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Extramural Grant Projects

Extramural awards (as opposed to Intramural awards in which the funding decisions are made within CTAHR) include research or non-research grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements from federal, private, foreign and other outside sources. This database includes all CTAHR awards that were processed through the Office of Research Services (ORS) and can be sorted by Title, PI, and/or Amount by clicking on the headers. Awards which are not processed through ORS, such as formula funds (Hatch, McIntire-Stennis, and Smith-Lever), are not included in this database. The awards are reported by “Awarded Date” and multiyear awards are listed according to the dates that the funds were received by ORS (either all during the first year or divided annually over the award period).

Additional information describing individual USDA grants in greater detail can be found by searching the following USDA Current Research Information System (CRIS) website. For information on writing and submitting grants, go to the employee's page.

CTAHR has received the following awards since 2005.

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Project TitleFunding AgencyAwarded DateInvestigatorAmount
University of Hawaii Agribusiness Education, Training and Incubation (AETI) Project 2016-2017AGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE12/13/2016Kinoshita, Charles$1,528,439
Survey, rearing, and management of Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle on Oahu, HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/22/2016Melzer, Michael$1,225,000
UH-CES Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Education (SNAP-Ed) FY2015HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI Benefits, Employment & Support Services12/8/2016Kanehiro, Naomi$576,511
Characterizing the interplay between maize retrotransposons and the epigenomeNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION3/28/2016Presting, Gernot$471,448
UH-CES Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Education (SNAP-Ed) FY2015HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI Benefits, Employment & Support Services1/21/2016Kanehiro, Naomi$460,154
Mobilizing Against Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle and Other Invasive Species in HawaiiLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-INVASIVE SPEC (DLNR)6/24/2016Melzer, Michael$331,557
Genomic Approaches to Fruit Fly Exclusion and Pathway Analysis - Year 2AGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/30/2016Rubinoff, Daniel$304,266
EAGER Raphide Proteins and Taro AcridityNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION3/22/2016Paull, Robert Edwin$299,930
Confirming Molecular Methods for Fruit Fly Identification 2015Agriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service8/5/2016Rubinoff, Daniel$298,199
Recovery of native plant communities and ecological processes following removal of nonnative, invasive ungulates from Pacific Island forestsDEFENSE, DEPT-STRATEGIC ENV RSCH & DEV PROG4/7/2016Litton, Creighton$285,354
Service to support, monitor, and report on the substance abuse treatment servicesHEALTH, DEPT-ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE DIV-HI8/24/2016Kim, Ji-yeon$267,000
IPM of macadamia felted coccid in HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI5/6/2016Wright, Mark$250,000
Hawaii Island DHHL Agricultural Education ProgramHAWAIIAN HOME LANDS, DEPT-HI12/14/2016Sewake, Kelvin$229,092
CSBR: Ownership Transfer: Curate, Preserve and Transfer Agriculturally and Environmentally significant microorganisms to a laboratory equipped for maintenance and distributionNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION9/2/2016Alvarez, Anne$228,276
Recovery of native plant communities and ecological processes following removal of nonnative, invasive ungulates from Pacific Island forestsDEFENSE, DEPT-STRATEGIC ENV RSCH & DEV PROG12/1/2016Litton, Creighton$209,567
The Pacific Fire Exchange: a Joint Fire Science Program Fire Science Exchange for Hawaii and the US-affiliated Pacific IslandsINTERIOR, DEPT-BUREAU LAND MGMT-FED2/3/2016Trauernicht, Parker$199,989
Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Implementation Support & EnhancementHEALTH, DEPT-ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE DIV-HI6/23/2016Yuan, Sarah$190,000
Molecular ID of Bactorcera Interceptions and Domestic CapturesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED10/18/2016Rubinoff, Daniel$179,971
Adding Value and Controlling Pests and Diseases of Papaya and Other Tropical FruitAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED10/12/2016Grace, Jack$176,741
Palau fisheries sector socio-economic baseline assessmentNATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY8/11/2016Oleson, Kirsten$174,555
Science and Technology Based Management of Incipient Miconia (Miconia calvescens DC) Utilizing Herbicide Ballistic Technology (HBT)LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-INVASIVE SPEC (DLNR)1/22/2016Leary, James$171,213
Control of Pests and Diseases and Adding Value to Specialty CropsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED10/7/2016Grace, Jack$167,861
Hauoli Mau Loa Graduate AssistantshipsUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION11/21/2016Chan-Halbrendt, Catherine$165,753
Survey and monitoring of Coffee Rust and Coffee Berry Borer in the State of HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service8/15/2016Carruthers, Raymond Ingalls$165,500
Training secondary teachers to inspire and empower the next generation of natural resource managers for Hawaii, from HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE11/16/2016Litton, Creighton$144,775
Regionally Grown FeedstockAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED10/5/2016Grace, Jack$142,613
Prevention and Control of Invasive Insect PestsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED10/7/2016Grace, Jack$136,074
Colorado State University (CSU) & University of Hawai'i at Manoa (UoH) - Sustainable Community Project (CO&HI-SCP)Colorado State University7/19/2016Yancura, Loriena$134,772
Survey and Detection for Metamasius hemipterus in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service9/23/2016Melzer, Michael$130,107
Characterization of Hazardous SubstancesHEALTH, DEPT-HAZARD EVAL & EMERGENCY RESPONSE5/6/2016Uchida, Raymond$129,974
Development of an Individual Free-Choice Mineral Supplementation Program for Sustainable Grazing Management of Hawaii's RangelandsUTAH STATE UNIVERSITY7/8/2016Thorne, Mark$121,832
Finalization of soil carbon sequestration measurement and model validation in the development of perennial grass feedstocks for biofuel in HawaiiDEFENSE, DEPT-NAVY OFC OF NAVAL RSCH6/24/2016Crow, Susan$121,816
Understanding how climate change is affecting Hawaii's high-elevation ecosystemsINTERIOR, DEPT-NATIONAL PARK SVC9/12/2016Krushelnycky, Paul$121,799
Building climate literacy in the Cooperative Extension Service to increase capacity for climate change adaptation and mitigation among Pacific Island agricultural systemsINTERIOR, DEPT-FED OFC OF INSULAR AFFAIRS9/22/2016Trauernicht, Parker$121,371
Validation of and Enterprise Algorithm Development for the VIIRS Vegetation Index EDRCOMMERCE, DEPT-NATL NOAA-FED11/25/2016Miura, Tomoaki$120,000
Evaluation and Validation of the Vegetation Index Environmental Data Records from Visible-Infrared Imaging Radiometer SuiteCOMMERCE, DEPT-NATL NOAA-FED1/4/2016Miura, Tomoaki$107,880
Assessing the Impact of Future Climate on Hawaii's Aquatic EcosystemsINTERIOR, DEPT-UNITED STATES GEO SURVEY5/24/2016Tsang, Yin-Phan$104,928
Establish a transient gene silencing system to identify genes that play key roles in basil downy mildew disease developmentIntrexon5/26/2016Tian, Miaoying$104,138
Hawaii KIDS COUNT 2012CASEY, ANNIE E., FOUNDATION3/7/2016Stern, Ivette$100,000
Nutrition Consultation & ReviewHUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI8/8/2016Kanehiro, Naomi$100,000
Cooperative Extension Farm Food Safety: GAP Training and EducationAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI7/26/2016Nakamura-Tengan, Lynn C$99,970
Opportunities to Produce Moringa with Soilless Production TechnologiesHorimasa Co. Ltd.11/9/2016Radovich, Theodore$99,050
