4-H is a community of young people across America learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. The 4-H program focuses on the four national initiatives which are: SET (Science, Engineering & Technology), Healthy Living, Leadership and Community Service. The 4-H program builds positive youth development through providing youth opportunities in mastery, independence, belonging, and generosity as well as multiple opportunities for youth to develop assets in the physical, intellectual, psychological, emotional, and/or social domains.
UH CTAHR 4-H Extension Personnel
Cow-calf operations involve shipping calves to the U.S. mainland for finishing. A new emerging market involves harvesting of locally raised, grass-fed meats. In 2007, the 6th largest diversified agricultural industry on Hawai`i Island is cattle ($19.7 M, 75% of state total value).
UH CTAHR Livestock Extension Personnel: