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Home Garden

Please Note: The CTAHR publications database reflects over a century of study by researchers and extension agents in the College. Much of the information contained in earlier publications is still of practical and technical use, and the documents are an unparalleled resource for Hawai'i agricultural and horticultural history. However, some publications also make recommendations that are no longer in accordance with more recent advances in understanding. For instance, they may specify pesticides or methods of using them that are no longer allowable under current State or federal regulations. Before using any pesticide, always read its label for approved uses, and follow label directions for application. Other publications may advocate the use of particular plant species that are now considered invasive. The Invasive Species Council is continually making assessments on this matter; see their Web site at for the latest recommendations on identification and control of these species.

A simple hydroponic growing kit for short-term vegetables   [HG-42]  [2002]  PDF    
A Simplified Method of Multiplying Bacterial Wilt-Free Edible Ginger (Zingiber officinale) in Pots   [PD-93]  [2013]  PDF    
Animal manures   [GHGS-11]  [1980]  PDF    
Asparagus   [HGV-9]  [1999]  PDF    
Average composition of some fertilizer materials containing the primary (major) plant nutrients   [GHGS-13]  [1980]  PDF    
Average composition of some fertilizer materials containing the secondary (minor) plant nutrients and the micronutrients (trace elements)   [GHGS-14]  [1980]  PDF    
Average composition of some organic fertilizer materials   [GHGS-15]  [1980]  PDF    
Backyard composting, recycling a natural product   [HG-41]  [2002]  PDF    
Basic characteristics of media for container-grown plants   [GHGS-10]  [1980]  PDF    
Bell pepper   [HGV-3]  [1997]  PDF    
Black spot of rose in Hawaii   [PD-80]  [2012]  PDF    
Broccoli   [HGV-6]  [1997]  PDF    
Care for your garden - use plants suitable for windbreaks, green manure, and cover crops   [GHGS-40]  [1987]  PDF    
Care for your garden – use green manure and cover crops   [GHGS-39]  [1987]  PDF    
Care for your garden – use windbreaks   [GHGS-38]  [1986]  PDF    
Care for your garden – water properly   [GHGS-36]  [1986]  PDF    
Care for your home garden--fertilize   [GHGS-34]  [1982]  PDF    
Carrots   [HGV-1]  [1997]  PDF    
Cauliflower   [HGV-7]  [1997]  PDF    
Cercospora leaf spot of eggplant   [PD-82]  [2012]  PDF    
Chicken manure   [GHGS-02]  [1980]  PDF    
Compost for the home garden   [GHGS-06]  [1980]  PDF    
Composting worms for Hawaii   [HG-46]  [2005]  PDF    
Container grown gardens   [GHGS-32]  [1982]  PDF    
Cooking with Youth in School Gardens   [HG-47]  [2023]  PDF    
Cucumber   [HGV-17]  [2018]  PDF    
Cucumber Mosaic Virus in Hawaii   [PD-101]  [2014]  PDF    
Enhancing your lanai, balcony, or patio with container plants   [HG-43]  [2002]  PDF    
Fertilization of roses   [GHGS-27]  [1980]  PDF    
Fertilizer for the home garden   [GHGS-04]  [1980]  PDF    
Fertilizer use in the home garden   [GHGS-05]  [1980]  PDF    
Fertilizers for fruit trees in the home garden   [HG-37]  [1997]  PDF    
Fertilizers for fruit trees in the home garden   [GHGS-37]  [1986]  PDF    
Growing Direct-Seeded Watercress by Two Non-Circulating Hydroponic Methods   [VC-7]  [2016]  PDF    
Growing hydroponic cucumbers in a plastic trash container   [HG-44]  [2003]  PDF    
Growing Plants for Hawaiian Lei: Introduced Annuals   [GrowingPlantsHawaiianLei_Annuals_reduced]  [2017]  PDF    
