University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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Extramural Grant Projects

Extramural awards (as opposed to Intramural awards in which the funding decisions are made within CTAHR) include research or non-research grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements from federal, private, foreign and other outside sources. This database includes all CTAHR awards that were processed through the Office of Research Services (ORS) and can be sorted by Title, PI, and/or Amount by clicking on the headers. Awards which are not processed through ORS, such as formula funds (Hatch, McIntire-Stennis, and Smith-Lever), are not included in this database. The awards are reported by “Awarded Date” and multiyear awards are listed according to the dates that the funds were received by ORS (either all during the first year or divided annually over the award period).

Additional information describing individual USDA grants in greater detail can be found by searching the following USDA Current Research Information System (CRIS) website. For information on writing and submitting grants, go to the employee's page.

CTAHR has received the following awards since 2005.

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Project TitleFunding AgencyAwarded DateInvestigatorAmount
HI FY22 PPA 6R.0442.01 CRB ResponseAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service6/14/2022Melzer, Michael$1,945,491
Hawaii-One-Ag 2022: Enhancing Agricultural Education at the University of HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INST FOOD AND AGRICULTURE11/14/2022Wieczorek, Anna Magda$999,970
RII Track-2 FEC: Genome Engineering to Sustain Crop Improvement (GETSCI)NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION9/12/2022Muszynski, Michael Gerald$994,970
Regional Aquaculture Center - Center for Tropical and Subtropical AquacultureAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INST FOOD AND AGRICULTURE9/1/2022Lee, Cheng S$949,556
The Hawaii Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Longitudinal Data and Research Project (LDRP)HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI8/23/2022Novotny, Rachel$900,000
Limited English and Immigrant Farmer Education, LIFE, Improving Access to Support Services for Hawaii’s Agricultural Population With Limited English ProficiencyAGRICULTURE, DEPT-OFFICE OF PARTNERSHIPS AND PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT10/5/2022Kirk, Emilie R$743,667
FY21 SNAP-EdHUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI Benefits, Employment & Support Services1/31/2022Butel, Jean$717,108
Engaging Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Grower Educational Needs for Safe Fruit & Vegetable Production in HI & CAAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INST FOOD AND AGRICULTURE2/25/2022Motomura, Sharon$545,600
GoFarm Hawaii (GFH): Growing Hawaii's Agricultural Workforce and IndustryAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INST FOOD AND AGRICULTURE10/27/2022Yamamoto, Janel$440,984
NSF MSRI ID EcotronIdaho, University of7/8/2022Crow, Susan$391,386
HI FY22 PPA 6R.0219.01 CRB Canine DetectAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/27/2022Melzer, Michael$378,408
CleanSEED: A Project to Ensure the Sustainability of U.S. Sweetpotato Seed ProgramsMISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY12/28/2022Kantar, Michael B$355,941
Wildlife Impacts on Agroecosystems and Culture: Achieving Integrate Pest Management of Invasive Ungulates in HawaiiMONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY11/4/2022Price, Melissa Renae$349,979
Services to Support, Monitor, Maintain, and Enhance the Hawaii Web-Based Infrastructure for Treatment Services Computer Software SystemHEALTH, DEPT-ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE DIV-HI6/7/2022Kim, Ji-Yeon$330,000
Agricultural Education Program on Hawaii IslandHAWAIIAN HOME LANDS, DEPT-HI8/1/2022Goodwin, Jeff L$300,000