The ecology and management of Rapid Ohia Death across forests of Hawaii: development of tractable, science-based solutionsLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-INVASIVE SPEC (DLNR)2/11/2016Friday, James$99,000
Homeless Service System and Outcome AnalysisHUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI10/31/2016Yuan, Sarah$97,130
Host-Mediated Regulation of Dual Obligate Intracellular SymbiontsTEXAS AUSTIN, UNIVERSITY OF9/1/2016IV, Gordon M Bennett$96,585
Hawaii Island DHHL Agricultural Education ProgramHAWAIIAN HOME LANDS, DEPT-HI3/14/2016Berry, Marianne$95,000
Evaluating the environmental and socio-economic outcomes of oil palm sustainability certificationNATIONAL AERONAUT & SPACE ADM6/1/2016Carlson, Kimberly$94,569
Hawaiian Home Lands Agricultural Education ProgramHAWAIIAN HOME LANDS, DEPT-HI3/15/2016Stokes, Ashley$92,000
The role of insect vectors in the spread of Rapid Ohia Death disease (Ceratocystis fimbriata)LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)2/4/2016IV, Gordon M Bennett$85,000
Improving Nitrogen Synchronization of Local Fertilizers, Soil Fertility, and Crop Quality with Biochar Application.UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY7/20/2016Hue, Nguyen V$81,866
Hawaii Integrated Pest Management Program for Diamondback Moth and Other Lepidopteran Pests on CrucifersAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI7/18/2016Shimabuku, Robin$80,000
Rapid Ohia Death Response TeamHawaii Community Foundation-Hawaii Tourism Authority Fund1/14/2016Friday, James$79,000
Enhancing Hawaii's Organic Agriculture through Research and Extension Activities.AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI1/8/2016Radovich, Theodore$75,000
Developing an Integrated Pest Management program to control Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle on Oahu in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service3/31/2016Cheng, Zhiqiang$75,000
UH-CTAHR Projects in Maui County FY17COUNTY MAUI OFC OF ECON DEVEL12/6/2016Reeves, Cynthia Lynn$75,000
GoFarm Hawaii: A Statewide New Farmer Development InitiativeAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI4/8/2016Chiang, Steven Nien Hsia$74,800
2015 Hawaii IR-4 Food Use Field Projects - SPO #201502587CALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF8/23/2016Kawate, Michael$72,500
Development of standardized survey tools for use in evaluating population size, distribution, and habitat use of Hawaiian Short-eared Owls (Asio flammeus sandwichensis) on OahuLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)12/27/2016Price, Melissa Renae$71,714
Hauoli Mau Loa - Rapid Ohia Death Public OutreachUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION5/3/2016Melzer, Michael$71,250
OYS Mindfulness TrainingHUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-OYS-HI9/29/2016Le, Thao$69,850
Safety training for coconut rhinoceros beetle response personnel and facility improvements at the University of Hawaii's invasive insect containment laboratoryLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-INVASIVE SPEC (DLNR)2/26/2016Melzer, Michael$67,650
Farmer Decision-Making Strategies for Improved Soil Fertility Management in Maize-Bean Production SystemsIowa State University2/11/2016Yost, Russell$66,777
Enhancing Hawaii's Organic Agriculture through Research and Extension Activities.AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI9/19/2016Radovich, Theodore$65,000
Western Regional Food Safety CenterAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE5/31/2016Saulo, Aurora$63,223
Characterization and Management of Invasive Plant Viruses in HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/26/2016Grace, Jack$61,907
The Role of Insects in the Spread of Rapid Ohia Death Disease (Ceratocystis)AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI10/7/2016IV, Gordon M Bennett$60,098
The Impact of Non-Native Predators on Pollinators and Native Plant Reproduction in a Hawaiian Dryland EcosystemAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED6/15/2016Haines, William P$60,000
Assessing the conservation status of the El Segundo Blue (Euphilotes battoides allyni) using a genomics approachINTERIOR, DEPT-FISH & WILDLIFE SVC5/31/2016Rubinoff, Daniel$60,000
