher | $35,000 |
Analyses of Honey Imported into Hawaii for Contaminants and Adulterants and Country of Origin | Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation | 9/28/2007 | Li, Qingxiao | $32,000 |
Management of Banana Bunchy Top in Hawaii - Western Regional Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (WSARE) Professional Development Program | Utah State University | 3/23/2007 | Hooks, Cerruti | $30,674 |
Military 4-H Grant | Kansas State University | 12/26/2007 | Nakatsuka, Claire | $30,000 |
Minor Use Pesticide Research | California Davis, University of | 3/9/2007 | Li, Qingxiao | $30,000 |
A Pilot Monitoring for On-Site PCB Removal from Waste Oil | Dawson Group, Inc | 3/23/2007 | Yang, Ping-Yi | $30,000 |
Identifying the Bacteria (Types) that is Causing Milk to Spoil | Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation | 9/28/2007 | Lee, Chin | $29,913 |
Analysis of a Hybrid Recombinant Protein to Increase the Specificity and Coverage of In Vitro Diagnostic Kits for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis | HCF-Leahi Fund | 2/22/2007 | Borthakur, Dulal | $29,815 |
Survey for Bacterial Pests Associated with Heart Rot Disease of Pineapple and Blight Diseases of Vegetatively Propagated Ornamental Crops | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/5/2007 | Alvarez, Anne | $28,410 |
Grocery Store Tour: Touring Our Supermarkets for Salads, Soups and Stir-Frys | Health, Dept - HI | 8/13/2007 | Kanehiro, Naomi | $28,200 |
Control of Natural Flowering of Pineapple | Agriculture, Dept - HI | 6/8/2007 | Paull, Robert | $28,142 |
Sustainable Management of Corn Ear Worm (Helicoverpa zea) on Seed Corn in Hawaii Using Augmentative Biological Control | Agriculture, Dept - HI | 6/5/2007 | Wright, Mark | $25,358 |
Attraction of Non-Target Organisms to Fruit Fly Female Attractants and Male Lures in Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/27/2007 | Rubinoff, Daniel | $25,000 |
Subregional Showcase Conference for Hawaii | Utah State University | 11/27/2007 | Deenik, Jonathan | $25,000 |
Virtual Field Days to Improve Farmer-Researcher-Extension Linkages | Utah State University | 12/26/2007 | Deenik, Jonathan | $25,000 |
Area-Wide Pest Management Tephritid Flies that Infest Hawaii-Grown Fruits and Vegetables | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/28/2007 | Mau, Ronald | $25,000 |
Educating Family Caregivers on Healthcare Fraud | Health, Dept - Executive Office on Aging-HI | 6/8/2007 | Yancura, Loriena | $25,000 |
Coordination and Implementation of Hawaii's Local Action Strategy to Address Land-Based Pollution Threats to Coral Reefs | Agriculture, Dept - Ntrl Resources Conservation Svc -FED | 9/6/2007 | Evensen, Carl | $25,000 |
Hawaii Pesticide Applicator Training 2008-2010 Work Plan | Agriculture, Dept - HI | 6/12/2007 | Nagamine, Charles | $24,990 |
Remediation of Arsenic in Hawaii Soils: Laboratory and Field Pilot Studies of Phytoremediation | Health, Dept - HI | 12/18/2007 | Hue, Nguyen | $24,000 |
Economic Analytical Support for Fishery Management Actions | Commerce, Dept - Natl Oceanic & Atmospheric Adm (NOAA) | 8/20/2007 | Leung, Ping | $24,000 |
Research on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren in Hawaii | Health, Dept - Executive Office on Aging-HI | 6/19/2007 | Yancura, Loriena | $23,997 |
Relationship of an Alien Plant, Fuel Dynamics, Fire Weather and Unprecedented Wildfires in Hawaiian Rain Forest | Oregon State University | 8/29/2007 | Litton, Creighton | $22,966 |
2007 Funding for Mutual Interest | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/12/2007 | Grace, Jack | $22,000 |
Phylogeography, Conservation and Evolution of Northwest Hawaiian Islands Case-Bearing Moths (Hyposmocoma: Cosmopteridgidae) | National Geographic Society | 3/16/2007 | Rubinoff, Daniel | $20,060 |
Agricultural Biotechnology and Marketing Outreach for Hawaii Crops | Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation | 9/28/2007 | Wieczorek, Anna | $20,000 |
Phosphorus Decision Support System: Developing a Model for Predicting Amounts of Rock Phosphate Needed to Meet Crop P. Requirements - Fellow A.Diarra | California Davis, University of | 2/6/2007 | Yost, Russell | $20,000 |