GoFarm Hawaii - Am AgCreditUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION8/9/2022Yamamoto, Janel$265,000
ID of OFF Larvae and Trap-captures (yearAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/13/2022Rubinoff, Daniel$242,205
Stabilizing Yellow-Faced Bee PopulationsLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)4/25/2022Krushelnycky, Paul$236,873
Pesticide Fate and Leachability AssessmentAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI1/7/2022Li, Qing Xiao$227,550
Biodiversity Monitoring of Freshwater and Estuarine Communities in Halawa StreamDEFENSE, DEPT-NAVY NAVAL FAC ENGRG COMMAND1/28/2022Tsang, Yin Phan$225,000
Integrative Identification Methods for BAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/12/2022Rubinoff, Daniel$210,046
Strategic Prevention Framework Evaluation Implementation ServicesHEALTH, DEPT-ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE DIV-HI5/20/2022Yuan, Sarah$200,000
USDA Southwest Climate Hub Advancing Climate Informed Decision Making in Hawaii and USAPIAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/26/2022Litton, Creighton$195,000
Research, Translation and Extension to Support Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption in Hawaiʻi and the US Affiliated Pacific IslandsAGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED9/21/2022Litton, Creighton$195,000
CAREER: Determining the Metabolic Organization and Enzymology of the Fundamentally Important Flavonoid Biosynthetic PathwayNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION1/3/2022Owens, Daniel K$189,581
Preharvest and Postharvest Technologies to Improve Production, Disease Management and Quality of Papaya and Other Tropical FruitAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED6/15/2022Bowen, Walter Truman$174,635
Reducing Avocado Losses to Major Challenges by Improving Resistance Selection and Disease Management Using Next Generation TechnologiesCALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE, UNIVERSITY OF9/9/2022Tian, Miaoying$169,265
Sustainable and Profitable Production of Specialty Crops in a Changing EnvironmentAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED10/24/2022Bowen, Walter Truman$165,862
Determine the Prevalence of Spinosad ResAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service8/16/2022Shikano, Ikkei$165,041
22-8130-0984 Molecular Diagnostics for the Mango Fruit Fly Complex Year 2AGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/28/2022Rubinoff, Daniel$154,198
Application of Bactrocera dorsalis OvipoAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/22/2022Tay, Jia-Wei$152,262
UH-CTAHR Projects in Maui County FY22COUNTY MAUI OFC OF ECON DEVEL1/26/2022Reeves, Cynthia Lynn$150,000
Ungulate Distribution Models for Wildlife Conservation and Recreational Hunting: Hawai`iLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)3/30/2022Price, Melissa Renae$149,683
Provide Analytical Services, Laboratory Consultation, and Analytical Methodologies AssistanceHEALTH, DEPT-HAZARD EVAL & EMERGENCY RESPONSE1/7/2022Maaz, Tai McClellan$149,085
Coordinated Approach to Coffee Leaf RustSynergistic Hawaii Agriculture Council3/10/2022Kawabata, Andrea$147,580
Postharvest Treatments and Functional Nutrients Studies of Hawaii Tropical CommoditiesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/29/2022Yang, Jinzeng$140,914
SCRI: Coordinated Approach to Coffee Leaf RustSynergistic Hawaii Agriculture Council1/11/2022Shintaku, Michael$140,500
University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) - Sustainable Community Project (HI-SCP)AGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INST FOOD AND AGRICULTURE6/14/2022Ooki, Nancy$140,000
PPA7721 6.0346.1 Auto-dissemination of aAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/13/2022Shikano, Ikkei$138,694
Advanced Technologies for Tropical Invasive Pest Management in HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/6/2022Bowen, Walter Truman$134,452
