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Extramural Grant Projects

Extramural awards (as opposed to Intramural awards in which the funding decisions are made within CTAHR) include research or non-research grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements from federal, private, foreign and other outside sources. This database includes all CTAHR awards that were processed through the Office of Research Services (ORS) and can be sorted by Title, PI, and/or Amount by clicking on the headers. Awards which are not processed through ORS, such as formula funds (Hatch, McIntire-Stennis, and Smith-Lever), are not included in this database. The awards are reported by “Awarded Date” and multiyear awards are listed according to the dates that the funds were received by ORS (either all during the first year or divided annually over the award period).

Additional information describing individual USDA grants in greater detail can be found by searching the following USDA Current Research Information System (CRIS) website. For information on writing and submitting grants, go to the employee's page.

CTAHR has received the following awards since 2005.

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Project TitleFunding AgencyAwarded DateInvestigatorAmount
Children's Healthy Living Program for Remote Underserved Minority Populations in the Pacific RegionAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE9/12/2013Novotny, Rachel$4,999,908
Children's Healthy Living Program for Remote Underserved Minority Populations in the Pacific RegionAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED1/18/2013Novotny, Rachel$4,945,272
Agribusiness Education, Training and Incubation Program (AETI)AGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE9/11/2013Kinoshita, Charles$1,413,555
Quality Care Program, Supplemental 1HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI10/25/2013Fong, Grace$1,357,838
Quality Care Program, Supplemental 1HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI5/30/2013Fong, Grace$1,357,838
Areawide Mitigation and Management for Coffee Berry BorerAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/13/2013Sewake, Kelvin$949,367
Opportunities for Integrated and Soil-less Food Production Technologies in the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human ResourcesHorimasa Co. Ltd.1/28/2013Tamaru, Clyde$594,616
Nitrogen Transformations in Aquaponic SystemsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE10/10/2013Khanal, Samir$499,000
Learning to Grow Project, Supplemental 2HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI5/17/2013Fong, Grace$438,443
Sustainable Management of Agroecological Resources for Tribal Societies (SMARTS)VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INST & STATE UNIV9/10/2013Chan-Halbrendt, Catherine$306,170
Development of Diagnostic Resources to Support Fruit Fly Exclusion and EradicationAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/18/2013Rubinoff, Daniel$300,000
Parameterization of Two Simulation models (ALMANAC and SWAT) in Hawaii with Subsequent Parallelization of the SWAT ModelAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/3/2013Crow, Susan$290,000
Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Implementation Support & EnhancementHEALTH, DEPT-ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE DIV-HI7/22/2013Yuan, Sarah$273,210
CTAHRs Unified Food Safety Coaching, Research and Education ProgramAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI2/15/2013Hollyer, James R.$250,000
Proposal for the Development Large Scale Seed Production and Roadside Establishment Protocols for Five Native Hawaiian GroundcoversTRANSPORTATION, DEPT-HI4/24/2013DeFrank, Joseph$249,533
Risk Management/Crop Insurance Education for Hawaii's Producers 2013-2014Agriculture, Dept-Risk Management Agency10/24/2013Nakamoto, Stuart$245,832
Systems Approach to Pest Management Practices - Potted Foliage Plant Production - Phase IAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI12/20/2013Hara, Arnold H.$240,000
Service to support, monitor, and report on the substance abuse treatment services and assist in development, implementation, and improvement of WITSHEALTH, DEPT-ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE DIV-HI8/13/2013Kim, Ji-yeon$230,000
