University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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Extramural Grant Projects

Extramural awards (as opposed to Intramural awards in which the funding decisions are made within CTAHR) include research or non-research grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements from federal, private, foreign and other outside sources. This database includes all CTAHR awards that were processed through the Office of Research Services (ORS) and can be sorted by Title, PI, and/or Amount by clicking on the headers. Awards which are not processed through ORS, such as formula funds (Hatch, McIntire-Stennis, and Smith-Lever), are not included in this database. The awards are reported by “Awarded Date” and multiyear awards are listed according to the dates that the funds were received by ORS (either all during the first year or divided annually over the award period).

Additional information describing individual USDA grants in greater detail can be found by searching the following USDA Current Research Information System (CRIS) website. For information on writing and submitting grants, go to the employee's page.

CTAHR has received the following awards since 2005.

Select a year:  [2025] [2024] [2023] [2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006] [2005]

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Project TitleFunding AgencyAwarded DateInvestigatorAmount
Food System Resiliency for Children's Healthy Living (CHL Food System)AGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INST FOOD AND AGRICULTURE10/28/2021Novotny, Rachel$10,000,000
HI 21 PPA CRB Response - UOHAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service5/4/2021Melzer, Michael$2,530,282
Producer-Driven Implementation of Soil Health Management Systems Adapted to Diverse Cropping Systems in Tropical and Subtropical Island RegionsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATRL RES SVC-FED6/3/2021Deenik, Jonathan$1,961,218
Hawaii-One-Ag: Developing New Pathways in Agricultural Education and Future Career GrowthAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INST FOOD AND AGRICULTURE11/30/2021Wieczorek, Anna Magda$1,000,000
RII Track-2 FEC: Genome Engineering to Sustain Crop Improvement (GETSCI)NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION10/12/2021Muszynski, Michael Gerald$999,486
Regional Aquaculture Center - Center for Tropical and Subtropical AquacultureAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE9/7/2021Lee, Cheng S$968,000
The World Of Agriculture: A Comparison Of Traditional And Modern Technology Using Virtual RealityAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INST FOOD AND AGRICULTURE12/30/2021Ooki, Nancy$750,000
Organic Sweet Potato IPM and Soil Health Management for Small- and Mid-Size FarmsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE6/28/2021Wang, Koon-Hui$740,876
FY21 SNAP-EdHUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI Benefits, Employment & Support Services2/23/2021Butel, Jean$672,827
CHL Food Cost and Consumption PatternsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FOOD & NUTRITION10/21/2021Novotny, Rachel$512,529
Empowering Women and Underrepresented Undergraduates with Advanced Technology Research Training in Agriculture and Food SciencesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE4/26/2021Nerurkar, Pratibha Vivek$500,000
Strengthening the Sustainable Agricultural Workforce and Food Security for MauiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE1/22/2021Yamamoto, Janel$500,000
Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment Projects Funded by Federal Discretionary GrantsHEALTH, DEPT-ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE DIV-HI12/9/2021Yuan, Sarah$500,000
An Emergent Soil Health Framework for Agroecosystems in Underrepresented Tropical/Subtropical Islands or RegionsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE2/2/2021Crow, Susan$499,323
Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN) - Hawaii State Plan to NIFA, FY 2021AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI10/28/2021Le, Thao$474,835
GoFarm Hawaii (GFH): Training New Farmers and Growing Agribusiness in HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE6/22/2021Yamamoto, Janel$450,000
