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Extramural Grant Projects

Extramural awards (as opposed to Intramural awards in which the funding decisions are made within CTAHR) include research or non-research grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements from federal, private, foreign and other outside sources. This database includes all CTAHR awards that were processed through the Office of Research Services (ORS) and can be sorted by Title, PI, and/or Amount by clicking on the headers. Awards which are not processed through ORS, such as formula funds (Hatch, McIntire-Stennis, and Smith-Lever), are not included in this database. The awards are reported by “Awarded Date” and multiyear awards are listed according to the dates that the funds were received by ORS (either all during the first year or divided annually over the award period).

Additional information describing individual USDA grants in greater detail can be found by searching the following USDA Current Research Information System (CRIS) website. For information on writing and submitting grants, go to the employee's page.

CTAHR has received the following awards since 2005.

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Project TitleFunding AgencyAwarded DateInvestigatorAmount
University of Hawaii Agribusiness Education, Training and Incubator (AETI) ProjectAgriculture, Dept - FED9/2/2010Kinoshita, Charles$1,531,737
Development of High Yield, Tropical Feedstocks for BioenergyEnergy, Dept - FED9/2/2010Hashimoto, Andrew$1,427,250
Transforming Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Education to Keep Up with the Changing IndustryNational Science Foundation7/23/2010Sylva, Traci$658,078
Memorandum of Agreement Relating to Quality Care for Home-Based and Center-Based Child Care ProvidersHuman Services, Dept - HI8/18/2010Fong, Grace$517,022
Learning to GrowHuman Services, Dept - HI8/3/2010Fong, Grace$450,910
Outreach and Assistance in Tropical Pasture and Livestock Management of Pacific IslandersAgriculture, Dept - FED10/21/2010Thorne, Mark$400,000
Agricultural Development in the American Pacific, Year 23Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture5/10/2010Yuen, Sylvia$374,400
State Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant EvaluationHealth, Dept - HI10/28/2010Yuan, Sarah$299,980
Control of Minor Crop Pests and DiseasesAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED9/28/2010Grace, Jack$297,732
Molecular Functions of Protein Disulfide Isomerases in Redox-Metabolism and Protein Folding Pathways in PlantsNational Science Foundation1/25/2010Christopher, David$283,146
A Need for Honeybees: Safeguarding Colony Health Through Varroa ManagementAgriculture, Dept - FED8/27/2010Wright, Mark$281,527
Improving Disease Resistance of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Through Marker-assisted SelectionAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture7/23/2010Miyasaka, Susan$280,628
Hawaii Floriculture Research Grant - 2010Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture8/9/2010Grace, Jack$279,200
Ecology, Toxicology, and Management of Madagascar Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis Poiret) in Topical and Sub-tropical RangelandsAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture11/10/2010Thorne, Mark$258,449
Functional Genomics of Maize CentromeresGeorgia, University of8/5/2010Presting, Gernot$256,877
Crop Insurance Education for Hawaii's Producers 2010-2011Agriculture, Dept - FED9/24/2010Nakamoto, Stuart$235,371
Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Research (TSTAR) for Hawaii: Management 2010Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture9/21/2010Grace, Jack$234,817
Services to Evaluate and Monitor Substance Abuse Service Outcomes and Process Evaluation Activities of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division Funded…Health, Dept - Alcohol & Drug Abuse Div-HI6/14/2010Kim, Ji-Yeon$234,283
