University of Hawaii Agribusiness Education, Training and Incubator (AETI) Project | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/2/2010 | Kinoshita, Charles | $1,531,737 |
Development of High Yield, Tropical Feedstocks for Bioenergy | Energy, Dept - FED | 9/2/2010 | Hashimoto, Andrew | $1,427,250 |
Transforming Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Education to Keep Up with the Changing Industry | National Science Foundation | 7/23/2010 | Sylva, Traci | $658,078 |
Memorandum of Agreement Relating to Quality Care for Home-Based and Center-Based Child Care Providers | Human Services, Dept - HI | 8/18/2010 | Fong, Grace | $517,022 |
Learning to Grow | Human Services, Dept - HI | 8/3/2010 | Fong, Grace | $450,910 |
Outreach and Assistance in Tropical Pasture and Livestock Management of Pacific Islanders | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 10/21/2010 | Thorne, Mark | $400,000 |
Agricultural Development in the American Pacific, Year 23 | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 5/10/2010 | Yuen, Sylvia | $374,400 |
State Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant Evaluation | Health, Dept - HI | 10/28/2010 | Yuan, Sarah | $299,980 |
Control of Minor Crop Pests and Diseases | Agriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED | 9/28/2010 | Grace, Jack | $297,732 |
Molecular Functions of Protein Disulfide Isomerases in Redox-Metabolism and Protein Folding Pathways in Plants | National Science Foundation | 1/25/2010 | Christopher, David | $283,146 |
A Need for Honeybees: Safeguarding Colony Health Through Varroa Management | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 8/27/2010 | Wright, Mark | $281,527 |
Improving Disease Resistance of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Through Marker-assisted Selection | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 7/23/2010 | Miyasaka, Susan | $280,628 |
Hawaii Floriculture Research Grant - 2010 | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 8/9/2010 | Grace, Jack | $279,200 |
Ecology, Toxicology, and Management of Madagascar Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis Poiret) in Topical and Sub-tropical Rangelands | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 11/10/2010 | Thorne, Mark | $258,449 |
Functional Genomics of Maize Centromeres | Georgia, University of | 8/5/2010 | Presting, Gernot | $256,877 |
Crop Insurance Education for Hawaii's Producers 2010-2011 | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/24/2010 | Nakamoto, Stuart | $235,371 |
Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Research (TSTAR) for Hawaii: Management 2010 | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 9/21/2010 | Grace, Jack | $234,817 |
Services to Evaluate and Monitor Substance Abuse Service Outcomes and Process Evaluation Activities of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division Funded… | Health, Dept - Alcohol & Drug Abuse Div-HI | 6/14/2010 | Kim, Ji-Yeon | $234,283 |
Adding Value and Controlling Pests and Diseases of Papaya | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/21/2010 | Grace, Jack | $233,461 |
Sustainable Management of Agroecological Resources for Tribal Societies (SMARTS) | Virginia Polytechnic Inst and State Univ | 1/29/2010 | Chan-Halbrendt, Catherine | $228,784 |
Agricultural Education Program Contract 2009-2010 | Hawaiian Home Lands, Dept - HI | 3/18/2010 | Cox, Linda | $225,488 |
State Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant Evaluation | Health, Dept - HI | 1/28/2010 | Yuan, Sarah | $224,985 |
UHM-Collaborative Effort for Evaluating Regionally Based Feedstock and Co-Products for Aquaculture and Livestock | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/2/2010 | Grace, Jack | $200,478 |
Environmental Effects of Tephritid Fruit Fly Control and Management | Agriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED | 8/6/2010 | Grace, Jack | $179,744 |
Suppression of Banana Bunchy Top Virus Transmission Through Manipulation of the Virus-vector Interaction | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 7/23/2010 | Bressan, Alberto | $178,880 |
