Dr. Jonathan Deenik, Ph.D.

Associate Specialist, Soil Fertility and Soil Quality

Dr. Jonathan Deenik

Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences
University of Hawaii at Mānoa
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA
Tel: (808) 956-6906
Fax: (808) 956-3894
Email: jdeenik@hawaii.edu



Peer Reviewed Publications

Silva, J.H., J.L. Deenik, R.S. Yost, G.L. Bruland, and S.E. Crow. 2014. Improving clay content measurement in oxidic and volcanic ash soils of Hawai‘i by increasing dispersant concentration and ultrasonic energy levels. Geoderma (In Press)

Novotny R, Fialkowski MK, Li F, Paulino Y, Vargo D, Jim R, Coleman P, Bersamin A, Nigg CR, Leon Guerrero RT, Deenik JL, Kim JH, Wilkens LR. 2014. Prevalence of Young Child Overweight and Obesity in the United States Affiliated Pacific Region as Compared to the 48 Contiguous States: A Systematic Review and Meta-regression by the Children’s Healthy Living Program. Am J Public Health (In press).

Butnan, S., J.L. Deenik, B. Toomsan, M.J. Antal Jr., and P. Vityakon. 2014. Biochar characteristics and application rates affecting corn growth and properties of soils contrasting in texture and Mineralogy. Geoderma (In Press)

Penton, C.R., J.L. Deenik, B.N. Popp, G.L. Bruland, P. Engstrom, J. Mueller, A. Worden, and J. Tiedje. 2014. Assessing nitrogen transformations in a flooded agroecosystem using the isotope pairing technique and nitrogen functional gene abundances. Soil Science 179:2-10.

Wilken, L.R., R. Novotny, M.K. Fialkowski, C. J. Boushey, C. Nigg, Y. Paulino, R. Leon Geurrero, A. Bersamin, D. Vargo, J. Kim, J.L. Deenik. 2013. Children’s Healthy Living (CHL) Program for
remote underserved minority populations in the Pacific region: rationale and design of a community randomized trial to prevent early childhood obesity . BMC Public Health, 13:944.

Novotny, Rachel PhD, RD; Marie K. Fialkowski PhD, RD; Aufa’i Apulu Ropeti Areta MA; Andrea Bersamin PhD; Kathryn Braun DrPH; Barbara DeBaryshe PhD; Jonathan Deenik PhD; Michael Dunn PhD; James Hollyer MS; Jang Kim PhD; Rachael T. Leon Guerrero PhD; Claudio R. Nigg PhD; Ron Takahashi MA; and Lynne R. Wilkens DrPH. 2013. The Pacific Way to Child Wellness: The Children’s Healthy Living Program for Remote Underserved Minority Populations of the Pacific Region (CHL). Hawaii Journal of Medicine and Public Health 72(11):406-409.

Penton, C.R., J.L. Deenik, B.N. Popp, G.L. Bruland, P. Engstrom, D. St Louis, G.A. Brown, and J. Tiedje. 2013. Importance of sub-surface rhizosphere-mediated coupled nitrification-denitrification in a flooded agroecosystem in Hawaii. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57:362-373.

Dr. Deenik in sunnhemp trial

McDowell, M.L., G. L. Bruland, J.L Deenik, S. Grunwald. 2012. Effects of sub-setting by carbon content, soil order, and spectral classification on prediction of soil total carbon with diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, Volume 2012, Article ID 294121

Mcdowell, M.L., G.L. Bruland, J.L. Deenik, S. Grunewald, N.M. Knox. 2012. Soil total carbon analysis in Hawaiian soils with visible to near-infrared and mid-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Geoderma Vol 189–190: 312-320

Deenik, J. L., A. Diarra, G. Uehara, S. Campbell, Y. Sumiyoshi and M. J. Antal. 2011. Charcoal Ash and Volatile Matter Effects on Soil Properties and Plant Growth in an Acid Ultisol. Soil Science 176(7): 336-345.

Deenik, J.L., T. McClellan, G. Uehara, M.J. Antal, and S. Campbell. 2010. Charcoal volatile matter content influences plant growth and soil nitrogen transformations. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74:1259-1270

Ahmad, A., A. Fares, F. Abbas, and J.L. Deenik. 2009. Nutrient Concentrations Within and Below Root Zones from Applied Chicken Manure in Selected Hawaiian Soils. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part B,  Vol.44, No.8.

Fares, A., F. Abbas, A. Ahmad, J.L. Deenik, and M Safeeq. 2008. Response of selected soil physical and hydrologic properties to manure amendment rates, levels and types. Soil Science 173(8)522-533.

Deenik, J.L., and R.S. Yost. 2008. Nitrogen mineralization potential and nutrient availability from five organic materials in an atoll soil from the Marshall Islands. Soil Science Vol 173(1):54-68

Deenik, J,L., and R.S. Yost. 2006. Chemical Properties of Atoll Soils in the Marshall Islands and Constraints to Crop Production. Geoderma 136:66-681.

