'Centennial' anthurium
'Egami', a new longan cultivar from Hawaii
'Hoku Hawaii', the Hawaiian star protea
'Hokuloa' and 'Hilo Moon' anthuriums
'Leahi' and 'New Era' anthuriums
'Maggie Inouye' and 'Mini Gem' anthuriums
'Malama', an early fall avocado
'Mauna Loa' anthurium
'Mealani', a New Variety of Tea for Hawai‘i
'Poamoho' pole bean
'Princess Aiko' ('Imperial') and 'Regina', two novelty anthuriums
'Pumehana' and 'Andraecola-1' anthuriums
'Sunrise Solo'; a different colored solo papaya
'Sunset' solo papaya
'Tropic Lalo' paspalum: Paspalum hieronymii Hack.
'Tropic Sun' sunn hemp; Crotalaria juncea L.
'Tropic Sunrise' anthurium
'UH Rainbow' papaya: a high-quality hybrid with genetically engineered disease resistance
'UH Sweet Basil': a new basil cultivar tolerant of fusarium wilt
'Waimea' anthurium
'White Lady' anthurium
‘‘Apapane’ and ‘‘I‘iwi’ Anthurium
‘Exel’, a high quality dessert mango
‘Greengold’ – a late season avocado
‘Kaimana’, an improved new lychee cultivar for Hawaii
‘Kary’, an improved carambola for commercial planting
‘Kathryn’ – a bright yellow sunburst protea
‘Mahina Hawaii’ – the Hawaiian moon protea
‘Malama’, an early fall avocado
‘Pohaka la Hawaii’ – the Hawaiian sunbeam protea
‘Puma’ grapefruit
‘Rachel’ – a salmon-orange sunburst protea
‘Rapoza’ – a high-quality mango
‘Tropic Lalo’ paspalum: Paspalum hieronymii Hack
Acidification of volcanic ash soils from Maui and Hawai‘i Island for blueberry and tea production
Anthurium 'Kauai'
Anthurium 'Maui'
Black Pod Rot of Cacao Caused by Phytophthora palmivora
Bush Tucker in Hawai'i
Crop improvement in Hawaii: past, present, and future
Dendrobium Ethel Kamemoto ‘Splendor’
Dendrobium Ethel Kamemoto ‘White Cascade’
Dendrobium Lorrie Mortimer, UH1577
Dendrobium Mari Marutani, UH1420
Dendrobium Winifred Ogata, UH1371
Erythrina ‘Dominic’ and ‘Sophia: Two Erythrina Gall Wasp-Resistant Cultivars to Replace the ‘Tropic Coral’ Tall Wiliwili
Evaluation and improvement of anthurium clones
Evaluation of pot size for greenhouse production of ‘Misty’ Southern highbush blueberry in Volcano, Hawaii
Evaluation of University of Hawaii anthurium accessions, 1986-2001
Finger Limes
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Fukunaga, a coffee rootstock resistant to the Kona coffee root-knot nematode
Green Tea Quality Evaluation: Identifying Common Defects
Growing Blueberries for Home Production in Hawaii
Hawaii Tea Growers' Survey 2014
In-Tray Procedure for Rooting Tea Cuttings
Insect and Mite Pests of Blueberries in Hawaii
Manoa Wonder, new root-knot nematode resistant pole bean
New protea cultivars for Hawaii growers from the University of Hawaii Protea Research Project -- 1999 to 2004
Pesticides Registered for Use in Tea in Hawai‘i
Production requirements of the transgenic papayas 'UH Rainbow' and 'UH SunUp'
Promising new taro cultivars with resistance to taro leaf blight: 'Pa'lehua', 'Pa'akala', and 'Pauakea'
Reflective Guide to Growing Olives for Oil Production in Hawai‘i
Required and optional labeling for loose tea for sale
Selection, evaluation, and naming of acerola (Malpighia glabra L.) cultivars
Small-scale tea growing and processing in Hawaii
Stephanotis ‘Isabella’ and ‘Puanani’: Superior New Cultivars for Landscape Uses and Cut-Flower Production
Tea (Camellia sinensis), a new crop for Hawaii
Three new cultivars of Heliconia orthotricha: 'Kauai Morning Sun', 'Kauai Christmas', and 'Kauai Sunset'
What do dendrobium orchid producers want in their potted flowers?--Results of a grower survey