HI FY21 PPA Canine DetectionAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service8/12/2021Melzer, Michael$359,718
'Ohana Garden & Grindz: Addressing the Spread of SARS-Cov-2 Utilizing A Virtual Family-Based Agriculture Education Aimed at Reducing Food InsecurityAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE7/20/2021Greenwood, Heather$350,000
Services to Support, Monitor, Maintain, and Enhance the Hawaii Web-based Infrastructure for Treatment Services Computer Software System as well as to Produce a Data Brief and Assist in Implementing...HEALTH, DEPT-ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE DIV-HI8/2/2021Kim, Ji-Yeon$330,000
GoFarm Hawaii - Am AgCreditUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION4/19/2021Yamamoto, Janel$310,000
Monitoring Coconut Rhinoceros BeetleDEFENSE, DEPT- US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS9/8/2021Melzer, Michael$278,985
CAREER: Soil Pedogenesis, Agroecology, and Their InteractionsNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION5/12/2021Lincoln, Noa K$261,455
Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment Projects Funded by Federal Discretionary GrantsHEALTH, DEPT-ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE DIV-HI1/25/2021Yuan, Sarah$250,000
CAREER: Determining the Metabolic Organization and Enzymology of the Fundamentally Important Flavonoid Biosynthetic PathwayNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION3/2/2021Owens, Daniel K$231,911
The Pacific Fire Exchange: Linking Fire Science and Fire Management in Hawaii and the US-Affiliated Pacific IslandsINTERIOR, DEPT-BUREAU LAND MGMT-FED6/25/2021Trauernicht, Parker$203,995
GoFarm Hawaii: Building Sustainable Farms for HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE9/30/2021Yamamoto, Janel$200,000
Strategic Prevention Framework Evaluation Implementation ServicesHEALTH, DEPT-ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE DIV-HI9/3/2021Yuan, Sarah$200,000
Detection and Management Strategies for the Control of Prosapia Bicincta (Twolined Spittlebug) in HawaiiLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)11/16/2021Thorne, Mark$184,788
Transcriptional Regulation of Egg Formation in the Oviduct of Broiler Breeder HensAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INST FOOD AND AGRICULTURE12/29/2021Mishra, Birendra$184,000
Hau'oli Mau Loa Graduate Assistantships, NREM, AY19-22UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION4/6/2021Vaughan, Mehana Bailey Blaich$181,212
Expanding Coverage Complexes of BactroceAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/20/2021Rubinoff, Daniel$176,962
Preharvest and Postharvest Technologies to Improve Production, Disease Management and Quality of Papaya and Other Tropical FruitAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED7/6/2021Bowen, Walter Truman$174,635
Systems Approaches to Improve Production and Quality of Specialty Crops Grown in the U.S. Pacific BasinAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/10/2021Bowen, Walter Truman$165,862
The Hawaiian Model: Assessing, Valuing, and Integrating Nature's Services for Institutional Conservation ChoicesPew Charitable Trusts10/27/2021Oleson, Kirsten$150,000
UH-CTAHR Projects in Maui County FY21COUNTY MAUI OFC OF ECON DEVEL4/15/2021Reeves, Cynthia Lynn$150,000
Updating the Genuine Progress Indicator for the State of HawaiiBUSINESS, ECON DEV & TOUR, DPT4/20/2021Oleson, Kirsten$148,958
Application of Novel and Effective Oviposition Deterrents for Bactrocera Dorsalis and Other Invasive Fruit FliesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED12/14/2021Tay, Jia-Wei$145,972
Provide Analytical Services, Laboratory Consultation, and Analytical Methodologies AssistanceHEALTH, DEPT-HAZARD EVAL & EMERGENCY RESPONSE4/20/2021Park, Darren J.$144,156
Postharvest Technology and Nutrition Studies for Hawaii Specialty Crops and FruitsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED7/9/2021Bowen, Walter Truman$140,914
Improved Detection and Control of Tropical Invasive Insect PestsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/3/2021Bowen, Walter Truman$134,452
University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) - Sustainable Community Project (HI-SCP)AGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE6/17/2021Ooki, Nancy$132,000