2016 Military 4-H Club Grant - CONUS and OCONUSKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY1/22/2016Nakatsuka, Claire$58,561
HMIS Analysis and Dissemination ProjectHUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI Benefits, Employment & Support Services6/23/2016Yuan, Sarah$58,160
PacRISA economic modelingEAST WEST CENTER4/6/2016Oleson, Kirsten$57,644
Rapid On-Site Molecular Diagnostics for Select Agent Ralstonia SolanacearumAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED1/13/2016Jenkins, Daniel$57,316
Ecological Modeling of Optimal Pig Management Strategies on OahuLAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR)12/22/2016Price, Melissa Renae$53,794
PacRISA economic modelingEAST WEST CENTER10/7/2016Oleson, Kirsten$52,337
Clinical trial using short mobile messages (SMS) to improve infant weight in low-income minoritiesMorehouse School of Medicine2/1/2016Banna, Jinan$50,000
Hau'oli Mau Loa Rapid Ohia Death Lab TechnicianUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION2/19/2016Friday, James$50,000
The Hawaii Egg Quality Assurance Program Producer Education and ImplementationAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI6/14/2016Duponte, Michael$50,000
Phylogeny and Adaptive Variation within Hawaiian Band-Rumped Storm Petrel (Oceanodramo castro)INTERIOR, DEPT-FISH & WILDLIFE SVC11/3/2016Price, Melissa Renae$48,000
GMBF - Rapid Ohia DeathUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION2/2/2016Friday, James$47,500
Hau'oli Mau Loa Rapid Ohia Death Mol. Biol.UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION2/2/2016Friday, James$47,500
Quantifying Plastic Ingestion and Associated Organic Pollutants in Sea Turtles from the Pacific OceanCOMMERCE, DEPT-NATIONL INST STANDARDS &TECH-FED4/7/2016Lepczyk, Christopher$47,318
Friends of Hakalau: Teaching ChangeUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION8/11/2016Litton, Creighton$45,000
Cochran Fellowship Program - AlbaniaAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL SERVICE7/21/2016Chan, Catherine K$42,951
Biotechnology Education in Hawaii: Today's Youth for Tomorrow's Decision MakersAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED10/5/2016Wieczorek, Anna$42,502
Hawaii AgDiscovery ProgramAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service4/6/2016Kinoshita, Charles$42,000
Western Integrated Pest Management Center Regional Comments Coordinator for the American-affiliated Pacific IslandsCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF3/1/2016Kawate, Michael$41,000
Integrated and sustainable approach to manage new invasive pests of Ficus trees in Hawaiis urban landscapesAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/12/2016Cheng, Zhiqiang$41,000
Activators and attractants for giant African land snailsAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/28/2016Hara, Arnold$40,898
The role of insect vectors in the spread of Rapid Ohia Death disease (Ceratocystis fimbriata)LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)11/16/2016IV, Gordon M Bennett$40,020
Plant and Protein Biotech ResearchUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION5/13/2016Su, Wei-wen$40,000
Education and Training in Shade Management for Cocoa ProductionWorld Cocoa Foundation4/29/2016Idol, Travis$39,864
The citrus clean plant network in HawaiiAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/22/2016Melzer, Michael$38,269
Hauoli Mau Loa - Rapid Ohia Death Researcher in PEPSUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION2/11/2016IV, Gordon M Bennett$38,000
Statewide survey for exotic banana pathogensAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED6/29/2016Melzer, Michael$37,848
Germplasm Selection and Management to Optimize Vegetable Quality and Yield in Tropical, Organic Production SystemsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI4/27/2016Radovich, Theodore$37,450
Isolation and characterization of microorganisms that biodegrade high molecular weight polycyclic hydrocarbon pyreneKing Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals1/27/2016Li, Qing Xiao$36,800
Monsanto Fellowship AwardsUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION6/21/2016Kinoshita, Charles$35,500