Functional Genomics of Maize CentromeresGEORGIA, UNIVERSITY OF10/2/2013Presting, Gernot$215,147
Evaluation and Validation of NPP VIIRS Vegetation Index EDR for Earth System and Climate SciencesNATIONAL AERONAUT & SPACE ADM4/4/2013Miura, Tomoaki$200,951
Adding Value and Controlling Pests and Diseases of PapayaAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/27/2013Grace, Jack Kenneth$186,405
Control of Minor Crop Pests and DiseasesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/30/2013Grace, Jack Kenneth$177,040
Evaluation of Grass-finished Beef Production in Hawaii: Evaluation of Soil Fertility, Forage Quality, and Herd GeneticsUlupono Initiative11/12/2013Stokes, Ashley$167,053
Monsanto Fellowship AwardsUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION5/14/2013Kinoshita, Charles$162,000
Engineering Novel Auto-Excising Domains for Advanced Transgene-Stacking in PlantsDOW AGROSCIENCES LCC11/13/2013Su, Wei-wen$156,954
Hauoli Mau Loa Graduate AssistantshipsUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION9/23/2013Chan-Halbrendt, Catherine$156,900
Studies on Biological Activity of Individual y-oryzanol from Agro-FoodRURAL DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION10/2/2013Li, Qing Xiao$150,000
Improving the efficiency of pig production by enhancing muscle satellite cell proliferation using myostatin-based biotechnologyRURAL DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION5/6/2013Kim, Yong-Soo$150,000
CTAHR Agricultural DatabaseAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRIB DEV CORP-HI2/15/2013Miura, Tomoaki$150,000
Developing ORP-based Process Control for High Solids Anaerobic DigestionAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE10/10/2013Khanal, Samir$149,739
Environmental Effects of Tephritid Fruit Fly Control and ManagementAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/30/2013Grace, Jack Kenneth$143,515
Improving Dietary Assessment in Children in the NCS -- HawaiiNorth Carolina, University of4/4/2013Novotny, Rachel$140,400
Vital Upgrades and Databasing for the University of Hawaii Insect MuseumNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION6/13/2013Rubinoff, Daniel$130,084
A Systems Approach to Managing Microbial Threats to Greenhouse TomatoesOhio State University10/21/2013Alvarez, Anne$129,446
Regionally Grown FeedstockAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/19/2013Grace, Jack$123,653
Characterization of Hazardous SubstancesHEALTH, DEPT-HAZARD EVAL & EMERGENCY RESPONSE12/27/2013Uchida, Raymond$120,941
Characterization of Hazardous SubstancesHEALTH, DEPT-HAZARD EVAL & EMERGENCY RESPONSE5/20/2013Uchida, Raymond S.$114,312
Evaluation and Validation of NPP VIIRS Vegetation Index EDR for Earth System and Climate SciencesNATIONAL AERONAUT & SPACE ADM11/7/2013Miura, Tomoaki$113,870
Tropical tree improvement and conservation geneticsAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED8/9/2013Litton, Creighton$101,000
DHHL/CES Agricultural Education Program for Hawaii IslandHAWAIIAN HOME LANDS, DEPT-HI11/21/2013Evensen, Carl$100,000
Developing Strategies for the Prevention and Mitigation of Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis (syn. F. asiatica) Outbreaks in Cultured TilapiaOCEANIC INSTITUTE-CTR FOR TOP & SUB TROP AQUA (CTSA)7/8/2013Tamaru, Clyde$100,000
Agricultural Workforce DevelopmentAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI1/2/2013Ron, Tetsuzan Benny$100,000
Promoting Hawaii Agrosecurity Through Research and EducationAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRIB DEV CORP-HI2/15/2013Brennan, Barry$100,000
Valuing Climate Change Impacts on Coral Reef Ecosystem ServicesINTERIOR, DEPT-UNITED STATES GEO SURVEY9/16/2013Oleson, Kirsten$95,841
Hawaiian Home Lands Agricultural Education ProgramHAWAIIAN HOME LANDS, DEPT-HI4/26/2013Evensen, Carl Imaikalani$95,000
Military Community Family and Youth Extension ProgramPURDUE UNIVERSITY4/18/2013Nakatsuka, Claire$91,060
Reducing Pacific Island Grower's Reliance on Off-Island Fertilizer Sources Through Improved Access and Efficient Use of Local InputsUTAH STATE UNIVERSITY1/3/2013Radovich, Theodore$89,457
Management of macadamia felted coccid in HawaiiRoyal Hawaiian Orchards, LP11/15/2013Wright, Mark$89,203
