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Extramural Grant Projects

Extramural awards (as opposed to Intramural awards in which the funding decisions are made within CTAHR) include research or non-research grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements from federal, private, foreign and other outside sources. This database includes all CTAHR awards that were processed through the Office of Research Services (ORS) and can be sorted by Title, PI, and/or Amount by clicking on the headers. Awards which are not processed through ORS, such as formula funds (Hatch, McIntire-Stennis, and Smith-Lever), are not included in this database. The awards are reported by “Awarded Date” and multiyear awards are listed according to the dates that the funds were received by ORS (either all during the first year or divided annually over the award period).

Additional information describing individual USDA grants in greater detail can be found by searching the following USDA Current Research Information System (CRIS) website. For information on writing and submitting grants, go to the employee's page.

CTAHR has received the following awards since 2005.

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Project TitleFunding AgencyAwarded DateInvestigatorAmount
Conversion of High-yield Tropical Biomass into Sustainable BiofuelsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED6/6/2012Hashimoto, Andrew Ginji$6,000,000
Agribusiness Education, Training and Incubation Program (AETI)AGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED1/4/2012Kinoshita, Charles$1,531,747
Agribusiness Education, Training and Incubation Program (AETI)AGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE9/7/2012Kinoshita, Charles$1,528,746
Quality Care Program, Supplemental 1HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI10/12/2012Fong, Grace$1,357,838
University Partnership on Linking Entrepreneurship and Agricultural Potential to promote Job Opportunities for Business Scale-Up for MindanaoAMERICAN COUNCIL EDUCATION6/26/2012Chan-Halbrendt, Catherine$1,070,495
Learning to Grow Project, Supplemental 2HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI7/16/2012Fong, Grace$438,443
Water and Carbon Footprint and Plant Parameters of Biofuel Production on the HC&S Sugarcane Lands in Maui, HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED8/28/2012Crow, Susan$345,700
Hoahu, To Set Aside for the Future: Understanding Sustainability of Community Based Natural Resource Management through a Century of ChangeNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION9/17/2012Blaich, Mehana$317,266
Development of Diagnostic Resources to Support Fruit Fly Exclusion and EradicationAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED10/9/2012Rubinoff, Daniel$311,700
Sustainable Management of Agroecological Resources for Tribal Societies (SMARTS)VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INST & STATE UNIV3/15/2012Chan-Halbrendt, Catherine$309,025
Outreach and Assistance in Tropical Pasture and Livestock Management of Pacific IslandersAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED9/11/2012Thorne, Mark Sutton$298,381
Vital Upgrades and Databasing for the University of Hawaii Insect MuseumNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION6/19/2012Rubinoff, Daniel$290,328
Development of the Hawaii Pacific Basin Alliance Center for Insect Control (PBACIC) Through Research Partnership with the University of Hawaii, ManoaAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service10/5/2012Grace, Jack Kenneth$280,000
UH-CES Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education FY 2012HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI10/12/2012Kanehiro, Naomi$256,605
Functional Genomics of Maize CentromeresGEORGIA, UNIVERSITY OF5/3/2012Presting, Gernot$254,696
CTAHRs Unified Food Safety Coaching, Research and Education ProgramAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI3/13/2012Hollyer, James R.$250,000
Risk Management/Crop Insurance Education for Hawaii Producers 2012-2013AGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED10/1/2012Nakamoto, Stuart T$245,992
Risk Management/Crop Insurance Education for Hawaii Producers 2011-2012Agriculture, Dept-Risk Management Agency2/21/2012Nakamoto, Stuart T$245,869
UH-CES Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education FY 2012HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI1/12/2012Kanehiro, Naomi$231,641