Hau`oli Mau Loa CGAPS CTAHR Research Assistantship 2014-2016UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION4/15/2016Hara, Arnold$35,000
Hawaii Pathways Project EvaluationHEALTH, DEPT-ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE DIV-HI1/15/2016Yuan, Sarah$34,580
Design of a Supercooling Device for Extended Shelf Life of Perishable FoodsJun Innovations11/30/2016Jun, Soojin$32,890
Hawaii Early Learning Needs AssessmentHawaii Children's Action Network7/7/2016Debaryshe, Barbara$32,750
Detection of Huanglongbing (Citrus Greening)Agriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service5/25/2016Melzer, Michael$32,353
Regional Nutrition Education Center of Excellence: Strengthening EFNEP and SNAP-Ed Interventions through Effective PSE ApproachesTENNESSEE-KNOXVILLE, UNIVERSITY OF8/22/2016Novotny, Rachel$30,045
Advancing Paid Family Leave in HawaiiCASEY, ANNIE E., FOUNDATION8/30/2016Zan, Hua$30,000
Ecological Modeling of Optimal Pig Management Strategies on OahuLAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR)10/18/2016Price, Melissa Renae$30,000
Waimanalo Learning Center (WLC) Community CoordinatorUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION5/3/2016Radovich, Theodore$29,902
Hauoli Mau Loa - Agrosecurity LaboratoryUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION2/11/2016Melzer, Michael$28,500
Western Regional Center in the National Plant Diagnostic NetworkCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF12/15/2016Melzer, Michael$28,105
Canopy Modification for Macadamia Felted Coccid Management in Macadamia Nut Orchards in HawaiiCalifornia, University of-Div of Agriculture & Natural Resources4/29/2016Cho, Alyssa H$27,282
Western Regional Food Safety CenterAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE11/23/2016Saulo, Aurora$25,318
AGventure: Keeping Agriculture Alive with Hawaii's YouthCounty Hawaii Dept of Research and Development6/20/2016Settlage, Rebecca$25,000
Monitoring invasive insect pests in Hawaii ForestsLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)5/25/2016Kaufman, Leyla$25,000
Cacao Fermentation and Value-added Processing in Hawaii CountyCounty Hawaii Dept of Research and Development12/6/2016Cho, Alyssa H$25,000
Grazing Management Plan for Puu Waawaa Forest ReserveLAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR)10/10/2016Trauernicht, Parker$25,000
SARE Professional Development Program Plan for HawaiiUTAH STATE UNIVERSITY12/21/2016Sugano, Jari$24,000
SARE Professional Development Program Plan for HawaiiUTAH STATE UNIVERSITY5/6/2016Sugano, Jari$24,000
Enhancing the sustainability of grass-fed beef production in Hawaii via carcass and meat quality improvementUTAH STATE UNIVERSITY3/1/2016Kim, Yong-soo$20,992
NEXTGEN Cassava ProjectGates (Bill and Melinda) Foundation9/15/2016Motomura, Sharon$20,140
NEXTGEN Cassava ProjectGates (Bill and Melinda) Foundation9/15/2016Motomura, Sharon$20,140
Sustainable Pest Management Approaches for High Tunnel Screenhouse Production in the TropicsUTAH STATE UNIVERSITY9/20/2016Wang, Koon-hui$20,127
The Teaching Change Program: Our Changing Forests ProjectAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED9/1/2016Litton, Creighton$19,875
NEXTGEN Cassava ProjectGates (Bill and Melinda) Foundation1/8/2016Motomura, Sharon$19,476
Impacts of Land Use and Mangrove Tree Diversity on Soil C Stocks in SE Asian Mangrove ForestsAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED7/19/2016Litton, Creighton$19,000
Aquaculture of OpihiOCEANIC INSTITUTE-CTR FOR TOP & SUB TROP AQUA (CTSA)3/3/2016Bingham, Jon-paul$18,582
Agricultural Education ActivitiesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI7/5/2016Zaleski, Halina$15,950
Development of New and Improved Anthurium Cultivars for HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/23/2016Amore, Teresita$15,898
Host range testing and molecular analysis of the rust disease Puccinia psidii WinterLAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR)6/2/2016Uchida, Janice$15,660
Ecological Modeling of Optimal Pig Management Strategies on OahuLAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR)3/30/2016Price, Melissa Renae$15,000