Adding Value and Controlling Pests and Diseases of PapayaAgriculture, Dept - FED9/21/2010Grace, Jack$233,461
Sustainable Management of Agroecological Resources for Tribal Societies (SMARTS)Virginia Polytechnic Inst and State Univ1/29/2010Chan-Halbrendt, Catherine$228,784
Agricultural Education Program Contract 2009-2010Hawaiian Home Lands, Dept - HI3/18/2010Cox, Linda$225,488
State Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant EvaluationHealth, Dept - HI1/28/2010Yuan, Sarah$224,985
UHM-Collaborative Effort for Evaluating Regionally Based Feedstock and Co-Products for Aquaculture and LivestockAgriculture, Dept - FED9/2/2010Grace, Jack$200,478
Environmental Effects of Tephritid Fruit Fly Control and ManagementAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED8/6/2010Grace, Jack$179,744
Suppression of Banana Bunchy Top Virus Transmission Through Manipulation of the Virus-vector InteractionAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture7/23/2010Bressan, Alberto$178,880
Biology and Management of Invasive TermiteAgriculture, Dept - FED7/20/2010Grace, Jack$175,000
Data Collection and Analysis of Substance Abuse Prevention ServicesHealth, Dept - Alcohol & Drug Abuse Div-HI10/6/2010Fong, Grace$170,000
Understanding Critical Factors Contributing to the Unpredictability of Field Response of Acacia koa to Pre-Transplant Colonization of its Roots by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal FungiAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture8/18/2010Habte, Mitiku$165,970
Using Conservation Tillage and Cover Crop Mixtures to Enhance Natural Enemies of Nematode PestsAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture8/26/2010Wang, Koon-Hui$160,902
Cooperative Synthesis of Cellulosomes by an Engineered Yeast Consortium to Improve Lignocellulose BioconversionAgriculture, Dept - FED1/7/2010Su, Wei-Wen$150,000
Sustainable Management of Agroecological Resources for Tribal Societies (SMARTS)Virginia Polytechnic Inst and State Univ10/7/2010Chan-Halbrendt, Catherine$145,827
Agricultural Diversification: Hawaii Tropical Specialty Fruit Research and DevelopmentAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture9/7/2010Grace, Jack$142,392
Biological-based Postharvest Quality Maintenance and Disease Control for Mango and PapayaCalifornia Davis, University of4/29/2010Paull, Robert$141,680
Sustainable Communities Project Through Successful Community PartnershipsAgriculture, Dept - Coop State Rsch, Ed, & Ext Svc (CSREES)-FED8/4/2010Chong, Joan$140,000
Assessment, Chemistry, and Remediation of Arsenic in Hawaii SoilsAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture8/25/2010Hue, Nguyen$131,636
Biology and Control of the Formosan Subterranean TermiteAgriculture, Dept - FED6/21/2010Grace, Jack$131,136
Improving MSL Removal of Bacterial Pathogens from Swine WastewaterAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture8/6/2010Yost, Russell$130,500
Evaluation of Flash Flood Prediction Models for Small Watersheds in Tropical IslandsCommerce, Dept/NOAA - Natl Weather Service4/26/2010Fares, Ali$124,999
Myostatin Inhibition and Improvement of Skeletal Muscle Growth of BroilersAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture8/25/2010Kim, Yong-Soo$122,351
Hot Shower Treatment for Disinfesting Potted-Plants of Coqui Frogs and Other Invasive PestsCounty of Hawaii8/26/2010Hara, Arnold$120,000
Economic Analysis of Little Fire Ant Risk in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - FED7/29/2010Leung, Ping$117,603
UH-CES Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education FY 2012Human Services, Dept - HI10/26/2010Kanehiro, Naomi$117,318
Evaluation of Oleander Sphinx Moth Daphnis nerii and the Giant Sphinx Moth, Cocytius antaeus, as Model Organism for Hybrid Insect MEMS TechnologyDefense, Dept - Defense Threat Reduction Agcy3/16/2010Rubinoff, Daniel$108,916