Biology and Management of Invasive Termite | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 7/20/2010 | Grace, Jack | $175,000 |
Data Collection and Analysis of Substance Abuse Prevention Services | Health, Dept - Alcohol & Drug Abuse Div-HI | 10/6/2010 | Fong, Grace | $170,000 |
Understanding Critical Factors Contributing to the Unpredictability of Field Response of Acacia koa to Pre-Transplant Colonization of its Roots by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 8/18/2010 | Habte, Mitiku | $165,970 |
Using Conservation Tillage and Cover Crop Mixtures to Enhance Natural Enemies of Nematode Pests | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 8/26/2010 | Wang, Koon-Hui | $160,902 |
Cooperative Synthesis of Cellulosomes by an Engineered Yeast Consortium to Improve Lignocellulose Bioconversion | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 1/7/2010 | Su, Wei-Wen | $150,000 |
Sustainable Management of Agroecological Resources for Tribal Societies (SMARTS) | Virginia Polytechnic Inst and State Univ | 10/7/2010 | Chan-Halbrendt, Catherine | $145,827 |
Agricultural Diversification: Hawaii Tropical Specialty Fruit Research and Development | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 9/7/2010 | Grace, Jack | $142,392 |
Biological-based Postharvest Quality Maintenance and Disease Control for Mango and Papaya | California Davis, University of | 4/29/2010 | Paull, Robert | $141,680 |
Sustainable Communities Project Through Successful Community Partnerships | Agriculture, Dept - Coop State Rsch, Ed, & Ext Svc (CSREES)-FED | 8/4/2010 | Chong, Joan | $140,000 |
Assessment, Chemistry, and Remediation of Arsenic in Hawaii Soils | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 8/25/2010 | Hue, Nguyen | $131,636 |
Biology and Control of the Formosan Subterranean Termite | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 6/21/2010 | Grace, Jack | $131,136 |
Improving MSL Removal of Bacterial Pathogens from Swine Wastewater | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 8/6/2010 | Yost, Russell | $130,500 |
Evaluation of Flash Flood Prediction Models for Small Watersheds in Tropical Islands | Commerce, Dept/NOAA - Natl Weather Service | 4/26/2010 | Fares, Ali | $124,999 |
Myostatin Inhibition and Improvement of Skeletal Muscle Growth of Broilers | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 8/25/2010 | Kim, Yong-Soo | $122,351 |
Hot Shower Treatment for Disinfesting Potted-Plants of Coqui Frogs and Other Invasive Pests | County of Hawaii | 8/26/2010 | Hara, Arnold | $120,000 |
Economic Analysis of Little Fire Ant Risk in Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 7/29/2010 | Leung, Ping | $117,603 |
UH-CES Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education FY 2012 | Human Services, Dept - HI | 10/26/2010 | Kanehiro, Naomi | $117,318 |
Evaluation of Oleander Sphinx Moth Daphnis nerii and the Giant Sphinx Moth, Cocytius antaeus, as Model Organism for Hybrid Insect MEMS Technology | Defense, Dept - Defense Threat Reduction Agcy | 3/16/2010 | Rubinoff, Daniel | $108,916 |
Climate Change Impacts on Hawaiian Biodiversity and Fresh Water Resources: Building Capacity for Research, Education, and Community-based Mitigation | Agriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED | 8/19/2010 | Bruland, Gregory | $102,306 |
Clean Bees and Fruitful Farms: How Pesticide Reduction Can Help Hawaii's Growers and the Environment | Environmental Protection Agency | 8/25/2010 | Villalobos, Ethel | $100,000 |
Local Immigrant Farmer Education Program: Risk Management Training for Underserved Southeast Asian Growers of Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - Risk Management Agency-FED | 11/16/2010 | Sugano, Jari | $100,000 |
Reducing Pesticide Applications for Fusarium Wilt, Nematodes and Weeds by Soil Solarization in Hawaii | Environmental Protection Agency | 9/1/2010 | Wang, Koon-Hui | $100,000 |
Agricultural Education Program Contract 2009-2010 | Hawaiian Home Lands, Dept - HI | 7/16/2010 | Cox, Linda | $100,000 |