Comprehensive Stranding Investigations for High Priority Species, Joint Base Pearl Harbor, Hickam, HawaiiDEFENSE, DEPT- US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS10/3/2022West, Kristi L$133,398
GoFarm Hawaii: Supporting Agribusiness in Rural HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-RURAL DEVELOPMENT10/12/2022Yamamoto, Janel$124,000
Develop Molecular Diagnostic Tools to Determine Strain and Mating Status of Fruit Fly IncursionsAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/20/2022Rubinoff, Daniel$120,880
Diagnostic Tools to Identify Exotic TortAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service6/9/2022Rubinoff, Daniel$110,540
Developing Technologies to Ameliorate Global Climate ChangeBiomass Energy Systems Inc.9/20/2022Khanal, Samir$110,000
Researching Alpine SpeciesINTERIOR, DEPT-NATIONAL PARK SVC8/26/2022Krushelnycky, Paul$104,999
HI FY22 PD CAPS InfrastructureAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service5/20/2022Melzer, Michael$103,500
The Pacific Fire Exchange: Linking Fire Science and Fire Management in Hawaii and the US-Affiliated Pacific IslandsINTERIOR, DEPT-BUREAU LAND MGMT-FED8/16/2022Trauernicht, Parker$101,979
Science of Hawaii Soil Health - Dynamic Soil Properties for Soil Health AssessmentAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATRL RES SVC-FED2/25/2022Crow, Susan$100,473
GoFarm HawaiiUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION10/10/2022Yamamoto, Janel$100,000
Stranding Response, Necropsy and Cause of Death Investigations for Pacific Island Cetaceans and the Development of a Diverse and Inclusive Internship ProgramCOMMERCE, DEPT-NOAA/NATL MARINE FISHERIES SVC8/26/2022West, Kristi L$99,990
Risk Management Education for Hawaii Beef Producers Underserved by Crop InsuranceWASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY5/12/2022Oshiro, Melelani Amy$97,418
Identification of Giant African Snail Odors to Aid Detector Dog TrainingAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED8/22/2022Bloese, Joanna Bess$97,118
GoFarm Hawaii 2022 - Agricultural Workforce DevelopmentAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI4/14/2022Yamamoto, Janel$95,000
HI FY22 PD CAPS Combined SurveyAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service5/20/2022Melzer, Michael$94,385
CAREER: Soil Pedogenesis, Agroecology, and Their InteractionsNATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION4/18/2022Lincoln, Noa K$93,694
Hauoli Mau Loa Fdn - CGAPS ROD 2022-2023UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION3/8/2022Melzer, Michael$84,800
Biodiversity in Maui NuiLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)7/11/2022Price, Melissa Renae$82,287
Memorandum of Understanding between the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and University of HawaiiHAWAIIAN AFFAIRS, OFFICE OF6/6/2022Lincoln, Noa K$82,000
Hauʻoli Mau Loa Fellows - NREM AY22-24UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION9/23/2022Vaughan, Mehana Bailey Blaich$78,852
Hau`oli Mau Loa Graduate Assistantships NREM AY21-23UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION10/26/2022Vaughan, Mehana Bailey Blaich$78,852
Iolani Paepae o Wai Ekolu: Place-based Watershed Education and Caring for Stream EcosystemsCOMMERCE, DEPT-NATL NOAA-FED NATL OCEAN SVC9/12/2022Tsang, Yinphan$75,000
Advancing the National Bioeconomy Through Regional Sun Grant CentersOREGON STATE UNIVERSITY2/24/2022Khanal, Samir$74,992
Advancing the National Bioeconomy Through Regional Sun Grant CentersOREGON STATE UNIVERSITY4/6/2022Khanal, Samir$74,986
Molecular Genetics of Lyme ArthritisUTAH, UNIVERSITY OF4/5/2022Kim, Yong-Soo$65,913
Effect of Feed Additives on Growth Performance and Intestinal Health Parameters of Broiler ChickenAB Vista Feed Ingredients, UK3/7/2022Jha, Rajesh$64,576
Teen Adventure CampPURDUE UNIVERSITY3/22/2022Ooki, Nancy$63,993
Coordinated Approach to Coffee Leaf RustSynergistic Hawaii Agriculture Council1/11/2022Cheng, Zhiqiang$63,210