Assessing the capacity of a new remote sensing tool to monitor fire risk on Hawai'i islandAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED8/10/2016Litton, Creighton$15,000
Control of pathogens and pharmaceutical compounds by biochar-supported photocatalysts under solar light irradiationENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY1/22/2016Kan, Eunsung$14,999
Logistical Support for Kauai based Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife OfficeINTERIOR, DEPT-FISH & WILDLIFE SVC10/10/2016Messing, Russell$13,800
Evaluation of reliability of a food behavior checklist for low-income FilipinosMountain West Clinical & Translational Rsrch Infrastructure Network2/12/2016Banna, Jinan$13,749
Rapid Ohia Death ProjectUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION10/27/2016Uchida, Janice$13,056
Hawaii Crop Suitability Model Expansion (Land Suitability Analysis for Crop Growth in HawaiiUlupono Initiative12/20/2016Miura, Tomoaki$12,775
Research on Plant Ornamental DiseasesUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION12/20/2016Uchida, Janice$12,500
Assessing the capacity of a new remote sensing tool to monitor fire risk on Hawai'i islandAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED2/5/2016Litton, Creighton$12,021
Developing Anaerobic Digestion Biorefinery Using High Yield Tropical FeedstocksOREGON STATE UNIVERSITY3/28/2016Khanal, Samir$12,000
2015 Hawaii IR-4 Food Use Field Projects - SPO #201502587CALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF11/18/2016Kawate, Michael$12,000
Use of Biofungicide (Bacillus subtilis) to Suppress Clubroot on CabbageCounty Hawaii Dept of Research and Development8/26/2016Motomura, Sharon$11,000
Exploring Your Environment AfterschoolNATIONAL FOUR-H COUNCIL (4-H)5/25/2016Nakatsuka, Claire$10,500
Innovative Agricultural Research to Control Rough Sweetpotato WeevilCOUNTY HAWAII12/6/2016Miyasaka, Susan$9,680
Research on Plant Ornamental DiseasesUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION5/16/2016Uchida, Janice$8,500
Yellow-Faced Bee Captive Propagation ProgramLAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR)4/19/2016Haines, William$7,999
Monitoring egg and larval parasitism of the Kamehameha butterflyLAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR)6/27/2016Haines, William P$7,946
State Commission on Fatherhood ProjectHUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI7/11/2016Lewin-bizan, Selva$7,500
Science and Technology Based Management of Incipient Miconia (Miconia calvescens DC) Utilizing Herbicide Ballistic Technology (HBT)LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-INVASIVE SPEC (DLNR)6/2/2016Leary, James$7,388
Yellow-faced bee captive propagation programLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)12/9/2016Graham, Jason R$6,913
Fostering the Growth of a Hawaii Tea IndustryCounty Hawaii Dept of Research and Development11/4/2016Hamasaki, Randall Tsugio$6,470
Acquisition of Goods and ServicesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED11/16/2016Feitshans, Theodore Alan$5,642
Acquisition of Goods and ServicesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED5/24/2016Friday, James$5,642
4-H Outreach ProgramLABOR & INDUSTRIAL RELATION, DPT-HI (DLIR)6/7/2016Chong, Joan$5,000
Farming Internship ProgramNational Chung Hsing University7/25/2016Kanwar, Rameshwar S$5,000
Science and Technology Based Management of Incipient Miconia (Miconia calvescens DC) Utilizing Herbicide Ballistic Technology (HBT)LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-INVASIVE SPEC (DLNR)7/14/2016Leary, James$3,347
Trends in Golf Course Water Consumption and the Importance of Evapotranspiration Monitoring in HawaiiUnited States Golf Association10/24/2016Evensen, Carl$3,000
Many Minds, One University: System-wide Collaboration to Address Essential Sustainability IssuesAssn of Public & Land-Grant Universities10/3/2016Turano, Brian$2,000
Garden study to test susceptibility of different naio populations to naio thrips in HawaiiLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)6/2/2016Kaufman, Leyla$562
Total:    $15,540,893

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