University of Hawaii CTAHR Beef Initiative Home UH Seal
Team Members

Team Members

Lincoln Ching
Lincoln Ching
Linda Cox
Dr. Linda J. Cox
Michael DuPonte
Michael DuPonte
Glen Fukumoto
Glen Fukumoto
C.N. Lee
Dr. C.N. Lee
John Powley
John Powley
Mark Thorne
Dr. Mark Thorne
Jinzeng Yang
Dr. Jinzeng Yang

Agents and Specialists

  • Lincoln Ching, Livestock Programs, CTAHR Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences (HNFAS)
  • Dr. Linda J. Cox, Community Economic Development, CTAHR Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Management
  • Micheal DuPonte, Livestock Programs, HNFAS
  • Glen Fukumoto, Livestock Programs, HNFAS
  • Dr. C.N. Lee, Reproductive and Environmental Physiology, HNFAS
  • John Powley, Livestock Programs, HNFAS
  • Dr. Mark Thorne, Pasture and Range Management, HNFAS

Mealani Research Station

  • Trent Hata, Administrative Support, CTAHR, Hawai‘i County
  • Milton Yamasaki, Manager, CTAHR Mealani Research Station


  • Dr. Yong S. Kim, Muscle Biology, HNFAS
  • Dr. Jinzeng Yang, Animal Biotechnology, HNFAS

Administration and Other Participants

  • Eileen C. Herring, Science and Technology Reference Librarian, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
  • Dr. C.Y. Hu, CTAHR Associate Dean, Associate Director of Research
  • Dr. Wayne Nishijima, CTAHR Associate Dean, Associate Director of Extension
  • Dale Uno, Director, CTAHR Office of Communication Services

Other Contributors

  • Carl H. ‘Soot’ Bredhoff, Jr., New Feed Source Task Force, Maui Cattlemen’s Assocition
  • Dan Nakasone, Brainstorm Marketing, Inc.