The Biotechnology Outreach Program provides resources so that citizens can make informed decisions about agricultural biotechnology. You can learn more about our program and agricultural biotechnology at our main website.
The first step to making informed decisions is to understand the science that is the basis for the technology. Our site begins with a review of the structure of DNA, covers the importance of diversity in agriculture, and shows how humans have been making indirect changes to DNA for thousands of years. We have found it is helpful to place newer technologies within a broader context so that students see a progression from one technology to another. The section on genetically engineered foods is designed to generate student discussion and research. Finally, the section on sustainability is included to help students see the role of technology within sustainable agriculture.
Please refer to the links below for resources, activities and additional suggestions. We would love to hear from you with your suggestions. Contact Us
Alignment with Hawaii State Standards
Teaching resources that can be used with the website.
DNA Extraction Lab ......Students take DNA out of fruit and then design a inquiry lab based on the protocol.
Vocab 'word Search.......A quick review of genetics vocabulary.
Links to other sites........Some of our favorite genetics education sites.
Gene Pool
Mutants and Clones
More clones ...............Plants that can be grown easily from cuttings.
GE Foods
DNA Rap PowerPoint...This colorful rap presents the challenges faced by farmers and emphasises the role of science in solving these problems..... script...... handout
Can you taste it?.........Students try to identify the GE food. One of the misconceptions about GE foods is that the process changes many of the traits of the food crop. This activity shows that the flavor and texture remain unchanged. This can lead to a discussion about the acuracy of student's perceptions about GE. This activity can also be used as an introduction to the issue of labeling.
Debate Game..............Animation shows a debate about the benefits and risks of genetic engineering. This can be used as an intro for a classroom debate.
GE Papaya PowerPoint: It takes a team.......Overview of how GE papaya was developed in Hawaii.
Apple Demonstration ...... This effective demonstration from the Council for Biotechnology Information helps students to visualize the need for conserving farm land.
School Gardening resources: Malama Kauai, Hawaii Island School Garden Network,
Funding for this program ......Our list of generous sponsors