Updated as of 08/2024
*Hawaiian Chili: OUT OF STOCK |
»Seed Order Form (download form, fill out, print, then mail with payment) |
*Sweet Basil: OUT OF STOCK |
»Free Publications |
*Manoa Sugar Peas: OUT OF STOCK |
»Farmer's Bookshelf |
*Hawaiian Wonder Pole Bean: OUT OF STOCK |
»Pesticide Information |
*Manoa Wonder Pole Bean: OUT OF STOCK |
»Agriculture Pest |
*Poamoho Pole Bean: OUT OF STOCK |
*Kaala Bell Pepper: OUT OF STOCK |
*Supersweet #9 Yellow, Silver, & #10 bicolor: OUT OF STOCK |
New Parking Map: For a map that displays the entire campus with |
*Tomato Healani: OUT OF STOCK |
Sherman Lab highlighted in RED, please click here |
*Poamoho Dark Long: OUT OF STOCK |
Visitor Parking has changed since 01/01/19. |
*Puakea Cauliflower: OUT OF STOCK |
*Solo Sunrise Papaya: HGP ONLY |
For more detailed information about pricing go to: |
*Nitta x Waimanalo Eggplant: OUT OF STOCK |
click here - Main UH Visitor Parking Webpage |
Updated as of 08/20/24 |
*New Release-Tomato Bush type "Haruki" |
"*Manoa Lettuce : IN STOCK NOW |
*Okayama lettuce still available |
*Kewalo Tomato: LIMITED TO HGP ONLY |
Our University of Hawaii seeds are non-GMO seeds that are mostly open pollinated selections except for a few hand pollinated Hybrids. |
The only variety offered for sale that is a GMO seed is the UH Rainbow Papaya which is highly resistant to the devastating Papaya Ringpot Virus. |
For all International Orders. Please check with your Agricultural Office for an Import Permit. |
A Phytosanitary Certificate is needed for Customs clearance. |
The cost for this Certificate is $61.00 or more depending on the value of the seeds. |
We will include Postal charges for all International Orders due to the high cost of shipping. Please email us for a quote. |
This applies to Home Garden Packets as well. |