AHEED: Albania/Hawaii Higher Education and Economic Development Project: Increasing Institutional Capacity in Agricultural Economics | American Council on Education | 11/19/2010 | Chan-Halbrendt, Catherine | $99,994 |
Genetic Modification of Anthurium to Increase Post-Harvest Life and Flower Yield | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 8/2/2010 | Christopher, David | $96,117 |
Management and Control of Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) Through Resistant Cultivars | Agriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED | 8/4/2010 | Grace, Jack | $94,867 |
Control of Bacterial Wilt of Ginger through an Integrated Pest Management Program | Utah State University | 9/1/2010 | Miyasaka, Susan | $92,991 |
Operation: Military Kids | Kansas State University | 12/7/2010 | Nakatsuka, Claire | $92,000 |
Effects of Mean Annual Temperature on Carbon Storage and Fluxes in Native Forests of Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED | 8/13/2010 | Litton, Creighton | $89,000 |
Vegetation Phenology and Vegetation Index Products from Multiple Missions and Satellite Sensors | Arizona, University of | 9/30/2010 | Miura, Tomoaki | $88,719 |
Evaluation of Population Status Surveys for the Endangered Mariana Islands Butterflies Hypolimnas octocula mariannensis and Vagrans egistina | Interior, Dept - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service | 8/23/2010 | Rubinoff, Daniel | $88,681 |
Establishing Water Quality Parameters to Address Wet Weather Flow Impacts, Pathogens, and NPDES Program Strategies in a Priority Urban Watershed | Health, Dept - HI | 4/22/2010 | Tamaru, Clyde | $88,198 |
On Farm Food Safety One-on-One Education Program for Commercial Produce Farmers in Hawaii (Subcontract between Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation and UH) | Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation | 4/16/2010 | Hollyer, James | $86,282 |
The Invasive Species/Wildfire Cycle: Fuel Loads, Microclimate, Fire Potential, and Fire Behavior in Dominant Grasslands and Adjacent Forests | Agriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED | 8/16/2010 | Litton, Creighton | $85,000 |
Environmental Effects of Tephritid Fruit Fly Control and Eradication | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 1/12/2010 | Hu, Ching | $83,411 |
UH-CTAHR Extension and Research Projects in Maui County FY2011 | County of Maui - Ofc of Economic Development | 11/1/2010 | Keyser, Harold | $80,625 |
Constructing a DNA-Based Systematic Framework for the Bactorcera Dorsalis Complex for Improved Control and Quarantine | Agriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED | 9/29/2010 | Rubinoff, Daniel | $80,000 |
Hair Analysis for Mercury and Arsenic Exposure | Health, Dept - HI | 9/27/2010 | Li, Qingxiao | $76,000 |
An Innovative Cover Cropping System for Organic Cucurbit Growers in Hawaii: From Nematode and Pickle Worm Management, Improvement of Pollinator Habitat to Soil Conservation | Agriculture, Dept - Ntrl Resources Conservation Svc -FED | 9/28/2010 | Wang, Koon-Hui | $75,000 |
Nutrition Consultation and Review | Human Services, Dept - HI | 5/5/2010 | Kanehiro, Naomi | $75,000 |
2008 Hawaii Kids Count Plan Guidelines | Casey (Annie E.) Foundation | 3/10/2010 | Stern, Ivette | $75,000 |
University of Hawaii Extension IPM 2010 | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 8/19/2010 | Hara, Arnold | $73,818 |
Evaluating Non-GMO Resistance to Papaya Ringspot Virus | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 8/16/2010 | Manshardt, Richard | $73,000 |
Hawaii Diabetes Detection & Prevention Project | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 5/10/2010 | Zee, Julia | $71,808 |
Enhancing Proteaceae Flower and Foliage Postharvest Life | Oz Import | 6/7/2010 | Paull, Robert | $68,100 |
Western Regional Center in the National Plant Diagnostic Network | California Davis, University of | 10/22/2010 | Alvarez, Anne | $67,799 |
