4-H is a community of young people across America learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. The 4-H program focuses on the four national initiatives which are: SET (Science, Engineering & Technology), Healthy Living, Leadership and Community Service. The 4-H program builds positive youth development through providing youth opportunities in mastery, independence, belonging, and generosity as well as multiple opportunities for youth to develop assets in the physical, intellectual, psychological, emotional, and/or social domains.
UH CTAHR 4-H Extension Personnel
Educational programs for adults seek to train participants in skills of leadership, life, and community building.
UH CTAHR Family & Community Extension Personnel:
Human Health. It is estimated that 7.6% of Hawaii’s population has diabetes with 71,000 diagnosed and an estimated 39,000 not diagnosed. One major focus of the Human Health program is on diabetes detection and prevention.
For information on the Nutrition Education for Wellness programs, including diabetes detection and prevention, please visit the Nutrition Education for Wellness program website
UH CTAHR Human Health Extension Personnel