University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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Bernard A  Kratky

Name :

Bernard A Kratky

Title :

Researcher Emeritus

Unit :

Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences

Office :

Komohana Research and Extension Center

Address :

875 Komohana St.
                  Hilo, HI 96720

Phone :

(808) 981-5199

Fax :

(808) 981-5211

E-mail :

Specialties :

Vegetables, Hydroponics, Culture & Management

Professional Prep/Appointments :

Jefferson High School, Jefferson High School, Wisconsin (1962) B.S., Agronomy, University of Wisconsin (1967) M.S., Horticulture, Purdue University (1969) Ph.D., Horticulture, Purdue University (1971)

Research Interests :

Non-circulating hydroponic culture,  Agricultural plastics,  Drip irrigation,  Culture and management of vegetable crops

Selected Publications :

Kratky, B.A. 2010.  A suspended net pot, non-circulating hydroponic method for commercial production of leafy, romaine and semi-head lettuce. University of Hawaii CTAHR Publication VC-1.

Kratky, B.A.  2009.  Three non-circulating hydroponic methods for growing lettuce.  Proceedings of the International Symposium on Soil-less Culture and Hydroponics.  Acta Hort. 843:65-72.

Kratky, B.A., G.T. Maehira, E.J. Magno, M.D. Orzolek and W.J. Lamont. 2008.  Growing lettuce by a float-support, non-circulating hydroponic method in Hawaii and Pennyslvania.  Proc. of the 34th National Agricultural Plastics Congress.  American Society for Plasticulture, Bellafonte, PA  (published on a CD).

Kratky, B.A., G.T. Maehira, R.J. Cupples and C.C. Bernabe.  2005.  Non-circulating hydroponic methods for growing tomatoes.  Proc. National Agricultural Plastics Congress 32:31-36.

Kratky, B.A. 2004.  A suspended pot, non-circulating hydroponic method.  Proceedings of the South Pacific Soil-less Culture Conference.  Acta Hort 648:83-89.