HI 21 PPA Nursery Best Practices - UOHAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service6/22/2021Bloese, Joanna Bess$128,635
Thriving Children Strong Families ProjectHUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI9/28/2021Novotny, Rachel$127,170
GoFarm Hawaii ProjectPUBLIC SAFETY, DEPT-HI7/12/2021Yamamoto, Janel$120,560
Development of Ethyl Formate Fumigation and its Application on Pineapple MealybugsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED6/22/2021Bloese, Joanna Bess$108,860
ID of OFF Larvae and Trap-CapturesAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/20/2021Rubinoff, Daniel$107,415
Diagnostic Tools to Identify Exotic TortAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/20/2021Rubinoff, Daniel$105,882
Automated Wildlife Monitoring: Enabling Producers to Measure their Conservation ImpactsTEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY7/17/2021Villalobos, Ethel$104,151
Comprehensive Stranding Investigations for High Priority Species, Joint Base Pearl Harbor, Hickam, HawaiiDEFENSE, DEPT- US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS10/7/2021West, Kristi L$100,228
GoFarm HawaiiUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION12/16/2021Yamamoto, Janel$100,000
4-H Military Partnerships and Outreach Support ProgramKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY4/22/2021Ooki, Nancy$99,999
Managing the Risks from Coffee Leaf Rust, a New and Devastating Disease Affecting Hawaii Coffee and its Underserved ProducersWASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY7/27/2021Kawabata, Andrea$99,981
Cross-Kingdom Interactions: The Foundation for Nutrient Cycling in Grassland SoilsCALIFORNIA BERKELEY, UNIVERSITY OF11/18/2021Nguyen, Nhu Huynh$99,642
HI FY21 CAPS InfrastructureAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/13/2021Melzer, Michael$99,430
Cross-Kingdom Interactions: The Foundation for Nutrient Cycling in Grassland SoilsCALIFORNIA BERKELEY, UNIVERSITY OF3/10/2021Nguyen, Nhu Huynh$99,383
Research, Extension, and Education Activities to Improve Sustainable and Organic Farming in HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI5/29/2021Radovich, Theodore$99,294
GoFarm Hawaii, Proposal to the Hawaii Department of AgricultureAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI1/25/2021Yamamoto, Janel$99,000
Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) EvaluationHUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI4/22/2021Berry, Marianne$93,661
Hau`oli Mau Loa Graduate Assistantships NREM AY21-23UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION12/6/2021Vaughan, Mehana Bailey Blaich$90,672
Hau`oli Mau Loa Graduate Assistantships NREM AY21-23UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION12/14/2021Vaughan, Mehana Bailey Blaich$90,672
Hau'oli Mau Loa Graduate Assistantships, NREM, AY19-22UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION12/20/2021Vaughan, Mehana Bailey Blaich$90,672
SARE State Plan for Hawaii 2021 PDPMONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY8/14/2021Uyeda, Jensen$90,000
Researching Alpine SpeciesINTERIOR, DEPT-NATIONAL PARK SVC10/27/2021Krushelnycky, Paul$87,000
Reducing Avocado Losses to Major Challenges by Improving Resistance Selection and Disease Management Using Next Generation TechnologiesCALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE, UNIVERSITY OF9/5/2021Tian, Miaoying$86,776
CGAPS ROD 2021-2022UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION12/30/2021Melzer, Michael$86,200
Development of a Satellite-based Detection Algorithm for Infestations of Invasive/Nuisance Benthic Macro Algae and Other Species on Coral Reefs in the Marine National Monuments of the PacificINTERIOR, DEPT-FISH & WILDLIFE SVC6/30/2021Miura, Tomoaki$85,000
CAREER: Soil Pedogenesis, Agroecology, and Their InteractionsNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION10/4/2021Lincoln, Noa K$75,000
GoFarm HawaiiUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION5/11/2021Yamamoto, Janel$72,000
Molecular Genetics of Lyme ArthritisUTAH, UNIVERSITY OF3/2/2021Kim, Yong-Soo$71,075
INFEWS/T1: Sustaining California's Food Production Through Integrated Water and Energy ManagementCALIFORNIA MERCED, UNIVERSITY OF1/20/2021Oleson, Kirsten$70,689
