University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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Susan  Crow

Name :

Susan Crow

Title :

Associate Professor

Unit :

Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management

Address :

1910 East-West Road
                  Honolulu, HI 96822

Room :

Sherman Lab 126

Phone :

(808) 956-8149

Fax :

(808) 956-6539

E-mail :

Website :

Specialties :

soil ecology, carbon, soil organic matter, agroecosystems, conservation management, renewable energy, sustainable systems, land use change, soil health, carbon sequestration

Professional Prep/Appointments :

2006 Ph.D., emphasis in Ecology, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
2001 M.S., Biology, Villanova University, Villanova, PA.
1999 B.S., Biology, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.


Projects :


Hawaii Bioenergy

Soil Health Hawaii

Deep Soil Warming


NREM304 Fundamentals of Soil Science *co-instructor 
NREM600 Foundations of NREM and Policy *co-instructor
NREM601 Social-Ecological Systems Analysis of NREM *co-instructor
NREM691 Quantitative Ecosystem Carbon

In the Soil Ecology and Biogeochemistry Lab, we study carbon dynamics and sequestration, greenhouse gas flux, nutrient and water management in natural and managed (forested or agriculture) ecosystems and how these relate to global change pressures - such as land-use, climate change, and invasive species - sustainable agriculture, and renewable energy production. We pursue mechanistic understanding of ecosystem processes to tackle tough questions relevant to current environmental issues. At the systems-level, we quantify and model the carbon tradeoffs of renewable fuel systems and integrate across disciplines of economics, engineering, and agroecology to build resilience into our society against uncertainty in the climate system, energy, and water accessibility. Through the Soils&EcoSystems Service Lab, we provide collaborators and researchers with plant, soil, and water analyses.

Publications :

Yu, J.*, L.M Deem*, S.E. Crow, J.L. Deenik, C.R. Penton.  Biochar application influences on microbial assemblage complexity and composition due to soil and bioenergy crop type interactions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 117: 97-107. DOI:10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.11.017

33. Harden, J., G. Hugelius, A. Anders, J. Blankinship, B. Ben-Lamberty, C. Lawrence, J. Loisel, A. Malhotra, R. Jackson, S. Ogle, C. Philips, R. Ryals, K. Todd-Brown, R. Vargas, S. Vargas, F. Cotrufo, M. Keiluweit, K. Heckman, S.E. Crow, W. Silver, M. DeLonge, L. Nave. 2017. Networking our science to characterize the state, vulnerabilities, and management opportunities of soil organic matter. Global Change Biology:1-14. DOI:10.1111/gcb.13896

32. Jackson, R.B., K. Lajtha, S.E. Crow, G. Hugelius, M.G. Kramer, G. Piñeiro.  2017. The ecology of soil carbon: pools, vulnerabilities, and biotic and abiotic controls.  Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics: 48:419-445.DOI:10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-112414-054234

Meki, M. N., R. M. Ogoshi, J. R. Kiniry, S.E. Crow, A. H. Youkhana, M. Nakahata, and K. Littlejohn*.  2017. Performance evaluation of biomass sorghum in Hawaii and Texas. Industrial Crops and Products, 103: 257-266.

Youkhana, A. H., R. M. Ogoshi, J. R. Kiniry, M. N. Meki, M. H. Nakahata, and S.E. Crow.  2017. Allometric models for predicting aboveground biomass and carbon stock of tropical perennial C4 grasses in Hawaii. Frontiers in Plant Science 8:650.

Pawlowski*†, M.N., S.E. Crow†, M.N. Meki, J.R. Kiniry, A.D. Taylor, R. Ogoshi. A. Youkhana, and M.H. Nakahata. 2017.  Field-based estimates of global warming potential in bioenergy systems of Hawaii: Crop choice and deficit irrigation. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0168510.