Climate Change Impacts on Hawaiian Biodiversity and Fresh Water Resources: Building Capacity for Research, Education, and Community-based MitigationAgriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED8/19/2010Bruland, Gregory$102,306
Clean Bees and Fruitful Farms: How Pesticide Reduction Can Help Hawaii's Growers and the EnvironmentEnvironmental Protection Agency8/25/2010Villalobos, Ethel$100,000
Local Immigrant Farmer Education Program: Risk Management Training for Underserved Southeast Asian Growers of HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Risk Management Agency-FED11/16/2010Sugano, Jari$100,000
Reducing Pesticide Applications for Fusarium Wilt, Nematodes and Weeds by Soil Solarization in HawaiiEnvironmental Protection Agency9/1/2010Wang, Koon-Hui$100,000
Agricultural Education Program Contract 2009-2010Hawaiian Home Lands, Dept - HI7/16/2010Cox, Linda$100,000
AHEED: Albania/Hawaii Higher Education and Economic Development Project: Increasing Institutional Capacity in Agricultural EconomicsAmerican Council on Education11/19/2010Chan-Halbrendt, Catherine$99,994
Genetic Modification of Anthurium to Increase Post-Harvest Life and Flower YieldAgriculture, Dept - FED8/2/2010Christopher, David$96,117
Management and Control of Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) Through Resistant CultivarsAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED8/4/2010Grace, Jack$94,867
Control of Bacterial Wilt of Ginger through an Integrated Pest Management ProgramUtah State University9/1/2010Miyasaka, Susan$92,991
Operation: Military KidsKansas State University12/7/2010Nakatsuka, Claire$92,000
Effects of Mean Annual Temperature on Carbon Storage and Fluxes in Native Forests of HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED8/13/2010Litton, Creighton$89,000
Vegetation Phenology and Vegetation Index Products from Multiple Missions and Satellite SensorsArizona, University of9/30/2010Miura, Tomoaki$88,719
Evaluation of Population Status Surveys for the Endangered Mariana Islands Butterflies Hypolimnas octocula mariannensis and Vagrans egistinaInterior, Dept - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service8/23/2010Rubinoff, Daniel$88,681
Establishing Water Quality Parameters to Address Wet Weather Flow Impacts, Pathogens, and NPDES Program Strategies in a Priority Urban WatershedHealth, Dept - HI4/22/2010Tamaru, Clyde$88,198
On Farm Food Safety One-on-One Education Program for Commercial Produce Farmers in Hawaii (Subcontract between Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation and UH)Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation4/16/2010Hollyer, James$86,282
The Invasive Species/Wildfire Cycle: Fuel Loads, Microclimate, Fire Potential, and Fire Behavior in Dominant Grasslands and Adjacent ForestsAgriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED8/16/2010Litton, Creighton$85,000
Environmental Effects of Tephritid Fruit Fly Control and EradicationAgriculture, Dept - FED1/12/2010Hu, Ching$83,411
UH-CTAHR Extension and Research Projects in Maui County FY2011County of Maui - Ofc of Economic Development11/1/2010Keyser, Harold$80,625
Constructing a DNA-Based Systematic Framework for the Bactorcera Dorsalis Complex for Improved Control and QuarantineAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED9/29/2010Rubinoff, Daniel$80,000
Hair Analysis for Mercury and Arsenic ExposureHealth, Dept - HI9/27/2010Li, Qingxiao$76,000
An Innovative Cover Cropping System for Organic Cucurbit Growers in Hawaii: From Nematode and Pickle Worm Management, Improvement of Pollinator Habitat to Soil ConservationAgriculture, Dept - Ntrl Resources Conservation Svc -FED9/28/2010Wang, Koon-Hui$75,000
Nutrition Consultation and ReviewHuman Services, Dept - HI5/5/2010Kanehiro, Naomi$75,000
2008 Hawaii Kids Count Plan GuidelinesCasey (Annie E.) Foundation3/10/2010Stern, Ivette$75,000
University of Hawaii Extension IPM 2010Agriculture, Dept - FED8/19/2010Hara, Arnold$73,818
Evaluating Non-GMO Resistance to Papaya Ringspot VirusAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture8/16/2010Manshardt, Richard$73,000
Hawaii Diabetes Detection & Prevention ProjectAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture5/10/2010Zee, Julia$71,808
Enhancing Proteaceae Flower and Foliage Postharvest LifeOz Import6/7/2010Paull, Robert$68,100
Western Regional Center in the National Plant Diagnostic NetworkCalifornia Davis, University of10/22/2010Alvarez, Anne$67,799
Pacific Kids DASH for Health (PacDASH)Kaiser Foundation Research Institute2/9/2010Novotny, Rachel$67,389
Evaluating Non-GMO Resistance to Papaya Ringspot VirusAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture12/16/2010Manshardt, Richard$67,000
Development of a Cardiovascular Disease Surveillance System in the CVRNKaiser Permanente - HI6/21/2010Novotny, Rachel$65,168
Development of Efficient Vegetation Management Techniques within Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park for Cultural Resource UtilizationInterior, Dept - National Park Service10/14/2010Leary, James$63,500
Inoculated Deep Litter System (IDLS) Expansion, Renovation and Education ProgramAgriculture, Dept - FED9/27/2010Duponte, Michael$61,820
Alternative Waste Management Solutions for Small-Scale Piggery Operations: Educational Outreach, Demonstration and Adoption for Pacific Island CommunitiesArizona, University of2/16/2010Fukumoto, Glen$59,406
Biotechnology Outreach ProgramAgriculture, Dept - FED8/11/2010Wieczorek, Anna$56,012
Keaukaha Community Resource CenterKamehameha Schools7/30/2010Ikeda, Carol$55,000
Sunn hemp and its Alleplopathic Compounds for Vegetable Production in Hawaii and BeyondUtah State University3/18/2010Wang, Koon-Hui$53,485
Enhancing Phyto-Nutrient Content, Yield and Quality of Vegetables with Compost Tea in the TropicsUtah State University4/27/2010Radovich, Theodore$52,247
DNA-Based Selection of High-Growth, Saltwater-Tolerant TilapiaOceanic Institute - Ctr for Tropical & Subtrpcl Aquaculture (CTSA)9/17/2010Yang, Jinzeng$50,000
Using Aquaponics with Renewable Energy Resources to Create Sustainable Food Systems while Reducing Nutrient, Energy, and Water CostsUtah State University7/16/2010Ako, Harry$50,000
Voluntary Long-Term Protection of Agricultural Land in HawaiiUtah State University9/16/2010Lepczyk, Christopher$47,217
Population Dynamic and Pollination Ecology of the Threatened Haleakala SilverswordInterior, Dept - U.S. Geological Survey8/24/2010Krushelnycky, Paul$46,573
The Potential for Restoration to Break the Grass/Fire Cycle in Dryland Ecosystems in Hawaii: Using Remotely Sensed Data to Guide and Understand Restoration of Dry Forest Ecosystem ProcessAgriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED8/19/2010Litton, Creighton$46,000
Survey of Landscape and Ornamental Nurseries for Insect PestsAgriculture, Dept - FED3/19/2010Hara, Arnold$44,977
Biology of Maize Chlorotic Mottle Virus in Hawaii: Identification of Insect Vectors, Transmission Mode, Vector Seasonability and Alternative Host PlantsHawaii Crop Improvement Association1/6/2010Bressan, Alberto$43,780
Pilot and Feasibility Feeding Stuides for Long-Term Consumption of Anti-Diabetic Vegetable Momordica Charantia (Bitter Melon)Agriculture, Dept - Coop State Rsch, Ed, & Ext Svc (CSREES)-FED1/20/2010Nerurkar, Pratibha$43,679
Assessing Impacts of Myoporum thrips (Klambothrips myopori) Infestation in Hawaii: Distribution, Rate of Spread, and Impact on Forest ResourcesLand & Natural Res, Dept - HI10/1/2010Kaufman, Leyla$42,700
Quantifying Secondary Compounds in Common Pasture Vegetation for Behavior Based Grazing Management in HawaiiUtah State University2/8/2010Thorne, Mark$41,760
Control of Minor Crop Pests and DiseasesAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED7/13/2010Grace, Jack$41,285
Management of the Emerging Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl and Potyviral Diseases of Tomato in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture8/3/2010Hu, John$40,000
Predicting and Interpreting Behavior and Performance of Soils Lacking Particle Size Distribution DataAgriculture, Dept - FED9/28/2010Deenik, Jonathan$40,000
Comparative Advantage of Hawaii's Agricultural Exports to the Japan MarketsAgriculture, Dept - HI3/9/2010Leung, Ping$38,295
Management Practices and Outcomes for Restoring Acacia koa and Sophora chrysophylla Forests to Abandoned Pastures and Degraded Forests of HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED9/21/2010Friday, James$36,835
Western Integrated Pest Management Center Regional Comments Coordinator for the American-Affiliated Pacific IslandsCalifornia Davis, University of12/6/2010Kawate, Michael$35,000
Adapting Aquaponics Systems for Use in the Pacific IslandsOceanic Institute - Ctr for Tropical & Subtrpcl Aquaculture (CTSA)12/7/2010Kobayashi, Kent$34,012
Survey of Phytophthora colocasiae, the Cause of Taro Leaf Blight, in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - FED8/2/2010Uchida, Janice$31,265
Community Stabilization Initiative IndicatorsHawaii Community Foundation (HCF)5/7/2010Stern, Ivette$30,000
Borlaug Global Alliance Fellow from GhanaAgriculture, Dept - FED9/9/2010Sipes, Brent$29,194
Regional Biomass Feedstock Partnership - Herbaceous Bioenergy Crop Field TrialsSouth Dakota State University8/19/2010Ogoshi, Richard$25,000
Field Evaluation of Oil Seed Crops at Benchmark LocationsHawaii Agriculture Research Center4/21/2010Uehara, Goro$25,000
Pineapple ResearchUniversity of Hawaii Foundation6/30/2010Paull, Robert$20,000
Evaluating an Engineered Biological Treatment Process for the Application of Aquaculture Waste and Wastewaters.Oceanic Institute - Ctr for Tropical & Subtrpcl Aquaculture (CTSA)6/24/2010Yang, Ping-Yi$20,000
An Experimental Test of the Impacts of Rising Temperature on Carbon Input, Allocation, and Loss in Model ForestsNational Science Foundation4/27/2010Litton, Creighton$15,000
2010 IR-4 Western Region Food Use Field Trial ProgramCalifornia Davis, University of6/30/2010Kawate, Michael$15,000
Establishing Native Hawaiian Plants for Ground Cover Protection on Hawaii's Roadways -(Hydromulching, Weed Control and Subsurface Irrigation)Transportation, Dept - HI12/14/2010DeFrank, Joseph$15,000
Assessing and Mitigating Problems Caused by Varroa Mites and Small Hive Beetles on Honey Bees in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - FED9/30/2010Villalobos, Ethel$15,000
Imi Hale - Native Hawaiian Cancer NetworkPapa Ola Lokahi1/8/2010Novotny, Rachel$13,116
Evidence Based Research for More Appropriate Public Health Nutrition EducationChamber of Commerce of Hawaii7/29/2010Titchenal, C$12,500
Phytotoxicity to Ornamental Horticulture Plants from BYI-8330 (Spirotetramat)California Davis, University of1/29/2010Hara, Arnold$12,000
Feasible Analysis of Ohelo as a Specialty Crop for HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED3/1/2010Nakamoto, Stuart$10,500
Creating Intergenerational Opportunities through the Foster Grandparent ProgramHuman Services, Dept - HI10/18/2010Greenwood, Heather$10,000
Innovative Agricultural Research to Evaluate Olive Varieties for Oil Production in Hawai‘iCounty of Hawaii9/17/2010Miyasaka, Susan$9,600
DHHL Gorse Control ProjectHawaiian Home Lands, Dept - HI11/5/2010Leary, James$8,487
Pineapple ResearchUniversity of Hawaii Foundation4/16/2010Paull, Robert$7,500
Biology and Control of the Formosan Subterranean TermiteAgriculture, Dept - FED3/19/2010Grace, Jack$5,842
Journal of Natural Resources Policy ResearchUniversity of Hawaii Foundation2/16/2010Gopalakrishnan, Chennat$5,000
Survey of the Invasive Odorous House Ant, Tapinoma sessile, in Upcountry Maui, HawaiiCalifornia Davis, University of5/11/2010Krushelnycky, Paul$4,985
Enhancing Protea Flowering in HawaiiHill (Joseph H) Memorial Foundation, Inc.8/9/2010Criley, Richard$920
Total:    $16,337,222

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