Regional Aquaculture Center - Center for Tropical and Subtropical AquacultureHAWAII PACIFIC UNIVERSITY3/5/2021Comerford, Nicholas Brian$70,000
The Pacific RISA: Building International Adaptation and Resilience to a Changing Climate in the Pacific IslandsEAST WEST CENTER dba of CCTI b/w East and West, Inc.1/8/2021Oleson, Kirsten$70,000
Memorandum of Understanding between the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and University of HawaiiHAWAIIAN AFFAIRS, OFFICE OF6/24/2021Lincoln, Noa K$70,000
Management of Black Twig Borer, Joint Base Pearl HarborDEFENSE, DEPT- US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS5/17/2021Cheng, Zhiqiang$69,593
Grow With Us Mentoring ProgramNATIONAL FOUR-H COUNCIL (4-H)10/20/2021Wieczorek, Anna Magda$64,324
HI FY21 Bundled SurveyAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service8/25/2021Melzer, Michael$63,652
Extension and Outreach for Coffee Leaf RustAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI5/12/2021Kawabata, Andrea$61,750
Design, Maintenance and Expansion of Hawaiis Urban Forests Best Practices with Academic, Government, Non-Profit and Volunteer SectorsThe Outdoor Circle10/25/2021Kaufman, Andrew$61,382
Genetic Technologies for Detection, Characterization, and Control of Plant Viruses in HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED10/4/2021Hu, John$61,169
Develop Technical Information to Support Implementation of Long-Term Ground Cover in Orchard or Trellis AgroecosystemsAGRICULTURE, DEPT- Natural Resources Conservation Service8/16/2021Wang, Koon-Hui$60,488
Pacific Islands Fuels Treatment Effectiveness MonitoringINTERIOR, DEPT-NATIONAL PARK SVC10/27/2021Trauernicht, Parker$59,275
On-the-ground Invasive Species Removal Continues Improving Habitat Accessibility and Connectivity for Migratory Native Stream Species in Makiki, Manoa, and Palolo StreamsINTERIOR, DEPT-FISH & WILDLIFE SVC3/23/2021Tsang, Yin Phan$58,457
Hawaii Statewide Implementation of Pest Management Information through Extension ActivitiesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE9/10/2021Wright, Mark$58,410
Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule Outreach and Education FY 2021RESEARCH CORPORATION UNIV HI3/29/2021Silva, Joshua Hanale Shoichi$55,770
Enhancing Coastal Habitat for Endangered Yellow-Faced Bees on OahuINTERIOR, DEPT-FISH & WILDLIFE SVC9/9/2021Krushelnycky, Paul$54,862
IR-4 Specialty Crop Pest Management 2019 - 2021 (Residue)CALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF1/21/2021Cheng, Zhiqiang$52,000
Economic Evaluation of Beef Cattle Production Models and Marketing Alternatives in HawaiiMONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY8/14/2021Thorne, Mark$51,386
Strengthening AgTourism in HawaiiHAWAII TOURISM AUTHORITY6/24/2021Yamamoto, Janel$50,920
Establishing an Avocado Orchard as Model for a Year Round Harvest in HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI3/5/2021Ahmad, Amjad$50,000
Planning for a Pesticide Drift Monitoring StudyAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI2/16/2021Li, Qing Xiao$50,000
The Evaluation of Hawaii Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Risk SystemHEALTH, DEPT-FAMILY HLTH SVC DIV-HI4/15/2021Zan, Hua$49,645
AgDiscovery Summer Enrichment ProgramAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/8/2021Wieczorek, Anna Magda$48,000
KS Waimanalo HealthUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION3/25/2021Radovich, Theodore$47,500
CISESS: University of Hawaii - Scientific Support & Continuing Validation of JPSS Vegitation ProductsMARYLAND, UNIVERSITY OF7/23/2021Miura, Tomoaki$44,855
Seed TrustUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION11/12/2021Kantar, Michael B$43,000
Biological Control of Schinus terebinthfolia: Assessment of Biocontrol Agents and Potential Impacts on Apis melliferaLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)5/28/2021Wright, Mark$42,378
Connecting Agriculture to STEM: Strategic Approach to Increasing Local Science CapacityAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/29/2021Wieczorek, Anna Magda$41,996
FY2021 NCPN Univ. of Hawaii/ Miyasaka SwAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/31/2021Miyasaka, Susan$40,000
Monitoring for Africanized Bees: Reducing the Risk of Establishment in Hawaii's EnvironmentLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)4/19/2021Villalobos, Ethel$39,311