Crow, S.E., M.I. Reeves*, S. Turn, S. Taniguchi*, O. S. Schubert, N. Koch. 2016. Carbon balance implications of land use change from pasture to managed eucalyptus forest in Hawaii. Carbon Management 7: 171-181. doi:10.1080/17583004.2016.1213140.

Sumiyoshi, Y.*, S.E. Crow, A. Taylor, C.M. Litton, J.L. Deenik, B. Turano, and R. Ogoshi. 2016. Belowground impact of napier and guinea grasses grown for biofuel feedstock production. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. doi:10.1111/gcbb.12379

Paudel*, B., C. Chan, J. Halbrendt*, S.E. Crow, T.J. Radovich, G. Norton.  2016. Bioeconomic optimization of conservation agriculture production systems (CAPS) for smallholder tribal farmers in the hill region of Nepal. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 71:103-117.  doi 10.2489/jswc.71.2.103 

Wells, J.M.*, S.E. Crow, R. Ogoshi, B. Turano, A. Hashimoto.  2015.  Optimizing feedstock selection for biofuel production in Hawaii: CuO oxidative lignin products in C4 grasses.  Biomass and Bioenergy 83:511-515.  doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.10.027.

Meki, M.N., J.R. Kiniry, A.H. Youkhana, S.E. Crow, R.M. Ogoshi, M. Nakahata, R. Tirado-Corbala, R.G. Anderson, J. Osorio, and J. Jeong. 2015.  Key crop growth parameters for modeling two-year cycle sugarcane.  Agronomy Journal 107: 1310-1320.

Crow, S.E., M. Reeves*, O.S. Schubert, and C. Sierra. 2015. Optimization of method to quantify soil organic matter dynamics and carbon sequestration potential in volcanic ash soils. Biogeochemistry 123: 27-47.

Silva, J.H.S.*, J.L. Deenik, R.S. Yost, G.L. Bruland, and S.E. Crow. 2015.  Improving clay measurement in oxidic and volcanic ash soil of Hawaii by increasing dispersant concentration and ultrasonic energy levels. Geoderma 237-238: 211-223.

Frey, S.D., S. Ollinger, K. Nadelhoffer, R. Bowden, E. Brzostek, A. Burton, B.A. Caldwell, S.E. Crow, C. Goodale, S. Grandy, A. Finzi, M. Kramer, K. Lajtha, J. LeMoine, M. Martin, W. McDowell, R. Minocha, J. Sadowsky, P. Templer, and K. Wicking. 2014.  Chronic nitrogen additions suppress decomposition and sequester carbon in temperate forests. Biogeochemistry 121:305-316.

VanderWerf, E.A., L.C. Young, S.E. Crow, E. Opie**, H. Yamazaki*, C.J. Miller, D.G. Anderson, L.S. Brown, D.G. Smith, and J. Eijzenga. 2014. Increase in Wedge-tailed Shearwaters and changes in soil nutrients following removal of alien mammalian predators and nitrogen-fixing plants at Kaena Point, Hawaii. Restoration Ecology 22:676-684.

Giardina, C. P., C.M. Litton, S.E. Crow, and G.P. Asner. 2014. Warming-related increases in soil CO2 efflx are explained by increased below-ground carbon flux. Nature Climate Change 4: 822-827.

Briones, M.J., N. McNamara, J. Poskitt, S.E. Crow, and N. Ostle.  2014. Interactive biotic and abiotic regulators of soil carbon cycling: evidence from controlled climate experiments on peatland and boreal soils. Global Change Biology 20: 2971-2982. 

Halbrendt, J.*, S. Gray, S.E. Crow, T. Radovich, B.B. Tamang, A.H. Kimura. 2014. Differences in farmer and expert beliefs and the perceived impacts of conservation agriculture. Global Environmental Change 28: 50-62.

Ma, Y.*, T.R. Filley, C.T. Johnston, S.E. Crow, K. Szlavecz, and M. McCormick. 2013. The combined controls of land use legacy and earthworm activity on soil organic matter chemistry and particle association during afforestation.  Organic Geochemistry 58: 56-68.