Genetic Technologies for Detection, Characterization, and Control of Plant Viruses in HawaiiAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED10/6/2022Hu, John$61,169
Development and Validation of a Novel Tool to Asses Sodium Intake for Heart Disease Prevention in a Multiethnic PopulationHAWAII COMMUNITY FOUNDATION INGEBORG VF MCKEE FUND7/13/2022Banna, Jinan$59,190
CISESS: University of Hawaii - Scientific Support & Continuing Validation of JPSS Vegitation ProductsMARYLAND, UNIVERSITY OF7/14/2022Miura, Tomoaki$58,423
Hawaii Statewide Implementation of Pest Management Information Through Extension ActivitiesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INST FOOD AND AGRICULTURE7/15/2022Wright, Mark$58,410
Expanding Availability of High Yielding Mamaki Varieties for Better Selection by Hawaii's GrowersAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI3/31/2022Ahmad, Amjad$55,000
Updating and Testing the Impact of an Index and Mapping of Disparities in Equitable Access to Early Care and Education Across Income and Ethnic GroupsJOHNSON (ROBERT WOOD) FOUNDATION3/2/2022Debaryshe, Barbara$54,986
AgDiscovery Summer Enrichment ProgramAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service4/21/2022Wieczorek, Anna Magda$54,000
IR-4 Minor Crop Pest Management (RES)CALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF1/20/2022Cheng, Zhiqiang$52,000
SCRP22 Vietnam CS Aquaculture @UHAGRICULTURE, DEPT-FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL SERVICE9/6/2022Khanal, Samir$49,969
WIC Needs AssessmentHEALTH, DEPT-HI - FAMILY HLTH SVC DIV7/6/2022DeBaryshe, Barbara Diane$49,900
NIFA AG2PI Collaborative: Seeding the Future of Agricultural Genome to Phenome Research for Crops and LivestockIowa State University8/1/2022Kantar, Michael B$49,700
Research, Extension, and Education Activities to Improve Sustainable and Organic Farming in Hawaii.AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI6/20/2022Radovich, Theodore$49,500
Hawaii Healthy Aging Partnership Coordination and Evaluation ProjectHEALTH, DEPT-HI-CHRONIC DISEASE PREVENTION & HEALTH PROMOTION DIV6/13/2022Yuan, Sarah$49,000
Preschool Teacher Wellness Curriculum, Training, and EvaluationHEALTH, DEPT-HI-CHRONIC DISEASE PREVENTION & HEALTH PROMOTION DIV3/30/2022Novotny, Rachel$49,000
4-H National Mentoring ProgramNATIONAL FOUR-H COUNCIL (4-H)9/2/2022Wieczorek, Anna Magda$44,733
The Center for Research, Health, and Social Justice, Dr. Long's Project # 1University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences7/13/2022Novotny, Rachel$43,409
Connecting Agriculture to STEM: Strategic Approach to Increasing Local Science CapacityAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED8/23/2022Wieczorek, Anna Magda$41,996
FY22 NCPN Univ of Hawaii/Motomura- WagesAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service9/12/2022Wages, Sharon Aiko Motomura$40,000
Nene O Moloka'i Research Fund UHUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION1/31/2022Price, Melissa Renae$40,000
Seed TrustUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION1/19/2022Kantar, Michael B$40,000
Improving the Growth and Yield of Tomato Through New Integrated Pest Management StrategiesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI3/31/2022Gutierrez-Coarite, Rosemary$40,000
Improving the Sustainable Production of Hawaii's Ornamental Industry Through Precision Nutrient ManagementAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI3/31/2022Bloese, Joanna Bess$39,884
Management and Treatment of Rapid `Ohi`a DeathLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)3/18/2022Friday, James$39,092
Industrial Hemp Anaerobic Digestion StudyAgripelago Corporation5/31/2022Khanal, Samir$38,847
The Center for Research, Health, and Social Justice, Dr. Long's Project # 1University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences12/9/2022Novotny, Rachel$38,413