FY20 Pueo Short-Eared Owl Study for Joint Base Pearl Harbor-HickamDEFENSE, DEPT- US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS5/27/2021Price, Melissa Renae$39,048
Partners in Excellence for Leadership in MCH NutritionCALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES, UNIV12/7/2021Esquivel, Monica$37,134
Promoting Cacao (Theobroma Cacao) Production in Hawaii Through Ecosystem Sustainable and Integrated Pest Management (ES-IPM) ApproachesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI3/30/2021Wang, Koon-Hui$35,000
Building Hawai'i's Capacity for Produce Safety EducationAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI3/8/2021Tavares, Kylie Lauren Toyoko$35,000
Assessing Olive Fruit Fly Control Strategies in HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI3/8/2021Gutierrez-Coarite, Rosemary$35,000
Assessing Dead-End Trap Crops for the Management of Diamondback Moths in HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI4/8/2021Shikano, Ikkei$35,000
Biodegradable Cellulosic Bio-Polymer to Replace Plastics for Military Food Packaging and Food ServiceBiomass Energy Systems Inc.10/21/2021Khanal, Samir$33,303
Hawaii KIDS COUNT Social Indicator Data Center ManagementHawaii Children's Action Network3/17/2021Stern, Ivette$32,895
Introduce Erythrina Gall Wasp Resistant Tall Wiliwili, Erythrina Variegatea 'Tropic Coral' for Use as WindbreaksAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI3/8/2021Leonhardt, Kenneth$32,000
Biopesticides Delivered with Water-Storing Hydrogels for Control of Invasive Yellow Crazy AntsLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)2/22/2021Tay, Jia-Wei$31,548
HI FY21 Citrus LeprosisAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service8/26/2021Melzer, Michael$30,733
Seed TrustUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION7/28/2021Kantar, Michael B$30,000
Rapid Response to Coffee Leaf RustSynergistic Hawaii Agriculture Council7/16/2021Kawabata, Andrea$30,000
Western SARE State Plan for HawaiiMONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY5/12/2021Uyeda, Jensen$30,000
Seed TrustUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION6/4/2021Kantar, Michael B$30,000
Enhancing Biological Control of Citrus Sooty Mold Complex with Novel Ant Control Technology Using Entomopathogenic Nematode Water-Storing Hydrogels in an IPM ApproachCalifornia, University of-Div of Agriculture & Natural Resources5/12/2021Tay, Jia-Wei$29,999
HI 21 CHRP HLB Survey - UOHAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service8/11/2021Melzer, Michael$29,118
Increasing Production and Distribution of Eucalyptus and Other Myrtaceae ProductsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI6/23/2021Amore, Teresita$27,500
Western Regional Center in the National Plant Diagnostic NetworkCALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF1/25/2021Melzer, Michael$25,000
Breeding Ecology of Hawaiian Short-Eared Owls (Asio Flammeus Sandwichensis)LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)5/13/2021Price, Melissa Renae$25,000
Revitalizing the Banana Industry in Hawaii with Disease Free and Resistant VarietiesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI3/10/2021Ahmad, Amjad$25,000
Waimanalo Learning Center ProgramsUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION7/16/2021Radovich, Theodore$25,000
Western Plant Diagnostic Network (WPDN)CALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF11/22/2021Melzer, Michael$25,000
GoFarm Hawai'i: A Statewide Farmer Development InitiativeLABOR & INDUSTRIAL RELATION, DPT-HI (DLIR)5/18/2021Yamamoto, Janel$24,750
Vaccinate with Confidence HawaiieXtension Foundation5/27/2021Greenwood, Heather$24,178
A Pilot Study: Entomopathogenic Fungi on Ovitraps' Egg-Laying Substrate for Mosquito ControlLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)5/9/2021Tay, Jia-Wei$24,000
IR-4 Specialty Crop Pest Management 2019 - 2021 (Performance)CALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF1/21/2021Cheng, Zhiqiang$24,000
Development of an Automated Diagnostic Platform for SARS-CoV-2 Monitoring in Vulnerable AreasCLEMSON UNIVERSITY4/12/2021Jenkins, Daniel MC Kewn$23,120
