University of Hawaii at Manoa
UH SealCollege of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources






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East Hawai'i

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MG volunteering at an activity.

Master Gardener Certification

The Master Gardener program is a University of Hawaii program, offered through the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources.

To become a Certified Master Gardener, you must:

  • pass the training program with a 70% or better cumulative test score
  • volunteer a minimum of 40 hours in a one year period with 20 hours on the Helpline and 20 additional hours in any approved Master Gardener activity.

To be Re-Certified as a Master Gardener, you must:

  • complete 30 hours of volunteer service, with a minimum of 12 hours on the Helpline each year

Answers to questions you might have

  • Hours are counted from April 15 to April 14 of the following year.
  • You are responsible for writing down the hours that you volunteer on the sign-in sheet. We cannot give you credit for hours that you worked but forgot to record.
  • Most activities now count toward certification and re-certification, including meetings, field trips, and community outreach as well as Helpline work.
  • We cannot give credit toward certification for non-Master Gardener activities.
  • There are three exams given during the training program. Most people find that they pass the exams with no problem if they study what was covered in the class.
  • If you are worried about not passing with 70% or more, make an effort to learn the extra credit material, often plant identification. This is good practice for you anyway.

Hawaii Island Master Gardeners