Pacific Kids DASH for Health (PacDASH) | Kaiser Foundation Research Institute | 2/9/2010 | Novotny, Rachel | $67,389 |
Evaluating Non-GMO Resistance to Papaya Ringspot Virus | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 12/16/2010 | Manshardt, Richard | $67,000 |
Development of a Cardiovascular Disease Surveillance System in the CVRN | Kaiser Permanente - HI | 6/21/2010 | Novotny, Rachel | $65,168 |
Development of Efficient Vegetation Management Techniques within Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park for Cultural Resource Utilization | Interior, Dept - National Park Service | 10/14/2010 | Leary, James | $63,500 |
Inoculated Deep Litter System (IDLS) Expansion, Renovation and Education Program | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/27/2010 | Duponte, Michael | $61,820 |
Alternative Waste Management Solutions for Small-Scale Piggery Operations: Educational Outreach, Demonstration and Adoption for Pacific Island Communities | Arizona, University of | 2/16/2010 | Fukumoto, Glen | $59,406 |
Biotechnology Outreach Program | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 8/11/2010 | Wieczorek, Anna | $56,012 |
Keaukaha Community Resource Center | Kamehameha Schools | 7/30/2010 | Ikeda, Carol | $55,000 |
Sunn hemp and its Alleplopathic Compounds for Vegetable Production in Hawaii and Beyond | Utah State University | 3/18/2010 | Wang, Koon-Hui | $53,485 |
Enhancing Phyto-Nutrient Content, Yield and Quality of Vegetables with Compost Tea in the Tropics | Utah State University | 4/27/2010 | Radovich, Theodore | $52,247 |
DNA-Based Selection of High-Growth, Saltwater-Tolerant Tilapia | Oceanic Institute - Ctr for Tropical & Subtrpcl Aquaculture (CTSA) | 9/17/2010 | Yang, Jinzeng | $50,000 |
Using Aquaponics with Renewable Energy Resources to Create Sustainable Food Systems while Reducing Nutrient, Energy, and Water Costs | Utah State University | 7/16/2010 | Ako, Harry | $50,000 |
Voluntary Long-Term Protection of Agricultural Land in Hawaii | Utah State University | 9/16/2010 | Lepczyk, Christopher | $47,217 |
Population Dynamic and Pollination Ecology of the Threatened Haleakala Silversword | Interior, Dept - U.S. Geological Survey | 8/24/2010 | Krushelnycky, Paul | $46,573 |
The Potential for Restoration to Break the Grass/Fire Cycle in Dryland Ecosystems in Hawaii: Using Remotely Sensed Data to Guide and Understand Restoration of Dry Forest Ecosystem Process | Agriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED | 8/19/2010 | Litton, Creighton | $46,000 |
Survey of Landscape and Ornamental Nurseries for Insect Pests | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 3/19/2010 | Hara, Arnold | $44,977 |
Biology of Maize Chlorotic Mottle Virus in Hawaii: Identification of Insect Vectors, Transmission Mode, Vector Seasonability and Alternative Host Plants | Hawaii Crop Improvement Association | 1/6/2010 | Bressan, Alberto | $43,780 |
Pilot and Feasibility Feeding Stuides for Long-Term Consumption of Anti-Diabetic Vegetable Momordica Charantia (Bitter Melon) | Agriculture, Dept - Coop State Rsch, Ed, & Ext Svc (CSREES)-FED | 1/20/2010 | Nerurkar, Pratibha | $43,679 |
Assessing Impacts of Myoporum thrips (Klambothrips myopori) Infestation in Hawaii: Distribution, Rate of Spread, and Impact on Forest Resources | Land & Natural Res, Dept - HI | 10/1/2010 | Kaufman, Leyla | $42,700 |
Quantifying Secondary Compounds in Common Pasture Vegetation for Behavior Based Grazing Management in Hawaii | Utah State University | 2/8/2010 | Thorne, Mark | $41,760 |
Control of Minor Crop Pests and Diseases | Agriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED | 7/13/2010 | Grace, Jack | $41,285 |
Management of the Emerging Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl and Potyviral Diseases of Tomato in Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture | 8/3/2010 | Hu, John | $40,000 |
Predicting and Interpreting Behavior and Performance of Soils Lacking Particle Size Distribution Data | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/28/2010 | Deenik, Jonathan | $40,000 |
