University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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H C  Bittenbender

Name :

H C Bittenbender

Title :

Ext Spec in Fruit & Nuts

Unit :

Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences

Address :

3190 Maile Way
                  Honolulu, HI 96822

Room :

St. John 112A

Phone :

(808) 956-6043

Fax :

(808) 956-3894

E-mail :

Specialties :

Cacao, cocoa, kava, 'awa, Coffee-Physiology, Mechanization, Harvest, Production, Propagation, Cultural practices, processing, roasting, beverage preparation, Cacao- propagation, , establishment, production variety development, fermentation, pests, chocolate-making Kava-propagtion, production, harvesting, pests, beverage preparation Peach Palm- production for heart and fruit Assisting coffee, cacao, kava commodity organizations to deal with issues and the future

Professional Prep/Appointments :

B.S., Western Michigan University (1972) M.S., Michigan State University (1974) Ph.D., Michigan State University (1977), Post Doctoral research International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria

Projects :

* Cacao propagation by grafting and direct planting seed in orchards in protected environments 
* Cacao variety development for Hawaii conditions
* Windbreak evaluation for cacao production
* Kava variety germplasm maintenance
* Organizing and participating in the annual ( since 2003) Hawaii and Pacific Islands Kava Festival
* AgBoard- documenting agriculture in the printed media in Hawaii.

Plants for People 120 series in TPSS

120B Beverage Crops - origin, production, processing and tasting of coffee, kava, cacao, tea, fresh juices
120D Introduction to Tropical Fruits and their flavors - origin, production, testing of lychee, longan, mango, pineapple, jak fruit, durian, peach palm, citrus, coconut.

Research Interests :

* Developing Hawaii's cacao to chocolate industry
* Small scale cacao to chocolate production
* Commercializing kava for the benefits as a social and nutraceutical beverage
* Mechanized pruning and harvesting of tropical fruits
* Genetic and environmental effects on fruit quality and performance
* Agricultural issues and current events impacting Hawaii
* Assisting coffee, cacao, kava commodity organizations to deal with issues and the future

Selected Publications :

Gautz, Loren D., Rachel Li, and H. C. Bittenbender. 2015.  Preparing Kava: Optimizing kavalactone extraction in water. Proceedings of Kava 2015 Conference, July 25-26, 2015 at Chaminade University, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Wang, Jun, Weiyue Qu, Harry C. Bittenbender and Qing X. Li. 2015. Kavalactone content and chemotype of kava beverages prepared from roots and rhizomes of Isa and Mahakea varieties and extraction efficiency of kavalactones using different solvents. J Food Sci Technol 52:1164-1169

Bittenbender, H.C., E. Burbano Greco, and A. Kawabata. 2014. 2013-14 Coffee Berry Borer Survey Report. 55pp.

Bittenbender, H.C. 2013. Digging deeper: Cultivation and yields. In. Thurston, R.W., Morris, J. and Steiman , S. (EDs) Coffee: a comprehensive guide to the bean, the beverage, and the industry. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham (MD), USA

Bittenbender, H.C. 2012. Small farm harvesting, fermenting and drying cacao. Proceedings of Hawaii Cacao to Chocolate Assn. on HCCA web site April 2012.

Hebbar, P., H.C. Bittenbender, and D. O’Doherty. 2010. Farm and Forestry Production and Marketing Profile for Cacao (Theobroma cacao). In: Elevitch, C.R. (ed.). Specialty Crops for Pacific Island Agroforestry. Permanent Agriculture Resources (PAR), Holualoa, Hawai‘i. 

Kandukuru, P.; Huang, A.; Dong, J.; Bittenbender, H.; Li, Yong.  2009.  Rapid identification of bacterial isolates from aqueous kava (Piper methysticum) extracts by polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing.  Letters in Applied Microbiology 49: 764-768.

Fleming, Kent, V.E. Smith, and H.C. Bittenbender. 2009. The Economics of Cacao Production in Kona. AB-17, CTAHR, Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, HI , 12 pp.

Bittenbender, H.C. and E. Kling. 2009. Making Chocolate from Scratch. FS&T-33. CTAHR, Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, HI. 5 pp. 

Paull, Robert E. and H.C. Bittenbender (2008) Guava (In) Encyclopedia of Fruits and Nuts, J. Janick and R. Paull (Eds) CABI Press.  

Bittenbender, H.C. 2007. Coffee (IN) Irrigation of agricultural crops – Agronomy Monograph.

Loren D Gautz, Pakieli Kaufusi, Mel C Jackson, Harry C Bittenbender, and Chung-Shih Tang. (2006) Determination of Kavalactones in Dried Kava (Piper methysticum) Powder using Near-infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy and Partial Least-Squares Regression. J. Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 54 (17): 6147-6152.  

Mauri, Silvia G., H. C. Bittenbender, Kent D. Fleming and Loren D. Gautz. 2003. Economic Evaluation of mechanized pruning of coffee in Hawaii. HortTechnology 13 (3): 468-472.

Bittenbender, H. C., D. P. Schmitt, Mario Serracin, and C. G. Cavaletto. 2001. Fukunaga, a coffee rootstock resistant to the Kona coffee root-knot nematode. CTAHR NPH-6, University of Hawaii. p 2

Bittenbender, H.C. and Virginia Eaton Smith. 2000. Growing coffee in Hawaii. CTAHR, UHM, Honolulu, HI 40 pp. Farmer's Bookshelf on-line info on fruit and vegetables

Languages :