Tahiti Petrel (Pseudobulweria rostrata) abundance, distribution and predation riskAMERICAN SAMOA, GOVERNMENT5/16/2013Lepczyk, Christopher$88,643
Pathogen persistence in Hawaii's fresh produceCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF9/9/2013Melzer, Michael$85,741
Effect of Feed Additives on Digestibility and Growth Performance of Broilers Fed High and Low NSP DietsDupont Danisco Animal Nutrition8/26/2013Jha, Rajesh$85,396
Validation of Vegetation Index EDR from VIIRSCOMMERCE, DEPT-NATL NOAA-FED11/18/2013Miura, Tomoaki$81,654
Targeting High-Priority Miconia Patch Populations with an Accelerated Intervention Schedule Utilizing Herbicide Ballistic Technology (HBT)LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-INVASIVE SPEC (DLNR)8/28/2013Leary, James$79,750
Assessment of Secusio extensa for the Biological Control of Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis) in HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE10/31/2013Krushelnycky, Paul$77,637
Hawaii KIDS COUNT 2012CASEY, ANNIE E., FOUNDATION5/2/2013Stern, Ivette R$75,000
Nutrition Consultation & ReviewHUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI5/28/2013Kanehiro, Naomi$75,000
2014 Operation: Military Kids (OMK)DEFENSE, DEPT-ARMY10/17/2013Nakatsuka, Claire$72,698
Adapting an ecosystem services trade-off tool to support ecosystem-based management of Hawaiian coral reefs and coastal communitiesCOMMERCE, DEPT-NATL NOAA-FED7/26/2013Oleson, Kirsten$68,551
2013 IR-4 Western Region Food Use Residue ProgramCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF11/29/2013Kawate, Michael$63,000
Understanding how climate change is affecting Hawaii's high-elevation ecosystems: an assessment of the long-term viability of Haleakala silverswordsINTERIOR, DEPT-FISH & WILDLIFE SVC6/7/2013Krushelnycky, Paul$60,763
University of Hawai`i Extension IPM Coordination and Support Program 2013AGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE9/24/2013Hara, Arnold$60,000
Haleakala Silversword Research to Slow the Invasion of Argentine Ants in Silversword HabitatINTERIOR, DEPT-NATIONAL PARK SVC7/12/2013Krushelnycky, Paul$60,000
Modeling distributions and assessing population boundaries for the Kamehameha butterfly (Vanessa tameamea)LAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR)7/5/2013Haines, William$54,813
Non-Chemical Based IPM Plans against Insect Pests in Aquaponic Vegetable and Wetland Taro AgroecosystemsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED9/24/2013Wang, Koon-hui$54,567
Sustainable Communities Project Through Successful Community PartnershipAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE8/1/2013Chong, Joan L$53,623
2013 Military 4-H Club GrantKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY2/5/2013Nakatsuka, Claire$52,000
Survey and Detection of Coconut Pests in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/3/2013Hara, Arnold H.$51,396
High Wear and Biofouling Resistant Nanoparticle-Polymer Composite Coating for Food ProcessingKorea Food Research Institute9/30/2013Jun, SooJin$50,000
Role of bone morphogenetic protein 11 in musculoskeletal formation and developmentHAWAII COMMUNITY FOUNDATION (HCF)5/3/2013Yang, Jinzeng$49,000
Control of Minor Crop Pests and DiseasesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED1/8/2013Grace, Jack Kenneth$48,905
Adding Value and Controlling Pests and Diseases of PapayaAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED1/8/2013Grace, Jack Kenneth$48,443
Detection and Mitigation of Invasive Plant VirusesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/5/2013Grace, Jack Kenneth$47,199
Hawaii AgDiscovery ProgramAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service5/14/2013Kinoshita, Charles$42,000
HMIS Analysis and Dissemination ProjectHUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI Benefits, Employment & Support Services5/20/2013Yuan, Sarah CW$41,160
Non-Chemical Based IPM Plans against Insect Pests in Aquaponic Vegetable and Wetland Taro AgroecosystemsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED9/20/2013Wang, Koon-hui$40,392
Aquaculture of OpihiOCEANIC INSTITUTE-CTR FOR TOP & SUB TROP AQUA (CTSA)2/22/2013Ako, Harry$39,250
2013 OSD/OMK Camp GrantKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY2/27/2013Nakatsuka, Claire$38,467