Service to support, monitor, and report on the substance abuse treatment services and assist in development, implementation, and improvement of WITSHEALTH, DEPT-ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE DIV-HI7/26/2012Kim, Ji-yeon$230,000
Supporting the Development and Delivery of the National Food Safety CurriculumTENNESSEE-KNOXVILLE, UNIVERSITY OF3/13/2012Brennan, Barry$203,106
Systems Approach to Pest Management Practices - Potted Foilage Plant Production - Phase IAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI6/12/2012Hara, Arnold H.$200,000
Developing Large Scale Seed Production and Roadside Establishment Protocols for Four Native Hawaiian GroundcoversTRANSPORTATION, DEPT-HI3/14/2012DeFrank, Joseph$190,089
Supporting the Development and Delivery of the National Food Safety CurriculumTENNESSEE-KNOXVILLE, UNIVERSITY OF10/17/2012Brennan, Barry$159,164
Investigating the Phenotypic Effect of Wolbachia in Parthenogenetic Aphid PopulationsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE2/9/2012Bressan, Alberto$150,000
CTAHR Agricultural DatabaseAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI3/12/2012Miura, Tomoaki$150,000
Sustainable Communities Project Through Successful Community PartnershipAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE7/3/2012Chong, Joan L$128,000
Control of Minor Crop Pests and DiseasesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/25/2012Grace, Jack Kenneth$123,972
Adding Value and Controlling Pests and Diseases of PapayaAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/24/2012Grace, Jack Kenneth$122,371
Understanding how climate change is affecting Hawaii's high-elevation ecosystems: an assessment of the long-term viability of Haleakala silversword...INTERIOR, DEPT-UNITED STATES GEO SURVEY10/2/2012Krushelnycky, Paul$104,981
Establishing the Pacific Fire Science ConsortiumAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED7/12/2012Litton, Creighton$102,000
Promoting Hawaii Agrosecurity Through Research and EducationAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED3/13/2012Brennan, Barry$100,000
Educational Initiative for Improving Risk Identification and Pest Detection in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service9/14/2012Hara, Arnold H.$99,997
Risk Management/Crop Insurance Education for Hawaii Producers 2012-2013AGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED9/21/2012Kawabata, Andrea M$99,985
Green Processing of High Yield Tropical Grass to Biobased Product and BiobutanolOREGON STATE UNIVERSITY10/29/2012Khanal, Samir$99,383
The Influence of Cover Crops and Tillage on Soil Quality, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Pest Community Dynamics, and Economics of Fields Transitioning toMARYLAND, UNIVERSITY OF11/15/2012Wang, Koon-hui$99,260
Control of Bacterial Wilt of Ginger through an Integrated Pest Management ProgramUTAH STATE UNIVERSITY7/17/2012Miyasaka, Susan C$99,190
*Hawaii Adventure Camp for Military YouthPURDUE UNIVERSITY5/23/2012Le, Thao$99,017
Mitigating the Diseases of Freshwater Cultured Fish Species in Hawaii and the Pacific RegionOCEANIC INSTITUTE-CTR FOR TOP & SUB TROP AQUA (CTSA)8/25/2012Tamaru, Clyde$97,000
Low-Input Integrated Management of Tomato VirusesUTAH STATE UNIVERSITY10/29/2012Wright, Mark$95,812
Hawaii Risk Management School: Risk Management Education for AAPI*, Limited Resource Producers and Ranchers in Farm Safety, AGR-Lite and Crop Insur...Agriculture, Dept-Risk Management Agency2/21/2012Sugano, Jari S.K.$95,161
Monitoring Climate and the Impact of Rising Temperature on Belowground ProcessesAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED7/12/2012Litton, Creighton$89,000
Hair Analysis for Mercury and Arsenic ExposureHEALTH, DEPT-HI10/15/2012Li, Qing Xiao$83,266
Evaluation and Validation of NPP VIIRS Vegetation Index EDR for Earth System and Climate SciencesNATIONAL AERONAUT & SPACE ADM6/6/2012Miura, Tomoaki$80,671
2012 Operation Military Kids GrantKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY2/13/2012Nakatsuka, Claire$78,758
Hauoli Mau Loa Graduate AssistantshipsUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION8/29/2012Chan-Halbrendt, Catherine$78,000
Nutrition Consultation & ReviewHUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI4/27/2012Kanehiro, Naomi$75,000
Structure characterization of windmill palm peroxidase in relation to roles of glycosylation on stability and catalysisAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE7/16/2012Li, Qing Xiao$75,000
Hawaii KIDS COUNT 2012CASEY, ANNIE E., FOUNDATION2/15/2012Stern, Ivette R$75,000
