Plants intentionally introduced into the islands of Hawai‘i as crops, livestock forage, ornamentals, and forestry species have escaped cultivation, gone “wild” and now cause economic problems for agricultural producers and land managers. They also take over habitat for rare and endangered native species. For a professional science-based update on this important topic, review the Adobe .pdf presentations from the workshop below.

"Effect of Escaped Agricultural Plants on Hawaii's Environment"
Dr. Mindy Wilkinson, Invasive Species Coordinator, DLNR
Christy Martin, Public Information Officer, CGAPS

"Hawaii Department of Agriculture's Noxious Weed List"
Becky Azama, Noxious Weed Specialist, O'ahu

"Overview of Invasive Plant/Pest Program"
Craig Kaneshige, Noxious Weed Specialist, Kaua'i

"Unfortunate Forestry Introductions to Hawaii"
Dr. JB Friday, Extension Forester, University of Hawai'i

"Weeds of Hawaiian Range and Pasturelands"
Dr. Mark Thorne, Rangeland Extension Specialist, University of Hawai'i

Not available
"Ways of Dealing with Invasive Plants in Landscaping"
Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Landscaping Extension Specialist, University of Hawai'i
Not available

Weed Risk Assessment for Hawai'i
Dr. Curtis Daehler, Dept of Botany
Shahin Ansari, Lyon Arboretum
University of Hawai'i

Related Information and Articles:
Nurseries take a hit to protect environment (Honolulu Advertiser 3/10/06)
Plants that ONGA Agrees to Discontinue Ordering, Growing, Selling (10/05)
Stopping invasive species before they start (Kaua'i Garden Island News, 07/06/06)
Taking Isles back from alien plants (Honolulu Advertiser, 08/10/06)

Hawaii's Most Invasive Agricultural Plants: An Introduction (Hawai'i DLNR)

Alternatives to Invasives (Hawaii Ecosystem At Risk project)

Hawaii-Pacific Weed Risk Assessments (WRA)
Hawaii Exotic Plant Evaluation Protocol (HEPEP)

Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry Publications
Biological Control of Weeds in Hawaii: History and Prospects

Don't Plant a Pest: Assessing the Risk of Exotic Plants

CTAHR Publications
Before you buy or apply an herbicide..
Herbicidal weed control methods for pastures and natural areas of Hawaii
Rights-of-way weed control--A guide for commercial pesticide applicators
Woody Plant Control for the Home, Pasture, and Forest
Fireweed Control: An Adaptive Management Approach
Weeds of Hawai'i's Pastures and Natural Areas

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This program is funded in part by CTAHR’s Renewable Resources Extension Program and by the Hawaii Invasive Species Council (through DLNR DOFAW). Photos by JB Friday (UH CES) and Forest Starr and Kim Starr (USGS: