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Extramural Grant Projects

Extramural awards (as opposed to Intramural awards in which the funding decisions are made within CTAHR) include research or non-research grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements from federal, private, foreign and other outside sources. This database includes all CTAHR awards that were processed through the Office of Research Services (ORS) and can be sorted by Title, PI, and/or Amount by clicking on the headers. Awards which are not processed through ORS, such as formula funds (Hatch, McIntire-Stennis, and Smith-Lever), are not included in this database. The awards are reported by “Awarded Date” and multiyear awards are listed according to the dates that the funds were received by ORS (either all during the first year or divided annually over the award period).

Additional information describing individual USDA grants in greater detail can be found by searching the following USDA Current Research Information System (CRIS) website. For information on writing and submitting grants, go to the employee's page.

CTAHR has received the following awards since 2005.

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Project TitleFunding AgencyAwarded DateInvestigatorAmount
Development of High Yield, Tropical Feedstocks for BioenergyEnergy, Dept - FED1/14/2011Hashimoto, Andrew$6,000,000
Children's Healthy Living Program for Remote Underserved Minority Populations in the Pacific Region (CHIL)Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture9/29/2011Novotny, Rachel$4,945,272
Children's Healthy Living Program for Remote Underserved Minority Populations in the Pacific Region (CHIL)Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture4/6/2011Novotny, Rachel$3,658,873
Children's Healthy Living Program for Remote Underserved Minority Populations in the Pacific Region (CHIL)Agriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture5/10/2011Novotny, Rachel$1,211,022
Quality Care ProgramHuman Services, Dept - HI7/1/2011Fong, Grace$560,876
Learning to GrowHuman Services, Dept - HI5/17/2011Fong, Grace$438,557
Outreach and Assistance in Tropical Pasture and Livestock Management of Pacific IslandersAgriculture, Dept - FED9/19/2011Thorne, Mark$337,841
Molecular Functions of Protein Disulfide Isomerases in Redox-Metabolism and Protein Folding Pathways in PlantsNational Science Foundation1/20/2011Christopher, David$284,545
An Empirical Investigation of Increased Food Localization under Producer Heterogeneity: The Case of HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture1/18/2011Leung, Ping$279,464
Molecular Functions of Protein Disulfide Isomerases in Redox-Metabolism and Protein Folding Pathways in PlantsNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION12/28/2011Christopher, David$274,309
State Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant EvaluationHealth, Dept - HI10/26/2011Yuan, Sarah$270,500
Services to Evaluate and Monitor Substance Abuse Service Outcomes and Process Evaluation Activities of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division Funded…Health, Dept - Alcohol & Drug Abuse Div-HI6/27/2011Kim, Ji-Yeon$234,283
Adding Value and Controlling Pests and Diseases of PapayaAgriculture, Dept - FED9/9/2011Grace, Jack$227,800
Evaluation and Validation of NPP VIIRS Vegetation Index EDR for Earth System and Climate SciencesNational Aeronautics & Space Administration7/5/2011Miura, Tomoaki$208,226
Water Quality Research and Extension Coordination in HawaiiArizona, University of1/24/2011Evensen, Carl$207,026
Hawaiian Home Lands Agricultural Education ProgramHawaiian Home Lands, Dept - HI3/28/2011Evensen, Carl$200,000
Reducing Infrastructure Damage by TreesTransportation, Dept - HI9/9/2011Kaufman, Andrew$199,749
Functional Genomics of Maize CentromeresGeorgia, University of8/29/2011Presting, Gernot$190,584
Control of Minor Crop Pests and DiseasesAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED9/27/2011Grace, Jack$177,275
Adding Value and Controlling Pests and Diseases of PapayaAgriculture, Dept - FED9/30/2011Grace, Jack$174,987
Water and Carbon Footprint and Plant Parameters of Biofuel Production on the HC&S Sugarcane Lands in Maui, HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED8/23/2011Crow, Susan$165,300
Establishment of a Huanglongbing Detection and Wide-area Monitoring Program in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture4/7/2011Sether, Diane$150,000
Sustainable Communities Project Through Successful Community PartnershipsAgriculture, Dept - Coop State Rsch, Ed, & Ext Svc (CSREES)-FED7/6/2011Chong, Joan$140,000
Preparing Hawaii Youth to Succeed in Sustainable AgricultureAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture10/6/2011Martini, Mary$136,547
Climate Change Impacts on Hawaiian Biodiversity and Fresh Water Resources: Building Capacity for Research, Education, and Community-based MitigationAgriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED8/11/2011Bruland, Gregory$129,770
Improving Virus Resistance, Horticulture, and Shipping of Hawaiian PapayaAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED9/21/2011Grace, Jack$129,423
Climate Change Impacts on Hawaiian Biodiversity and Fresh Water Resources: Building Capacity for Research, Education, and Community-based MitigationAgriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED9/27/2011Bruland, Gregory$125,000
Hawaii Information System for Substance Abuse Prevention ProjectHealth, Dept - Alcohol & Drug Abuse Div-HI10/20/2011Fong, Grace$120,529
Economic Analysis of Little Fire Ant Risk in HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE11/30/2011Leung, PingSun$117,603
Post-harvest Management of Slugs and Snails Potentially Carrying Rat Lungworm (Angiostronglus Cantonensis) on Hawaii's Farms and Gardens to Protect Local Children and Adults, and VisitorsAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture10/4/2011Hollyer, James$109,955
Constructing a DNA-Based Systematic Framework for the Bactorcera Dorsalis Complex for Improved Control and QuarantineAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED10/3/2011Rubinoff, Daniel$108,000
UH-CES Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education FY 2012Human Services, Dept - HI6/17/2011Kanehiro, Naomi$102,801
Effects of Mean Annual Temperature on Carbon Storage and Fluxes in Native Forests of HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED9/14/2011Litton, Creighton$100,569
UHM-Collaborative Effort for Evaluating Regionally Based Feedstock and Co-Products for Aquaculture and LivestockAgriculture, Dept - FED9/28/2011Grace, Jack$100,176
Green Processing of High Yield Tropical Grass to Biobased Product and BiobutanolOREGON STATE UNIVERSITY12/14/2011Khanal, Samir$99,224
Control of Bacterial Wilt of Ginger through an Integrated Pest Management ProgramUtah State University8/24/2011Miyasaka, Susan$97,064
The Influence of Cover Crops and Tillage on Soil Quality, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Pest Community Dynamics, and Economics of Fields Transitioning toMARYLAND, UNIVERSITY OF12/21/2011Wang, Koon-hui$95,740
Vegetation Phenology and Vegetation Index Products from Multiple Missions and Satellite SensorsARIZONA, UNIVERSITY OF11/3/2011Miura, Tomoaki$92,266
Reducing Pacific Island Grower's Reliance on Off-Island Fertilizer Sources Through Improved Access and Efficient Use of Local InputsUTAH STATE UNIVERSITY11/16/2011Radovich, Theodore$91,123
Environmental Effects of Tephritid Fruit Fly Control and ManagementAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED9/30/2011Grace, Jack$89,816
Hair Analysis for Mercury and Arsenic ExposureHealth, Dept - HI8/17/2011Li, Qingxiao$82,135
An Integrated Disease Management Program for Banana Industries in the Pacific IslandsAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture9/16/2011Wang, Koon-Hui$80,958
A Systems Approach to Managing Microbial Threats to Greenhouse TomatoesOhio State University10/5/2011Alvarez, Anne$80,381
Developing Sustainable Pest Control Practices Against Major Pests in Papaya in HawaiiUtah State University10/12/2011Kaufman, Leyla$77,530
A Systems Approach to Managing Microbial Threats to Greenhouse TomatoesOhio State University2/8/2011Alvarez, Anne$76,537
Irrigation and Nitrogen Best Management Practices for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Environmental ProtectionEnvironmental Protection Agency10/13/2011Fares, Ali$76,000
Integrated Postharvest Extension Program for Cambodia and VietnamCalifornia Davis, University of3/9/2011Paull, Robert$75,167
UH-CTAHR Extension and Research Projects in Maui countyCOUNTY MAUI OFC OF ECON DEVEL12/2/2011Keyser, Harold$75,000
Hawaii KIDS COUNT 2011Casey (Annie E.) Foundation4/5/2011Stern, Ivette$75,000
Nutrition Consultation and ReviewHuman Services, Dept - HI5/19/2011Kanehiro, Naomi$75,000
Leaf Spotting and its Affect on Ti Leaf (Cordyline terminalis or fruticosa): for Laulau OperationsAgriculture, Dept - HI2/28/2011Sugano, Jari$74,000
University of Hawaii Extension IPM 2010Agriculture, Dept - FED9/16/2011Hara, Arnold$73,818
Ipu Waiwai Kula - 'AE (Aquaponics in Education)ISIS HAWAII12/15/2011Tamaru, Clyde$71,500
Assessing the Effects of Fragmentation, Invasives Species and Climate Change on Forest FragmentsAgriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED9/28/2011Litton, Creighton$70,000
Management and Control of Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) Through Resistant CultivarsAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED9/30/2011Grace, Jack$65,228
Development of Validation Protocols for Vegetation Index Time Series from VIIRSCommerce, Dept - Natl Oceanic & Atmospheric Adm (NOAA)9/28/2011Miura, Tomoaki$61,923
Military 4-H Club GrantKansas State University3/21/2011Nakatsuka, Claire$60,000
Funding of 2011 HAWAII IR-4 Food Use Field Projects - SPO #201117720CALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF11/18/2011Kawate, Michael$60,000
Sunn hemp and its Alleplopathic Compounds for Vegetable Production in Hawaii and BeyondUtah State University1/25/2011Wang, Koon-Hui$56,495
Keaukaha Community Resource CenterKamehameha Schools7/21/2011Ikeda, Carol$55,000
Aquaponics for Hawaii and the U.S. Pacific Islands. Technology Refinement and Transfer to the Commercial Aquaculture SectorOCEANIC INSTITUTE-CTR FOR TOP & SUB TROP AQUA (CTSA)12/30/2011Kobayashi, Kent D$51,729
Multifunctional Oleosomes as Nanocarriers for Cancer TherapyHawaii Community Foundation (HCF)7/7/2011Su, Wei-Wen$50,000
Increasing Market Potential by Reducing On-Farm Food Safety Risk for Specialty Crop Produce Growers in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - HI4/19/2011Hollyer, James$49,910
Training Livestock to Consume Weeds and Evaluation of Effects on Meat Quality in Tropical and Subtropical EnvironmentsUtah State University7/6/2011Stevenson, Matthew$49,610
Improved Wildfire Prediction Using Remote Sensing Technology on Military Grasslands in HawaiiDefense, Dept - Army8/24/2011Litton, Creighton$48,227
OSD Operation Military Kids CampKansas State University4/20/2011Nakatsuka, Claire$48,160
Pineapple ResearchUniversity of Hawaii Foundation3/7/2011Paull, Robert$48,000
A Novel Approach of Using Myostatin Prodomain to Treat Age-Associated SarcopeniaHCF-Geist Foundation8/27/2011Kim, Yong-Soo$47,980
Biology of Maize Chlorotic Mottle Virus in Hawaii: Identification of Insect Vectors, Transmission Mode, Vector Seasonability and Alternative Host PlantsHawaii Crop Improvement Association3/9/2011Bressan, Alberto$46,200
Monitoring Biocontrol Agent Efficacy and Pest Impacts on Wiliwili, Erythrina SandwicensisLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)12/8/2011Kaufman, Leyla Valdivia$45,800
Biotechnology Outreach ProgramAgriculture, Dept - FED9/28/2011Wieczorek, Anna$44,782
Documenting Food Self-Sufficiency in Hawaii Using the INVICTA SystemAgriculture, Dept - HI6/24/2011Leung, Ping$42,933
Western Regional Center in the National Plant Diagnostic NetworkCalifornia Davis, University of10/31/2011Alvarez, Anne$41,203
Assessing Impacts of Myoporum thrips (Klambothrips myopori) Infestation in Hawaii: Distribution, Rate of Spread, and Impact on Forest ResourcesLand & Natural Res, Dept - HI10/5/2011Kaufman, Leyla$41,200
HMIS Analysis and Dissemination ProjectHuman Services, Dept - Hawaii Public Housing Authority-HI3/5/2011Yuan, Sarah$41,160
HMIS Analysis and Dissemination ProjectHuman Services, Dept - HI5/5/2011Yuan, Sarah$41,160
Survey for Erwinia Chrysanthemi and Other Bacterial Pathogens on Vegetatively Propagated Ornamental CropsAgriculture, Dept - FED9/6/2011Alvarez, Anne$39,397
Alternative Waste Management Solutions for Small-Scale Piggery Operations: Educational Outreach, Demonstration and Adoption for Pacific Island CommunitiesArizona, University of10/18/2011Fukumoto, Glen$39,159
Assessing Hawaii's Aquaculture Farm and Industry PerformanceOceanic Institute - Ctr for Tropical & Subtrpcl Aquaculture (CTSA)9/22/2011Leung, Ping$38,553
Voluntary Long-Term Protection of Agricultural Land in HawaiiUtah State University5/9/2011Lepczyk, Christopher$35,597
Host Range Testing and Molecular Analysis of the Rust Disease Puccinia psidii WinterLand & Natural Res, Dept - Div of Forestry & Wildlife-HI2/1/2011Uchida, Janice$34,000
Water and Carbon Footprint and Plant Parameters of Biofuel Production on the HC&S Sugarcane Lands in Maui, HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED10/5/2011Crow, Susan$32,000
Hawaii Pesticide Applicator Certification Training and Education Program 2011-2012Agriculture, Dept - HI8/31/2011Nagamine, Charles$30,006
Hawaii AgDiscovery ProgramAgriculture, Dept - FED5/18/2011Kinoshita, Charles$30,000
VEF Fellows and Scholars ProgramVietnam Education Foundation (VEF)7/12/2011Ako, Harry$28,000
The Potential for Restoration to Break the Grass/Fire Cycle in Dryland Ecosystems in Hawaii: Using Remotely Sensed Data to Guide and Understand Restoration of Dry Forest Ecosystem ProcessAgriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED8/25/2011Litton, Creighton$25,000
Evaluating the Benefits of Korean Natural Farming Practice on Tropical Vegetable Crop Production in HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATRL RES SVC-FED11/17/2011Wang, Koon-hui$25,000
Field Evaluation of Oil Seed Crops at Benchmark LocationsHawaii Agriculture Research Center5/17/2011Uehara, Goro$25,000
Improved Wildfire Prediction Using Remote Sensing Technology on Guinea Grasslands in HawaiiInterior, Dept - Bureau of Land Management9/12/2011Litton, Creighton$24,967
Arsenic in Aquatic Macrophytes: Concentrations in the Wailuku and Wailoa WatershedsHealth, Dept - HI8/25/2011Yost, Russell$24,000
2010 Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship program, Hosting Visiting Fellow from CamerooonAgriculture, Dept - FED1/27/2011Uchida, Janice$21,963
Environmental Effects of Tephritid Fruit Fly Control and ManagementAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED9/13/2011Grace, Jack$21,272
Research to Improve Estimates of Game Harvests and Hunting Participation in the State of Hawai‘i Year 4Land & Natural Res, Dept - Div of Forestry & Wildlife-HI7/6/2011Lepczyk, Christopher$20,000
Mindfulness as Youth Suicide Prevention Intervention for Native AmericansAmerican Psychological Foundation10/12/2011Le, Thao$20,000