Deflecting the Wave: Using Coastal Vegetation to Mitigate Tsunami and Storm Surge Phase IIILAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR) KAULULANI GR PGM11/28/2012Kaufman, Andrew$75,000
University of Hawaii Extension Integrated Pest Management Program 2010AGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE7/5/2012Hara, Arnold H.$73,818
The Citrus Clean Plant Network in HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED11/23/2012Melzer, Michael john$71,280
Developing Sustainable Pest Control Practices Against Major Pests in Papaya in HawaiiUTAH STATE UNIVERSITY11/13/2012Kaufman, Leyla Valdivia$70,644
Pacific Kids DASH for Health (PacDASH)Kaiser Foundation Research Institute5/7/2012Novotny, Rachel$69,734
Development of Validation Protocols for Vegetation Index Time Series from VIIRSCOMMERCE, DEPT-NATL NOAA-FED8/22/2012Miura, Tomoaki$65,450
Environmental Effects of Tephritid Fruit Fly Control and ManagementAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/26/2012Grace, Jack Kenneth$62,810
Cataloguing specimens from the University of Hawaii Insect Museum for integration into the State of Hawaii Invertebrate DatabaseLAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR)4/27/2012Rubinoff, Daniel$62,500
2012 IR-4 Western Region Food Use Residue ProgramCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF9/20/2012Kawate, Michael$60,000
Haleakala Silversword Research to Slow the Invasion of Argentine Ants in Silversword HabitatINTERIOR, DEPT-NATIONAL PARK SVC8/8/2012Krushelnycky, Paul$60,000
Military 4-H GrantKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY1/17/2012Nakatsuka, Claire$60,000
Aquaculture Training On-Line Learning (ATOLL) Phase 2COMMERCE, DEPT-NATL NOAA-FED6/27/2012Benny Ron, Tetsuzan$60,000
Ipu Waiwai Kula - 'AE (Aquaponics in Education)ISIS HAWAII10/26/2012Tamaru, Clyde$58,000
UH-CES Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education FY 2012HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI1/12/2012Kanehiro, Naomi$56,284
Get Fueling for HealthNATIONAL FOUR-H COUNCIL (4-H)6/4/2012Heusel, Gary$55,500
Keaukaha Community Resource CenterKAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS8/27/2012Chong, Joan L$55,000
The Irrigation Water Requirement Estimation Decision Support System for the determination of reasonable water use quantities for selected crops in HILAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR)7/27/2012Fares, Ali$55,000
Monsanto Fellowship AwardsUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION5/9/2012Kinoshita, Charles$55,000
Rapid Assays to Assess Human Exposure to PesticidesCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF11/20/2012Li, Qing Xiao$53,694
Development of Foliage Germplasm for Import Replacement to Enhance the Biosecurity of Hawaii's Cut Flower IndustryAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI10/11/2012Keyser, Harold$50,000
High Wear and Biofouling Resistant Nanoparticle-Polymer Composite Coating for Food ProcessingKorea Food Research Institute3/13/2012Jun, SooJin$50,000
DNA-Based Selection of High-Growth, Saltwater-Tolerant TilapiaOCEANIC INSTITUTE-CTR FOR TOP & SUB TROP AQUA (CTSA)12/13/2012Yang, Jinzeng$50,000
Biosecurity of Hawaii's Flowers for ExportAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI7/24/2012Sewake, Kelvin$50,000
Effectiveness of Beauveria Bassiana on Coffee Berry Borer in Different Agroclimatic ZonesUTAH STATE UNIVERSITY6/28/2012Burbano, Elsie Gladys$49,403
Biology of Maize Chlorotic Mottle Virus in Hawaii: Identification of Insect Vectors, Transmission Mode, Vector Seasonality and Alternative Host PlantsHAWAII CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION9/10/2012Bressan, Alberto$47,850
Rapid Assays to Assess Human Exposure to PesticidesCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF2/23/2012Li, Qing Xiao$47,559
Detection and Mitigation of Invasive Plant VirusesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/26/2012Grace, Jack Kenneth$45,615
Monsanto Fellowship AwardsUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION9/26/2012Kinoshita, Charles$45,000
Assessing the capacity of a new remote sensing tool to monitor fire risk on Hawai'i islandAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED6/29/2012Litton, Creighton$45,000
Survey of Downy Mildews and Other Selected Fungal or Nematode Diseases of Corn in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service5/16/2012Wang, Koon-hui$44,480
Economic Analyses of Aquaponic Systems in Hawaii and GuamOCEANIC INSTITUTE-CTR FOR TOP & SUB TROP AQUA (CTSA)7/12/2012Leung, PingSun$42,972