Adaptive Pathways to Climate Change: Livestock and Systems in Gandaki River BasinARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY6/27/2013Chan-Halbrendt, Catherine$37,977
Vegetation Phenology and Vegetation Index Products from Multiple Missions and Satellite SensorsARIZONA, UNIVERSITY OF2/15/2013Miura, Tomoaki$37,398
2013 Operation: Military Kids (OMK)DEFENSE, DEPT-ARMY6/19/2013Nakatsuka, Claire$36,349
2012 Operation Military Kids GrantKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY1/10/2013Nakatsuka, Claire$36,349
Western Regional Center in the National Plant Diagnostic NetworkCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF9/6/2013Alvarez, Anne$35,503
Development of irradiation treatments for high-impact invasive species and evaluation of commodity tolerance to irradiation treatmentsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED9/24/2013Wright, Mark$35,000
Monitoring Biocontrol Agent Efficacy and Pest Impacts on Wiliwili, Erythrina SandwicensisLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)2/15/2013Kaufman, Leyla Valdivia$35,000
Quantifying the Risk of Feral Cat Colonies to Bird Conservation Areas on Oahu, HawaiiAmerican Bird Conservancy9/16/2013Lepczyk, Christopher$35,000
Rapid Assessment of Soil Carbon Project Assistance for the Hawaiian IslandsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATRL RES SVC-FED8/13/2013Crow, Susan$35,000
Biotechnology Education in Hawaii: Today's Youth for Tomorrow's Decision MakersAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED8/1/2013Wieczorek, Anna$32,404
Pollinator Use and Management: Training in Sustainable Practices for Ag ProfessionalsUTAH STATE UNIVERSITY9/19/2013Villalobos, Ethel$31,097
Western Integrated Pest Management Center Regional Comments Coordinator for the American-affiliated Pacific IslandsCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF6/12/2013Kawate, Michael$30,000
HTDC Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program 2013HIGH TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION-HI4/12/2013Chiang, Steven Nien Hsia$30,000
Technical Assistance for Forestry, Agroforestry, and Native Plant Nurseries in the American-affiliated Pacific IslandsAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED7/29/2013Friday, James B$29,727
Natural whole-cell oil microcapsules as innovative enrichment diets for live feedsOCEANIC INSTITUTE-CTR FOR TOP & SUB TROP AQUA (CTSA)7/3/2013Su, Wei-wen$25,740
Capturing Data from University of Hawaii Insect Museum Specimens for Inclusion in the State of Hawaii Invertebrate DatabaseLAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR)8/27/2013Rubinoff, Daniel$25,358
Monitoring of the spread and impacts of the koa looper moth (Scotorythra paludicola) on Hawaii IslandLAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR)9/13/2013Haines, William$25,000
ATOLL Phase 3COMMERCE, DEPT-NATL NOAA-FED10/3/2013Ron, Tetsuzan$25,000
Assessing the capacity of a new remote sensing tool to monitor fire risk on Hawai'i islandAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED9/27/2013Litton, Creighton$25,000
Revealing the Hidden Health Benefits of Hawaii Grown Avocado through Nutrition EducationAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI2/15/2013Stewart, Maria$25,000
Global Mapping of N2O Emission from Aquaculture and its Implications to Climate Change: Fate of N2O in Water Recirculating Aquaponic SystemsKorea University Research and Business Foundation5/7/2013Khanal, Samir$22,500
Geographic Information System Support for the Management Plan Review of the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine SanctuaryRESEARCH CORPORATION UNIV HI8/8/2013Oleson, Kirsten$22,427
Assessment of Secusio extensa for the Biological Control of Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis) in HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE9/19/2013Krushelnycky, Paul$21,303
Survey of Phytoplasmas and Viroids of Palm in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service6/20/2013Melzer, Michael$20,844
Assessing the effects of fragmentation, invasive species and climate change on forest fragmentsAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED5/30/2013Litton, Creighton$20,000
Assessing the capacity of a new remote sensing tool to monitor fire risk on Hawai'i islandAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED7/18/2013Litton, Creighton$20,000