An Integrated Disease Management Program for Banana Industries in the Pacific IslandsAgriculture, Dept - Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture9/16/2011Wang, Koon-Hui$18,731
Western Integrated Pest Management Center Regional Comments Coordinator for the American-Affiliated Pacific IslandsCalifornia Davis, University of8/17/2011Kawate, Michael$17,500
University of Hawaii Financial Literacy Program Training & DevelopmentInstitute for Higher Education Policy7/25/2011Kutara, Pamela$16,250
2010 IR-4 Western Region Food Use Field Trial Analytical ProgramCalifornia Davis, University of7/12/2011Li, Qingxiao$16,000
SARE Professional Development Program Plan for HawaiiWyoming, University of3/3/2011Radovich, Theodore$15,000
The Citrus Clean Plant Network in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - FED10/19/2011Melzer, Michael$14,872
Feasible Analysis of Ohelo as a Specialty Crop for HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED3/8/2011Nakamoto, Stuart$13,500
Operation: Military Kids 2011 L/RS Big Island- HawaiiKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY12/6/2011Nakatsuka, Claire$13,190
Technical Assistance for Forestry, Agroforestry, and Native Plant Nurseries in the American-affiliated Pacific IslandsAgriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED9/16/2011Friday, James$12,000
Evaluating the Risk of Diphacinone Rodenticide Pellets to Hawaiian Trigger FishInterior, Dept - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service1/13/2011Bingham, Jon-Paul$12,000
Weed Control Protocols for Native Hawaiian Plant EstablishmentUniversity of Hawaii Foundation1/14/2011DeFrank, Joseph$11,300
2011 IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Research Project: 11-020 Mealybug EfficacyCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF11/23/2011Hara, Arnold H.$10,000
Hawaii Pesticide Safety Education ProgramAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED11/3/2011Nagamine, Charles$10,000
Pineapple ResearchUniversity of Hawaii Foundation3/7/2011Paull, Robert$9,000
Facility-Based Healthcare Utilization INformation Analysis and DisseminationHEALTH, DEPT-HI12/5/2011Yuan, Sarah$8,200
Research Agreement with Millipore Corporation on Developing a Prototype InstrumentMillipore Corporation7/13/2011Su, Wei-Wen$8,000
Management Practices and Outcomes for Restoring Acacia koa and Sophora chrysophylla Forests to Abandoned Pastures and Degraded Forests of HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED9/15/2011Friday, James$8,000
Young-Growth Koa Wood Quality Assessment and DemonstrationAgriculture, Dept - Forest Service-FED9/1/2011Friday, James$7,729
Farm Food Safety Water and Produce Testing ServicesAgriculture, Dept - Agribusiness Dev Corp-HI6/30/2011Hollyer, James$7,659
Acquisition of Goods and ServicesAgriculture, Dept - Agricultural Research Svc-FED9/13/2011Nagata, Russell$5,642
Yin-Yang Philosophical Influences on Chinese Imperial Costume DesignHawaii Council for the Humanities8/11/2011Lin, Shu$5,000
Hawaii Youth Opportunities Initiative Data AnalysisEPIC Ohana Inc. 4/21/2011Stern, Ivette$5,000
Innovative, Integrated Pest Management Practices for SweetpotatoesCounty of Hawaii10/4/2011Miyasaka, Susan$5,000
PSD MenuPublic Safety, Dept - HI9/16/2011Watters, Corilee$5,000
The Use of Biopods in Composting Abattoir WasteCounty of Hawaii9/20/2011Duponte, Michael$4,750
Journal of Natural Resources Policy ResearchUniversity of Hawaii Foundation4/13/2011Gopalakrishnan, Chennat$4,500
Core Health Messages: A Strategy to Improve the Health and Well Being of Rural Low-Income FamiliesMassachusetts Amherst, University of2/4/2011Yancura, Loriena$3,647
Enhancing Protea Flowering in HawaiiHill (Joseph H) Memorial Foundation, Inc.9/12/2011Criley, Richard$1,100
Total:    $25,324,305

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