Effects of Diet and Season on Nutrient Assimilation, Energetic Efficiency, Body Composition, Blood Metabolites and Hormone Profiles on Growing… | Alaska SeaLife Center | 11/6/2007 | Carpenter, James | $20,000 |
Characterization of East African Apple AAB/AB and 'Muraru' AA Groups of Banana Accessions Fellowship M. Onyango | California Davis, University of | 4/11/2007 | Manshardt, Richard | $19,900 |
Supplement to Initial Proposal: Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Online BodybuggTM Calorie Monitoring System for Long-term Weight Control | APEX Fitness Group, Inc | 2/8/2007 | Titchenal, C | $19,285 |
Evaluation Contract with Na Kamalei K.E.E.P. | Na Kamalei KEEP | 2/23/2007 | DeBaryshe, Barbara | $18,000 |
Evaluation of Subterranean Termite Behavior and Control | Dow AgroSciences | 1/1/2007 | Grace, Jack | $17,500 |
SARE Professional Development Program Plan for Hawaii | Wyoming, University of | 9/11/2007 | Radovich, Theodore | $15,000 |
Plant and Protein Biotech Research | University of Hawaii Foundation | 11/8/2007 | Su, Wei-Wen | $15,000 |
2005 Minor Use Pesticide Research | California Davis, University of | 3/9/2007 | Li, Qingxiao | $15,000 |
Contribution of Agriculture to Hawaii's Economy: An Update | Agriculture, Dept - HI | 10/1/2007 | Leung, Ping | $14,950 |
2007 - Mealani Forage Field Day Educational Program | Agriculture, Dept - Ntrl Resources Conservation Svc -FED | 5/17/2007 | Thorne, Mark | $14,209 |
Improved Water Management Technology for Hawaii's High Value Export Crops | County of Hawaii | 8/24/2007 | Singleton, Paul | $11,959 |
Effect of Season, Location and Age of Regrowth on Forage Protein and Carbohydrate Fractions, and In Vitro Digestibility of Tropical Grasses | County of Hawaii | 8/16/2007 | Carpenter, James | $10,800 |
Potential Productivity of Corn-based Bioethanol for Hawaii County | County of Hawaii | 8/24/2007 | Brewbaker, James | $10,000 |
Identification of the Sex Pheromone of the Banana Moth, Opogona sacchari Boher in Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/27/2007 | Wright, Mark | $10,000 |
Genetic Identity, Range and Phylogeography of the Threatened Kern Primrose Sphinx Moth (Euproserpinus euterpe) | Interior, Dept - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service | 11/8/2007 | Rubinoff, Daniel | $10,000 |
2007 -- Funding for Research of Mutual Interest - Amendment #1 | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 4/25/2007 | Grace, Jack | $9,100 |
People's Psychophysiological Responses to Tropical Trees in Urban Landscapes of Hawaii | Land & Natural Res, Dept - Kaululani Urban & Cmnty Forestry Grant Prog-HI | 8/1/2007 | Kaufman, Andrew | $8,529 |
Direct ULV herbicide applications for controlling Australian Tree Fern in native watersheds on the island of Kauai | Nature Conservancy | 7/1/2007 | Leary, James | $8,430 |
Evaluating Yield Potential and Quality Parameters of Taiwan and China Oolong Tea for Small Scale Production in Hawaii | County of Hawaii | 8/24/2007 | Sato, Dwight | $8,000 |
Solar Water Disinfestation for Produce Washing: Workshops and Survey | Agriculture, Dept - HI | 8/8/2007 | Hollyer, James | $7,500 |
2007 -- Funding for Research of Mutual Interest - Amendment #1 | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 8/29/2007 | Grace, Jack | $6,550 |
A Review and Assessment of Some Issues in the Milk Act - Hawaii Revised Statues: Chapter 157 | Agriculture, Dept - HI | 3/5/2007 | Lee, Chin | $5,692 |
The Ecology, Systematics and Conservation of Hawaii's Remarkable Aquatic Moths (Hyposmocoma Cosmopteridgidae) | Land & Natural Res, Dept - HI | 6/19/2007 | Rubinoff, Daniel | $5,000 |
A Series of IPM Workshops for Turfgrass Managers in Hawaii | California Davis, University of | 12/10/2007 | Brosnan, James | $5,000 |
Conversion of Invasive Species into Charcoal and Assessment of Use as Potting Media | County of Hawaii | 8/24/2007 | Nishina, Melvin | $5,000 |
Evaluation of Sweet Potato Cultivars for Fuel Alcohol Production | County of Hawaii | 8/22/2007 | Miyasaka, Susan | $5,000 |
Sustainable Pest Management in Vegetable Agro-ecosystems | University of Hawaii Foundation | 5/8/2007 | Hooks, Cerruti | $2,564 |
New Tropical Ginger Cut Flowers | Hill (Joseph H) Memorial Foundation, Inc. | 8/8/2007 | Criley, Richard | $1,375 |
Total: | | | | $10,019,700 |