College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
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Hawaii Water Quality Extension Program
Water Quality Related Publications
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Hawaii is a member of the Southwest States and Pacific Islands Water Quality Coordination Team


AWRA coverLivestock Manure Management in the American Pacific Islands, an article by Dr. Carl Evensen in the American Water Resources Association's (AWRA) publication IMPACT. (See pp 14-17). Dr. Evensen's article focuses on our regional experience with livestock waste management and the benefits and challenges it has had on water and soil quality. You can download a free copy here.

Hawaii Rainwater Catchment Service Directory. This directory is the first edition for rainwater catchment services and products on Hawaii island. The purpose of this directory is to be a single-point resources that owners of water catchment systems can use to find businesses that provide services for these systems. It includes valuable information -- from architects to water haulers. You can download a free copy here or pick up a print booklet (58 pages) at:

Hawaii Rainwater Catchment Systems Association
c/o UH CTAHR NREM Cooperative Extension Service
Komohana Research and Extension Center
875 Komohana Street
Hilo, Hawai'i 96720
Phone: 808-


NRCS fact sheets

Conservation System Guides for Pacific Basin Beginning and Limited Resource Farmers and Ranchers. Through consultation with Pac Basin NRCS field and technical staff, five Conservation Systems Guides (CSGs) were chosen with widespread application for underserved farmer/rancher clients in the American Pacific. Based on Field Office Technical Guide (FOTG) information, Jody Smith and Luisa Castro developed five culturally appropriate Flash presentations demonstrating commonly used Pacific Basin CSGs. To reinforce the information delivered within the narrated presentations, they also developed 15 fact sheets to describe the CSG-related conservation practices. An additional introductory erosion control fact sheet is provided. Click on a title to open a PDF of the fact sheet.

Click on a title to access a narrated Flash presentation. [Note: Flash Player Security Warning - some of the links may give a warning. Simply click "OK" and the presentation should run as normal. This is due to a new security rules in Flash Player 8 (the following Articulate Support Pages have more information].

cover of Hawaii 2050 publicationEnvironmental Quality a chapter (pp. 41-50) by Carl I. Evensen and Katherine A.D. Chaston in Hawaii 2050: Building a Shared Future. This book, published by the Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Task Force, contains thoughtful papers and research background on various issue areas which the Task Force identified as important for Hawaii’s sustainable future. Scholars at the University of Hawaii provide readers with information and ideas as we begin the serious deliberations for the future of our state. Link to the Hawaii 2050 web page to obtain the report as a PDF.

Water Issues in Hawaii publication coverWater Issues in Hawaii: A Survey of Public Attitudes
This 12-page publication discusses
a survey designed to measure attitudes and perceptions among the general public about water issues, to benchmark water conservation behaviors, and to evaluate the potential effectiveness of communicating about water issues using different media. Link to the CTAHR web page to obtain the report as a PDF

Water Warriors Community Guidebook coverWater Warriors Community Guidebook
A limited supply of Water Warriors, a community guidebook outlining the 2004 EPA Award-winning Kuleana Eco-project is now available. The 115-page guidebook describes the 2003-4 survey project involving 12 schools in the Manoa Valley subwatershed area, as well as the Water Warrior Challenge and the Kuleana Eco-Fair conducted in the fall of 2004.

The book covers: 7 steps to conducting a watershed outreach campaign and lessons learned along the way; what worked and what should have done differently; a calendar of events; a media directory; a watershed conservation contacts and information resources list; and an addendum of the grant request, the survey, letters, forms, and other materials created for the project.

Free copies will be made available to schools, libraries, and non-profit and educational groups, upon request. Call Helen Nakano at (808) 988-5671 or Email her:

Water Quality on the Island of Oahu coverWater Quality on the Island of Oahu Hawaii
Anthony, S.S., Hunt, C.D., Brasher, A., Miller, L.D., and Tomlinson, M.S. (2004). Water Quality on the Island of Oahu Hawaii, 1999–2001. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1239. Link to the USGS web page to obtain the report as a PDF

This study is the most comprehensive water quality assessment ever done in Hawaii. Although conducted for the island of Oahu, it is representative of conditions throughout the state and is helpful in understanding potential for water quality impairments in other tropical island ecosystems. Dr. Carl Evensen provided a technical review for this paper (see pages 8 and 40 of the pdf file).

Rainwater Catchment Systems in Hawaii coverGuidelines on Rainwater Catchments Systems for Hawaii

This publication addresses water quality issues from the raindrop to the faucet. It includes chapters on water collection, water storage, water treatment, water testing, and firefighting concerns, and it gives an overview of the typical kinds of catchment equipment used in Hawaii. These guidelines are intended as a practical reference on the major concerns and best management practices for proper maintenance of rainwater catchments and storage systems.

Link to the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources' web page to obtain the report as a PDF

Hawaii’s Pollution Prevention Information

The HAPPI (Hawaii's Pollution Prevention Information) Home Series is a set of 16 informational worksheets developed to address water-pollution issues in and around your home. The documents are in pdf format. Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them.

The HAPPI (Hawaii's Pollution Prevention Information) Farm Series is a set of 10 information and assessment materials developed to address different water pollution issues faced by agricultural operations. The documents are in pdf format. Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them.

Water Resources Research Center home pageWater Resources Research Center (WRRC)

Researchers have produced ~400 technical reports, technical memoranda, and other project reports documenting the research performed at the WRRC since its establishment. These reports represent one of the most extensive collections of research results on water issues in Hawaii and the Pacific. Link to the WRRC publication web page to view their materials.

Hawaii Regional Water Quality Program home page Hawaii Regional Water Quality Program

Clicking on any of the links below will take you to Hawaii's Regional Water Quality Program web site where you will find publications corresponding to each of the bulleted themes.

Note: some of the publications require Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher for viewing and printing. If you do not have the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader, get it by clicking here.


Publication and Information Office websiteOffice of Communication Services (OCS)

Visit the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources OCS web site for free or for-sale publications that may also be of interest.

ADAP Publications webpageThe Agriculture Development in the American Pacific (ADAP)

Visit the ADAP's publications web page with a list of documents that may be of interest, and may be obtained for free or for a fee.

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Cooperative Extension Service programs, conducted in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture, are provided to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The University is an equal opportunity / affirmative action institution.