Aina Mo Soil Amendment Project: Organic compound from biodiesel glycerin coproduct to control apple snail (P. canaliculata) on wetland taroPacific Biodiesel7/10/2012Tamaru, Clyde$42,527
HMIS Analysis and Dissemination ProjectHUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI Benefits, Employment & Support Services5/22/2012Yuan, Sarah CW$41,160
Assessing Impacts of Myoporum thrips (Klambothrips myopori) Infestation in Hawaii: Distribution, Rate of Spread, and Impact on Forest ResourcesLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)10/23/2012Kaufman, Leyla Valdivia$41,000
Biological Control of Naio Thrips in HawaiiLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)12/19/2012Kaufman, Leyla Valdivia$40,500
Western Regional Center in the National Plant Diagnostic NetworkCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF9/14/2012Alvarez, Anne$40,053
Hawaii AgDiscovery ProgramAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service5/23/2012Kinoshita, Charles$40,000
Host range testing and molecular analysis of the rust disease Puccinia psidii WinterLAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR)11/5/2012Uchida, Janice$37,000
OSD/Operation: Military Kids Camp 2012KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY3/13/2012Nakatsuka, Claire$36,674
Anthropod species and community responses to rodent management in theLAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR)1/27/2012Krushelnycky, Paul$35,000
OSD/Operation: Military Kids Camp - American SamoaKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY4/13/2012Nakatsuka, Claire$34,095
Adapting Aquaponics Systems for Use in the Pacific IslandsOCEANIC INSTITUTE-CTR FOR TOP & SUB TROP AQUA (CTSA)8/23/2012Kobayashi, Kent D$34,012
DNA-based Animal GeneticsOCEANIC INSTITUTE-CTR FOR TOP & SUB TROP AQUA (CTSA)5/3/2012Yang, Jinzeng$33,500
Community Based Restoration of Waikalua Loko: A Hawaiian FishpondPACIFIC AMERICAN FOUNDATION8/27/2012Tamaru, Clyde$33,423
Biotechnology Outreach ProgramAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED7/12/2012Wieczorek, Anna$31,317
Alternative Waste Management Solutions for Small-Scale Piggery Operations: Educational Outreach, Demonstration and Adoption for Pacific Island Comm.ARIZONA, UNIVERSITY OF4/10/2012Fukumoto, Glen K.$30,000
Enhance three Hawaii vegetable products for US Mainland marketsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED10/12/2012Huang, Alvin$28,100
Extraction, identification and characterization of heptacosadine and its analogs from banana peelsMakise Lifeup International Corp.10/5/2012Li, Qing Xiao$28,015
VEF Fellows and Scholars ProgramVIETNAM EDUCATION FOUNDATION8/23/2012Ako, Harry$28,000
Pineapple ResearchUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION2/23/2012Paull, Robert E$28,000
Handheld devices for on-site real-time agricultural diagnostics and food safety/ quality assessmentDiagenetix Inc.8/3/2012Jenkins, Daniel$26,793
Secondary Effects of Behavior-based Pasture ManagementUTAH STATE UNIVERSITY9/24/2012Stevenson, Matthew$26,770
Firm Fixed Fee Contract: Assistance Program for Start-Up Manufacturers of Food ProductsHIGH TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION-HI3/19/2012Chiang, Steven$25,000
Survey to Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Viruses in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service5/17/2012Melzer, Michael john$23,453
Global Mapping of N2O Emission from Aquaculture and its Implications to Climate Change: Fate of N2O in Water Recirculating Aquaponic SystemsKorea University Research and Business Foundation1/12/2012Khanal, Samir$23,100
Assessing Water Storage Option for Tropical IslandsARIZONA, UNIVERSITY OF4/24/2012Macomber, Patricia$23,000
Waiawa Correctional Facility Aquaponics Expansion ProposalHAWAII COMMUNITY FOUNDATION (HCF)7/17/2012Tamaru, Clyde$22,500
Novel gene-stacking technologyDOW AGROSCIENCES LCC5/22/2012Su, Wei-Wen$22,000
Regional Biomass Feedstock Partnership - Herbaceous Bioenergy Crop Field TrialsSOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY1/3/2012Ogoshi, Richard$22,000
Kaneohe Community EvaluationPARENTS & CHILDREN TOGETHER (PACT)7/10/2012Kim, Ji-yeon$20,000
Rapid Assessment of Soil Carbon Project Assistance for the Hawaiian IslandsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATRL RES SVC-FED9/6/2012Crow, Susan$20,000
Western Integrated Pest Management Center Regional Comments Coordinator for the American-affiliated Pacific IslandsCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF9/14/2012Kawate, Michael$17,500