From Chemistry to Consumption: Exploiting the unique chemical constituency of Capsicum frutescens to develop a novel Pacific Island cropAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI2/15/2013Bingham, Jon-Paul$20,000
Assessing Hawaii's Aquaculture Farm and Industry PerformanceOCEANIC INSTITUTE-CTR FOR TOP & SUB TROP AQUA (CTSA)5/1/2013Leung, PingSun$19,722
Survey of sweet potato viruses in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service6/21/2013Melzer, Michael$18,501
Environmental Effects of Tephritid Fruit Fly Control and ManagementAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED1/8/2013Grace, Jack Kenneth$18,152
SARE Professional Development Program Plan for HawaiiWYOMING, UNIVERSITY OF12/12/2013Radovich, Theodore$18,000
Regional Biomass Feedstock Partnership - Herbaceous Bioenergy Crop Field TrialsSOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY8/22/2013Ogoshi, Richard$17,000
The Pacific NCD Observatory Development ProjectUNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND12/11/2013Novotny, Rachel$16,936
2011 IR4 Western Regional Food Use Field Trial Analytical ProgramCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF5/2/2013Li, Qing Xiao$14,000
Detection and Mitigation of Invasive Plant VirusesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED1/8/2013Grace, Jack Kenneth$13,182
Anthurium CultureUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION11/13/2013Amore, Teresita$12,000
Sodium Reduction ProjectHEALTH, DEPT-HI5/23/2013Watters, Corilee$12,000
Facility-Based Healthcare Utilization Information Analysis and DisseminationHEALTH, DEPT-STATE HEALTH PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT AGENCY-HI7/3/2013Yuan, Sarah$12,000
Hawaii Pesticide Safety Education Program 2012-2013AGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE1/24/2013Nagamine, Charles$10,000
Hawaii Youth Opportunities Initiative Data AnalysisEPIC Ohana, Inc6/18/2013Stern, Ivette$10,000
Pesticide Safety Education Program NASDARF FundNatl Assn of State Depts of Agriculture Research Foundation10/4/2013Nagamine, Charles$10,000
Innovative Agricultural Research to Improve Yield and Quality of Sweet potatoesCOUNTY HAWAII10/9/2013Miyasaka, Susan$10,000
Regional Biomass Feedstock Partnership - Herbaceous Bioenergy Crop Field TrialsSOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY4/5/2013Ogoshi, Richard$9,734
Enhancing the sustainability of grass-fed beef production in Hawaii via carcass and meat quality improvementUTAH STATE UNIVERSITY7/16/2013Kim, Yong-soo$9,108
Biotechnology Outreach ProgramAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED1/8/2013Wieczorek, Anna$9,050
Logistical Support for Kauai Conservation Partnership ProgramINTERIOR, DEPT-FISH & WILDLIFE SVC8/15/2013Yamakawa, Roy$7,800
Buiding USAS Website on AquacultureHubUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION7/31/2013Ron, Tetsuzan$5,790
Acqusition of Goods and ServicesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED9/26/2013Nagata, Russell$5,642
University of Hawaii's Huanglongbing Diagnostic LabAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service6/20/2013Melzer, Michael$5,428
Establishment and Support of the Air Transportation Center of Excellence for Alternative Jet Fuels and EnvironmentTRANSPORTATION, DEPT-FED-FED AVIATION ADMIN10/11/2013Hashimoto, Andrew$5,000
Aquaculture Producer Workshop: Business Management and MarketingAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI4/3/2013Ron, Tetsuzan$4,500
Soil Water Dynamics and Water Use Efficiency in Maize Under Different Irrigation PracticesPakistan, Higher Education Commission2/5/2013Fares, Ali$3,500
Pineapple ResearchUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION11/29/2013Paull, Robert E$3,000
Opportunities for Integrated and Soil-less Food Production Technologies in the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human ResourcesHorimasa Co. Ltd.8/21/2013Tamaru, Clyde$2,050
VEF Fellows and Scholars ProgramVIETNAM EDUCATION FOUNDATION7/15/2013Ako, Harry$1,000
Journal of Natural Resources Policy ResearchUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION10/14/2013Gopalakrishnan, Chennat$1,000
Total:    $25,752,672

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