Comparative Advantage of Hawaii's Agricultural Exports to the Japan Markets | Agriculture, Dept - HI | 3/9/2010 | Leung, Ping | $38,295 |
Management Practices and Outcomes for Restoring Acacia koa and Sophora chrysophylla Forests to Abandoned Pastures and Degraded Forests of Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED | 9/21/2010 | Friday, James | $36,835 |
Western Integrated Pest Management Center Regional Comments Coordinator for the American-Affiliated Pacific Islands | California Davis, University of | 12/6/2010 | Kawate, Michael | $35,000 |
Adapting Aquaponics Systems for Use in the Pacific Islands | Oceanic Institute - Ctr for Tropical & Subtrpcl Aquaculture (CTSA) | 12/7/2010 | Kobayashi, Kent | $34,012 |
Survey of Phytophthora colocasiae, the Cause of Taro Leaf Blight, in Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 8/2/2010 | Uchida, Janice | $31,265 |
Community Stabilization Initiative Indicators | Hawaii Community Foundation (HCF) | 5/7/2010 | Stern, Ivette | $30,000 |
Borlaug Global Alliance Fellow from Ghana | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/9/2010 | Sipes, Brent | $29,194 |
Regional Biomass Feedstock Partnership - Herbaceous Bioenergy Crop Field Trials | South Dakota State University | 8/19/2010 | Ogoshi, Richard | $25,000 |
Field Evaluation of Oil Seed Crops at Benchmark Locations | Hawaii Agriculture Research Center | 4/21/2010 | Uehara, Goro | $25,000 |
Pineapple Research | University of Hawaii Foundation | 6/30/2010 | Paull, Robert | $20,000 |
Evaluating an Engineered Biological Treatment Process for the Application of Aquaculture Waste and Wastewaters. | Oceanic Institute - Ctr for Tropical & Subtrpcl Aquaculture (CTSA) | 6/24/2010 | Yang, Ping-Yi | $20,000 |
An Experimental Test of the Impacts of Rising Temperature on Carbon Input, Allocation, and Loss in Model Forests | National Science Foundation | 4/27/2010 | Litton, Creighton | $15,000 |
2010 IR-4 Western Region Food Use Field Trial Program | California Davis, University of | 6/30/2010 | Kawate, Michael | $15,000 |
Establishing Native Hawaiian Plants for Ground Cover Protection on Hawaii's Roadways -(Hydromulching, Weed Control and Subsurface Irrigation) | Transportation, Dept - HI | 12/14/2010 | DeFrank, Joseph | $15,000 |
Assessing and Mitigating Problems Caused by Varroa Mites and Small Hive Beetles on Honey Bees in Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 9/30/2010 | Villalobos, Ethel | $15,000 |
Imi Hale - Native Hawaiian Cancer Network | Papa Ola Lokahi | 1/8/2010 | Novotny, Rachel | $13,116 |
Evidence Based Research for More Appropriate Public Health Nutrition Education | Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii | 7/29/2010 | Titchenal, C | $12,500 |
Phytotoxicity to Ornamental Horticulture Plants from BYI-8330 (Spirotetramat) | California Davis, University of | 1/29/2010 | Hara, Arnold | $12,000 |
Feasible Analysis of Ohelo as a Specialty Crop for Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED | 3/1/2010 | Nakamoto, Stuart | $10,500 |
Creating Intergenerational Opportunities through the Foster Grandparent Program | Human Services, Dept - HI | 10/18/2010 | Greenwood, Heather | $10,000 |
Innovative Agricultural Research to Evaluate Olive Varieties for Oil Production in Hawai‘i | County of Hawaii | 9/17/2010 | Miyasaka, Susan | $9,600 |
DHHL Gorse Control Project | Hawaiian Home Lands, Dept - HI | 11/5/2010 | Leary, James | $8,487 |
Pineapple Research | University of Hawaii Foundation | 4/16/2010 | Paull, Robert | $7,500 |
Biology and Control of the Formosan Subterranean Termite | Agriculture, Dept - FED | 3/19/2010 | Grace, Jack | $5,842 |
Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research | University of Hawaii Foundation | 2/16/2010 | Gopalakrishnan, Chennat | $5,000 |
Survey of the Invasive Odorous House Ant, Tapinoma sessile, in Upcountry Maui, Hawaii | California Davis, University of | 5/11/2010 | Krushelnycky, Paul | $4,985 |
Enhancing Protea Flowering in Hawaii | Hill (Joseph H) Memorial Foundation, Inc. | 8/9/2010 | Criley, Richard | $920 |
Total: | | | | $16,337,222 |