Ware, S.A., S.E. Crow, and B.A. Waitman.  2011. Mode of substrate adaptation in rock outcrop plants: Cyperus aristatus Rottb. and Cyperus granitophius McVaugh. Castanea 76:415-423.

Crow, S.E., K. Lajtha, R.D. Bowden, Y. Yano, J.B. Brant, B.A. Caldwell, E.W. Sulzman.  2009.  Increased coniferous needle inputs accelerate decomposition of soil carbon in an old-growth forest. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 2224-2232.

Crow, S.E. and S. Ware.  2009.  Soil type tolerance in rock outcrop plant communities: Satureja arkansana (Nutt.) Briq. (Lamiaceae) in the Ozarks. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 136: 363-368.

Crow, S.E., K. Lajtha, T.R. Filley, C. Swanston, B. Caldwell, R.D. Bowden.  2009.  Sources of plant-derived carbon and stability of soil organic matter: implications for global change.  Global Change Biology 15: 2003-2019.

Crow, S.E., T.R. Filley, M. McCormick, K. Szlavecz, D. E. Stott, D. Gamblin, and G. Conyers.  2009.  Earthworms, stand age, and species composition interact to influence particulate organic matter chemistry during forest succession.  Biogeochemistry 92: 61-82.

Turetsky, M.R., S.E. Crow, B. Evans, D.L. Vitt, R.K. Wieder. 2008. Trade-offs in resource allocation among moss species control decomposition in boreal peatlands.  Journal of Ecology 96:1297-1305.

Filley, T.R., M.K. McCormick, S.E. Crow, K. Szlavecz, D.F. Whigham, C.T. Johnston, R.N. van den Heuval.  2008.  Comparison of the chemical alteration trajectory of Liriodendron tulipifera L. litter among forests with different invasive earthworm activity. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, G01027,

Beldin, S.I., B.A. Caldwell, P. Sollins, E.W. Sulzman, K. Lajtha, and S.E. Crow.  2007.   Cation exchange capacity of density fractions from paired conifer/grassland soils.  Biology and Fertility of Soil 43: 837-841.

Crow, S.E., C. Swanston, K. Lajtha, J.R. Brooks, and H. Keirstead.  2007.  Density fractionation of forest soils: Methodological questions and interpretation of incubation results and turnover time in an ecosystem context.  Biogeochemistry 85: 69-90.

Crow, S.E. and S. Ware.  2007.  Soil type tolerance in rock outcrop plants: species of non-calcareous substrates.  The Southwestern Naturalist 52:120-125.

Sollins, P., C. Swanston, T. Filley, M. Kleber, M. Kramer, S.E. Crow, B. Caldwell, K. Lajtha, and R.D. Bowden.  2006.   Organic C and N stabilization in a forest soil: evidence from sequential density fractionation.  Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38: 3313-3324.

Crow, S.E., E.W. Sulzman, W.D. Rugh, R.D. Bowden, and K. Lajtha.  2006.  Isotopic analysis of respired CO2 during decomposition of separated soil organic matter poolsSoil Biology and Biochemistry 38: 3279-3291.

Lajtha, K., S.E. Crow, Y. Yano, S.S. Kaushal E. Sulzman, P. Sollins, and J.D.H. Spears. 2005.  Detrital controls on soil solution N and dissolved organic matter in soils: a field experiment. Biogeochemistry 76: 261-281.

Holub, S.M., K. Lajtha, J. D. H. Spears, J. A. Tóth, S. E. Crow, B. A.Caldwell, M. Papp, and P. T. Nagy. 2005. Organic matter manipulations have little effect on gross and net nitrogen transformations in two temperate forest mineral soils in the U.S.A and central Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 214: 320-330.

Crow, S.E., and R.K. Wieder.  2005.  Sources of CO2 emission from a northern peatland: root respiration, exudation and decomposition.  Ecology 86: 1825-1834.