Growing Plants for Hawaiian Lei: Introduced Perennials   [GrowingPlantsHawaiianLei_Perennials_reduced]  [2017]  PDF    
Growing Plants for Hawaiian Lei: Native and Canoe Plants   [GrowingPlantsHawaiianLei_NativeCanoe_reduced]  [2017]  PDF    
Hawaiian ecosystems and culture; Why growing plants for lei helps to preserve Hawaii's natural and cultural heritage   [RM-16]  [2002]  PDF    
Home garden beans   [HGV-8]  [2004]  PDF    
Home garden edible-podded pea   [HGV-11]  [2004]  PDF    
Home garden oriental leafy greens   [HGV-10]  [2004]  PDF    
Home garden tomato   [HGV-5]  [2004]  PDF    
Home gardening in Hawaii   [B-91]  [1943]  PDF    
How to start a vegetable garden   [PP-16]  [2009]  PDF    
Hydroponics   [GHGS-35]  [1982]  PDF    
Increasing Anthurium Productivity in Volcanic Cinder, Using Irrigation and Nutrients   [OF-56]  [2022]  PDF    
Integrated pest management   [PP-05]  [2009]  PDF    
Ladybeetles of Hawaii (poster)   [Ladybeetle poster2]  [2013]  PDF    
Lettuce for the home garden   [HGV-2]  [2000]  PDF    
Low-Cost Light Sensors for Indoor Agriculture   [FST-68]  [2023]  PDF    
Mulches for the home garden   [GHGS-07]  [1980]  PDF    
Natural Farming: The Development of Indigenous Microorganisms Using Korean Natural Farming Methods   [SA-19]  [2019]  PDF    
Naturalizing Orchids and the Hawaii Pacific Weed Risk Assessment System   [OF-51]  [2012]  PDF    
Needs and Interests of Experienced Hawaii Seed Savers   [SA-24]  [2023]  PDF    
Non-invasive fruit trees for gardens in Hawaii   [F_N-17]  [2010]  PDF    
Onions: bulb and green bunching   [HGV-16]  [1997]  PDF    
Ornamental Pests of Hawai'i: Fungal and Nematode Associations and Symptoms on Protea and Leucospermum spp.   [OF-60]  [2023]  PDF    
Plan your vegetable garden   [GHGS-30]  [1982]  PDF    
Plant needs   [PP-04]  [2009]  PDF    
Planting the home garden   [GHGS-31]  [1982]  PDF    
Powdery Mildew of Garden Vegetables in Hawaii   [PD-98]  [2013]  PDF    
Preparing the home vegetable garden   [GHGS-01]  [1973]  PDF    
Sewage sludge   [GHGS-08]  [1980]  PDF    
Site selection for the home garden   [GHGS-29]  [1981]  PDF    
Small-scale vermicomposting   [HG-45]  [2005]  PDF    
Soil reaction (pH)   [GHGS-08]  [1980]  PDF    
Soil salinity   [GHGS-20]  [1980]  PDF    
Soil Solarization as an Organic Pre-Emergent Weed-Management Technique   [SA-14]  [2014]  PDF    
Soils for the home garden   [GHGS-03]  [1980]  PDF    
Starter solutions for the home garden   [GHGS-16]  [1980]  PDF    
Summer squash   [HGV-15]  [1997]  PDF    
Sunflowers   [PP-03]  [2009]  PDF    
Sweet corn   [HGV-4]  [2008]  PDF    
The composition of fertilizer materials   [GHGS-12]  [1980]  PDF    
The green-friendly garden: conserving water   [PP-01]  [2009]  PDF    
The pH preference of plants   [GHGS-18]  [1976]  PDF    
The salt tolerance of plants   [GHGS-21]  [1980]  PDF    
Treatment for control of soil organisms   [GHGS-28]  [1981]  PDF    
Upland taro   [HGV-18]  [1997]  PDF    
Use of chemical amendments to improve chemical properties of soil   [GHGS-17]  [1980]  PDF    
Use of soil amendments to improve physical properties of soil   [GHGS-22]  [1980]  PDF    
Using fresh culinary herbs   [PP-06]  [2009]  PDF    
Vegetable soybean   [HGV-14]  [1997]  PDF    
Viruses Affecting Hibiscus in Hawai'i: Their Detection and Management   [OF-62]  [2024]  PDF    
Volcanic Impacts on Honey Bees and Guidelines for Beekeepers: Plan “Bee”   [PP-2]  [2018]  PDF    
White Rust of Cruciferous Vegetables   [PD-94]  [2013]  PDF    

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