Protecting Hawaii's Chinese Cabbage, Mustard Greens, and Brassica Industry from New Soilborne Bacterial, Fungal, and Viral DiseasesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI3/23/2022Silva, Joshua Hanale Shoichi$38,386
Development of an Automated Diagnostic Platform for SARS-CoV-2 Monitoring in Vulnerable AreasCLEMSON UNIVERSITY2/3/2022Jenkins, Daniel MC Kewn$37,700
HI FY22 CHRP HLB Lab & SurveyAgriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service7/13/2022Melzer, Michael$37,202
Core Support for the Rapid Ohia Death (ROD) Statewide Outreach Specialist/Coordinator & Statewide InitiativesLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)7/14/2022Melzer, Michael$37,000
Beekeeper Organization and Cooperation: Our "Best Shot" Against Africanized HoneybeesLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)5/5/2022Villalobos, Ethel$35,375
2023-24 ‘ĀINAVIS Collaboration with NREMCONSUELO ZOBEL ALGER FOUNDATION12/13/2022Vaughan, Mehana Bailey Blaich$35,000
Targeted Epigenetic Silencing of Cassava Disease Susceptibility Phase IIDonald Danforth Plant Science Center11/21/2022Motomura, Sharon$34,246
Hawaii KIDS COUNT Social Indicator Data Center ManagementHawaii Children's Action Network3/1/2022Stern, Ivette$33,000
A Rapid DNA-based Test for Enterococcus Enables Onsite Detection of Fecal Indicators in HawaiiSurfrider Foundation2/9/2022Jenkins, Daniel MC Kewn$31,500
The Evolution and Importance of Natural Varroa Resistance in Hawaii's HoneybeesMONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY10/14/2022Villalobos, Ethel$30,000
Designing a Regenerative Systems Approach for Sustainable Turmeric ProductionMONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY10/4/2022Radovich, Theodore$29,521
Examining the Biofumigation and Innate Potential of Ground Papaya Seeds to Induce Host Plant Resistance Against Soil-Borne Pathogens in HawaiiMONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY12/15/2022Wang, Koon-Hui$29,348
Outreach and Extension for Management of Rapid Ohia Death on Hawaii IslandLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)2/4/2022Friday, James$29,250
Support to the Next Generation Cassava Breeding Phase 2CORNELL UNIVERSITY8/4/2022Motomura, Sharon$29,192
An Economic Analysis of LFA Eradication on MauiLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)2/4/2022Chan, Catherine K$28,275
Hawaii Coffee Producer Pesticide Education for the Management of Coffee Leaf RustAGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI7/11/2022Kawabata, Andrea$28,226
Seed TrustUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION9/12/2022Kantar, Michael B$28,000
Teaching ChangeUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION1/19/2022Litton, Creighton$28,000
Seed TrustUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION6/3/2022Kantar, Michael B$28,000
Partners in Excellence for Leadership in MCH NutritionCALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES, UNIV12/22/2022Esquivel, Monica$26,221
Access Mapping to Inform the Expansion of Hawaii Early Care and Education SystemSamuel N. and Mary Castle Foundation3/15/2022Debaryshe, Barbara$25,428
GoFarm Hawaii: Growing Sustainable FarmersCounty of Hawaii Dept of Research and Development2/24/2022Yamamoto, Janel$25,000
IR-4 Minor Crop Pest Management (IS)CALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF1/14/2022Cheng, Zhiqiang$25,000
'Awa Production ResearchUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION1/3/2022Lincoln, Noa K$24,000
Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN) - Hawaii State Plan to NIFA, FY 2021AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI11/22/2022Le, Thao$23,010
Evaluating Garlic Production in Hawaii CountyCounty of Hawaii Dept of Research and Development2/24/2022Tavares, Kylie Lauren Toyoko$21,200
Reforestation of Gorse Lands at Humu'ulaHAWAIIAN HOME LANDS, DEPT-HI4/1/2022Friday, James$19,819
Western SARE State Plan for HawaiiMONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY10/17/2022Uyeda, Jensen$17,250