Western Integrated Pest Management Center Regional Comments Coordinator for the American-affiliated Pacific IslandsCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF1/31/2012Kawate, Michael$17,500
A Survey for Watermelon Mosaic Virus and Other Potyviruses in Hawaii's Orchid IndustryAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service5/16/2012Melzer, Michael john$17,069
State Forest Reserve Revenue Development StrategyLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)10/25/2012Litton, Creighton$16,391
Evaluation of Broad and Fine Scale Models of Butterfish Biomass Applied to By-catch Reduction in the Longfin Inshore Squid Fishery in the Mid-AtlanticRUTGERS, STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY2/23/2012Gray, Steven$16,000
2011 IR4 Western Regional Food Use Field Trial Analytical ProgramCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF1/12/2012Li, Qing Xiao$16,000
SARE Professional Development Program Plan for HawaiiWYOMING, UNIVERSITY OF2/2/2012Radovich, Theodore$15,000
SARE Professional Development Program Plan for HawaiiWYOMING, UNIVERSITY OF12/14/2012Radovich, Theodore$15,000
Arsenic in Soils, Sediments, and Aquatic Macrophytes: Concentrations in Kaumana Springs Area,Wailuki Watershed, Hawaii IslandHEALTH, DEPT-HAZARD EVAL & EMERGENCY RESPONSE1/26/2012Yost, Russell S.$15,000
Sorting and identification of invertebrate specimens collected from Kaena Point Natural Area ReserveLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)4/27/2012Krushelnycky, Paul$14,981
An Integrated BioGas-Solar Dehydration System: Increasing Sustainability Through Value-Added AgricultureOmniGreen Renewables, LLC1/31/2012Khanal, Samir$14,200
Management practices and outcomes for restoring Acacia koa and Sophora chrysophylla forest to abandoned pastures and degraded forests of HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED4/18/2012Friday, James B$12,000
Technical Assistance for Forestry, Agroforestry, and Native Plant Nurseries in the American-affiliated Pacific IslandsAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED8/6/2012Friday, James B$11,000
Quality Care Program, Supplemental 1HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI7/16/2012Fong, Grace$10,866
Creating Intergenerational Opportunities Through the Foster Grandparent and Other Related ProgramsHUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI4/5/2012Greenwood, Heather$10,000
Determination of Environmental Exposures during the Transport of Cattle from Hawaii to the Mainland United StatesNational Cattlemen's Beef Association9/7/2012Stokes, Ashley$10,000
Attitudes of the General Public to Pet Cats and Wildlife - An International ComparisonMurdoch University8/20/2012Lepczyk, Christopher$9,900
Enhancing Biodiesel Feedstock and Co-product Production Using Oleaginous FungiPacific Biodiesel10/17/2012Khanal, Samir$9,888
Logistical Support for Kauai Conservation Partnership ProgramINTERIOR, DEPT-FISH & WILDLIFE SVC8/23/2012Yamakawa, Roy$7,800
Constructing a DNA-Based Systematic Framework for the Bactrocera Dorsalis (Diptera:Tephritidae) for Improved Control and QuarantineAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/10/2012Rubinoff, Daniel$7,500
Consistent Year-Round Avocado Production by Exploiting Diverse Microclimates for Local Market Consumption and Community Food SecurityCounty Hawaii Dept of Research and Development8/24/2012Nickum, Mark$7,000
Integrated Postharvest Extension Program for Cambodia and VietnamCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF9/13/2012Paull, Robert E$6,853
Acquisition of Goods and ServicesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/6/2012Nagata, Russell$5,642
Hawaii Youth Opportunities Initiative Data AnalysisEPIC Ohana, Inc3/15/2012Stern, Ivette R$5,000
Kauai Swine Day and Farm TourAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRIB DEV CORP-HI10/16/2012Duponte, Michael William$4,014
School Garden CurriculumThe Kohala Center6/13/2012Watters, Corilee$4,000
Journal of Natural Resources Policy ResearchUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION7/31/2012Gopalakrishnan, Chennat$4,000
Weed Control Protocols for Native Hawaiian Plant EstablishmentUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION5/9/2012DeFrank, Joseph$2,000
Understanding how climate change is affecting Hawaii's high-elevation ecosystems: an assessment of the long-term viability of Haleakala silverswordsINTERIOR, DEPT-FISH & WILDLIFE SVC9/13/2012Krushelnycky, Paul$118
Total:    $22,014,462

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