D.C. Olk, K.G. Cassman , K. Schmidt-Rohr , M.M. Anders,J.-D. Mao, and J.L. Deenik. 2006. Chemical stabilization of soil organic nitrogen by phenolic lignin residues in anaerobic agrosystems. Soil Biol. Biochem. 38(11):3303-3312.

Deenik, J.L., A. Ares, and R.S. Yost.  2000. Fertilization response and nutrient diagnosis in peach palm (Bactris gasipaes): a review. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 56:195-207.

Deenik, J.L. 2000. Environmental constraints to agricultural development in the Marshall Islands: a review. Journal of South Pacific Agriculture Vol 7(2):1-11.

Extension PublicationsDr. Deenik with Robin Shimabukuro, CES Extension Agent

Deenik, J.L., C. R. Penton, and G.L. Bruland. 2013. Nitrogen cycling in flooded taro agriculture. Cooperative Extension Service Publication, CTAHR, SCM-31, pp. 8.

Kawabata, A.F., J.L. Deenik, R.T. Hamasaki, J. Lichty, and S.T. Nakamoto. 2011. Acidification of volcanic ash soils from Maui and Hawaii Island for blueberry and tea production. Cooperative Extension Service Publication, CTAHR, AS–5, pp. 7. 

Deenik, J., and A.T. McClellan. 2007. Soils of Hawaii. Cooperative Extension Service Publication, CTAHR, SCM–20, pp. 12.

Deenik, J., R. Hamasaki, R. Shimabuku, and R. Uchida. 2007. Phosphorus fertilizer management for romaine lettuce grown in fertile volcanic ash soils of Hawaii. Cooperative Extension Service Publication, CTAHR, SCM–19 , pp. 3.

Deenik, J., R. Hamasaki, R. Shimabuko, S. Nakamoto, and R. Uchida. 2006. Phosphorus fertilizer management for head cabbage. Cooperative Extension Service Publication, CTAHR, SCM-16, pp. 6.

Deenik, J. 2006. Nitrogen mineralization potential in important agricultural soils of Hawaii. Cooperative Extension Service Publication, CTAHR, SCM-15, pp. 5.

Conference/Workshop Proceedings

Deenik, JL, CR Penton, BL Popp, GL Bruland, P Engstrom, J Mueller, and J Tiedje. 2013. Nitrogen transformations in flooded agroecosystems: a case study with taro (Colocassia esculenta). Proceedings of the Western Region Nutrient Management Conference, Vol. 10, Reno, NV, March 7-8, 2013.

Deenik, JL and A.T. McClellan. 2011. The use of biochar as a fertility amendment in tropical soils. Proceedings of the Western Region Nutrient Management Conference, Vol. 9, Reno, NV, March 3–4 , 2011.

Deenik, JL, AT McClellan, and G Uehara. 2009. Biochar volatile matter content effects on plant growth and nitrogen transformations in a tropical soil. Proceedings of the Western Region Nutrient Management Conference, Vol. 8, Salt Lake City, UT, March 4–5, 2009.

Deenik, J.L. , M. S. Thorne, L.J. Cox, H.H. Keyser, and M.H. Stevenson. 2007. Best management practices for the remediation of former sugarcane lands for sustainable livestock production in Hawaii. In L.J. Cox and M.S. Thorne (eds.)Proceedings of the Mealani Field Day held at the Mealani Research Station, Mealani, HI Sept. 29, 2007. (In Press)

Deenik, J., S. Fukuda, R. Hamasaki, R. Shimabuko, and R. Uchida. 2007. Soil testing to improve phosphorus management on intensive vegetable farms in Hawaii. pp. 71–77. In J. Hart (ed.) Proceedings of the Western Region Nutrient Management Conference, Vol. 7, Salt Lake City, UT, March 8–9 , 2007.

Deenik, J., J. Uchida, and J.A. Silva. 2005. Nitrogen dynamics in a flooded taro soil amended with fish/blood meal. pp. 100-107. In W. Bart Stevens (ed.) Proceedings of the Western Region Nutrient Management Conference, Vol. 6, Salt Lake City, UT, March 3–4, 2005.

Deenik, J.L., A Reinhart, and R.S. Yost, 2004. Nitrate leaching and accumulation in the subsoils of the Pearl Harbor Watershed: developing a nitrate soil test in Hawaii. pp. 40-50. In J.L. Deenik and N.V. Hue (eds.) Integrating Animal Waste Issues into Nutrient Management Recommendations for Hawai`i’s Soils. Proceedings of a Workshop held at the University of Hawai`i August 14-15, 2004, College of Tropical Agriculture and Natural Resource Conservation Service, Honolulu, HI.

Workshop Proceedings Edited

Deenik, J.L., and N.V. Hue (eds.) 2004. Integrating Animal Waste Issues into Nutrient Management Recommendations for Hawai`i’s Soils. Proceedings of a Workshop held at the University of Hawai`i August 14-15, 2004, College of Tropical Agriculture and Natural Resource Conservation Service, Honolulu, HI.