Evaluation and Promotion of Heat Tolerant Protea Cultivars to Increase Statewide Growth and AdoptionAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI2/25/2021Galanti, Russell C$20,672
Korean Natural Farming in AnthuriumsCounty of Hawaii Dept of Research and Development3/10/2021Bloese, Joanna Bess$20,207
Seed TrustUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION3/12/2021Kantar, Michael B$20,000
Field Evaluations of Baits in Eliminating Subterranean TermitesCorteva Agriscience LLC (formerly Dow Agrosciences)1/14/2021Tay, Jia-Wei$20,000
Western Region Public Health Training CenterARIZONA, UNIVERSITY OF12/6/2021Novotny, Rachel$19,999
Partners in Excellence for Leadership in MCH NutritionCALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES, UNIV2/4/2021Esquivel, Monica$19,227
IR-4 Specialty Crop Pest Management 2019 - 2021 (Environmental Horticulture)CALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF1/21/2021Cheng, Zhiqiang$17,500
FY2021 NCPN Univ. of Hawaii/Melzer- TheAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/13/2021Melzer, Michael$17,261
UH Pesticide Safety Education Program 2021eXtension Foundation2/11/2021Cheng, Zhiqiang$16,725
Sustaining Hawaii County Agriculture: Resources to Support On-Farm Consultation and Service ProgramsCounty of Hawaii Dept of Research and Development8/25/2021Miyasaka, Susan$15,594
Sustaining Hawaii County Agriculture: Resources to Detect Banana Bunchy Top VirusCounty of Hawaii Dept of Research and Development7/3/2021Miyasaka, Susan$15,000
A Rapid DNA-based Test for Enterococcus Enables Onsite Detection of Fecal Indicators in HawaiiSurfrider Foundation4/19/2021Jenkins, Daniel MC Kewn$14,500
Anthurium CultureUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION7/12/2021Amore, Teresita$14,000
Increasing Production of Novel Floriculture Products for Import and ReplacementCounty of Hawaii Dept of Research and Development4/28/2021Galanti, Russell C$12,000
Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Support for Shrimp PathogensLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)12/23/2021Odani, Jenee$11,186
Acquisition of Goods and ServicesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/15/2021Miyasaka, Susan$10,868
GoFarm Hawaii EnrichmentUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION6/14/2021Yamamoto, Janel$10,500
Support Climate-Smart Decision Making in Hawaii, USDA Southwest Climate HubAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED6/3/2021Trauernicht, Parker$10,000
Dynamically Controlled Nozzle for Precision Agricultural SprayingOgive Technology, Inc.11/16/2021Jenkins, Daniel MC Kewn$10,000
University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) - Sustainable Community Project (HI-SCP)AGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE8/27/2021Ooki, Nancy$9,242
Seed TrustUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION1/5/2021Kantar, Michael B$9,000
Food Environment Data System (FEDS) Data ProductCORNELL UNIVERSITY4/27/2021Rehkamp, Sarah Elizabeth$8,667
Acquisition of Goods and ServicesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/15/2021Miyasaka, Susan$5,548
Hawai'ian Islands Botulism Alert SystemDucks Unlimited, Inc. 7/2/2021Price, Melissa Renae$5,000
4-H Military Partnerships and Outreach Support ProgramKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY4/13/2021Ooki, Nancy$4,949
Early Childhood Homelessness Needs Assessment Part IICollaborative Support Services, Inc.9/6/2021Debaryshe, Barbara$4,500
Postharvest Handling Physiology of Tropical FruitUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION10/20/2021Paull, Robert Edwin$3,500
Nutrition in Food Retail Program Development (NFRPD) FellowshipAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics8/31/2021Banna, Jinan$3,000
Testing Implementation of NPIP Project March-June 2021AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI6/22/2021Odani, Jenee$3,000
Plant Disease Prevention CapacityUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION4/9/2021Melzer, Michael$2,620
Western Region Public Health Training CenterARIZONA, UNIVERSITY OF7/14/2021Novotny, Rachel$1,891
Plant Safety, Horticultural Benefits, and Disease Efficacy of Essential Oils for Use in Organically Grown Fruit Crops: From the Farm to the ConsumerFLORIDA, UNIVERSITY OF5/10/2021Kawabata, Andrea$1,890
Total:    $33,814,893

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