2022 UH Pesticide Safety Education ProgrameXtension Foundation6/15/2022Cheng, Zhiqiang$17,125
Invasion Ecology of Arcte Coerula (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), a New Pest of Māmaki and Other Nettles in HawaiʻiLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)12/22/2022Wright, Mark$16,727
INFEWS/T1: Sustaining California's Food Production Through Integrated Water and Energy ManagementCALIFORNIA MERCED, UNIVERSITY OF1/19/2022Oleson, Kirsten$15,675
IR-4 Minor Crop Pest Management (EH)CALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF1/14/2022Cheng, Zhiqiang$15,000
Field Evaluations of Baits in Eliminating Subterranean TermitesCorteva Agriscience LLC (formerly Dow Agrosciences)4/6/2022Tay, Jia-Wei$15,000
Targeted Epigenetic Silencing of Cassava Disease Susceptibility Phase IIDonald Danforth Plant Science Center4/13/2022Motomura, Sharon$14,737
Plant Safety, Horticultural Benefits, and Disease Efficacy of Essential Oils for Use in Organically Grown Fruit Crops: From the Farm to the ConsumerFLORIDA, UNIVERSITY OF2/1/2022Kawabata, Andrea$14,333
Detection & Invasive Potential and population dynamics of Arcte coerula (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), a New Pest of Mamaki in HawaiiLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)2/7/2022Wright, Mark$13,745
Early Detection of Incipient Coqui Infestations with Listening TechnologyLAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR)12/13/2022Wright, Mark$12,501
Effect of Manda Harvest on Growth, Yield, and Quality of Mamaki and Tomato Under Climatic Conditions in HawaiiManda Fermentation Co. Ltd.5/31/2022Ahmad, Amjad$11,500
Acquisition of Goods and ServicesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/16/2022Shintaku, Michael$11,000
RME on POS Software, Record Keeping, WFRP, and Financial PlanningARIZONA, UNIVERSITY OF4/6/2022Sand, Shannon Rae$10,000
HI HOPES Initiative Data AnalysisEPIC Ohana, Inc.10/14/2022Stern, Ivette$10,000
To Provide Services to Determine Current Soil Health Status of Former Plantation Lands in HawaiiLAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR) OFC CONS COAST LDS10/17/2022Crow, Susan$10,000
Enhanced Bacterial Viability of Freeze-Dried Probiotics Using the Supercooling PretreatmentJun Innovations1/12/2022Jun, Soojin$10,000
Plant Disease ControlUNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION3/17/2022Alvarez, Anne$10,000
Expanding Extension Capacity Through RangeDocs: Searchable Rangeland ScienceARIZONA, UNIVERSITY OF2/2/2022Thorne, Mark$9,768
Western Regional Agricultural Program WRASPWASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY8/12/2022Sand, Shannon Rae$9,328
Expanding Extension Capacity Through RangeDocs: Searchable Rangeland ScienceARIZONA, UNIVERSITY OF8/26/2022Thorne, Mark$8,048
Workforce Development through 4-H ProgrammingHawaii 4-H Foundation1/20/2022Ooki, Nancy$8,000
Department of Air Force 4-H Military Partnership Outreach and SupportKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY3/9/2022Ooki, Nancy$7,450
Western Regional Center to Enhance Food Safety: Fostering Collaboration Through Continued Food Safety Education and Stakeholder SupportOREGON STATE UNIVERSITY8/3/2022Motomura, Sharon$6,825
Acquisition of Goods and ServicesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED11/9/2022Shintaku, Michael$6,811
Acquisition of Goods and ServicesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED11/30/2022Shintaku, Michael$5,617
Western Regional Center to Enhance Food Safety: Fostering Collaboration Through Continued Food Safety Education and Stakeholder SupportOREGON STATE UNIVERSITY1/12/2022Motomura, Sharon$3,413
Acquisition of Goods and ServicesAGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED9/20/2022Shintaku, Michael$3,370
2022 UH Pesticide Safety Education ProgrameXtension Foundation6/21/2022Cheng, Zhiqiang$1,999
Total:    $19,667,063

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