University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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Nancy  Ooki

Name :

Nancy Ooki

Title :

Interim State 4-H Program Leader and Maui County 4-H Agent

Unit :

Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Office :

Kahului Extension Office

Address :

310 Kaahumanu Ave., B-214
                  Kahului, HI 96732

Phone :

(808) 244-3242 ext. 225

E-mail :

Website :

Specialties :

4-H Youth Program (statewide)

Professional Prep/Appointments :

  • G.C., University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI Graduate Certificate in Online Learning and Teaching
  • M.A., Pepperdine University, Culver City, CA Major: Educational Technology
  • B.A., Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Major: Technical Communications
  • B.A., Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Major: French | Minor: Spanish
  • Appointed Member, Maui County Commission on Children and Youth
  • Extension Disaster Education Network Hawaii Point of Contact
  • Hawaii Association of Extension 4-H Agents Vice-President
  • eXtension Educational Technology Learning Network Member
  • eXtension Families and Child Well-Being Learning Network Member
  • eXtension Makers Member

Projects :

Agriculture Education

The Diversity of Agriculture Project introduces youth to agriculture and careers in agriculture through a variety of lenses including technology, science, business, culture, and arts in addition to hands-on learning and agriculture practice in order to entice youth to pursue agriculture careers. Content is being repurposed to an online course.

The GET Local Video Contest will provide knowledge to the general public on food skills, food safety, and food sources (field-to-table) through information generated through a youth recipe contest that requires the use of local produce, a demonstration of safe food handling practices, and a video of preparation of the dish.

The Ag Tech Entrepreneur Project (pending) will introduce agricultural entrepreneurship and Arduino kits to create field-ready sensors for monitoring crop production and meet the technological needs of local farmers.

Agriculture, Gardening and Culinary Education curriculum (pending) is an educational intervention designed to increase participation in gardening for multigenerational families with risk factors for chronic health conditions.

The Maui Youth Beekeeping Mentorship Project provides education and information about beekeeping and the importance of bees to Hawaii’s agriculture along with beekeeping management and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Applied Learning / Life Skills

MyPI Hawai‘i is a disaster preparedness program for teens. Participants complete the FEMA CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training and learn CPR and AED usage and other additional content before completing a community service project in which they help families develop emergency supply kits and plans.

The Teen CERT Hero Project (pending) will increase environmental literacy knowledge, skills, and awareness concerning disaster preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery through Teen CERT training, Community Service and Environmental Recovery projects, and cultural and environmental literacy presentations.


The Google CS Pathway allows for youth to participate in online computer programming courses to develop computer coding skills and program development.

An Agriculture in Hawai‘i virtual reality tour of the Cooperative Extension research stations in the state was created to allow youth to engage with the sites through the Google Expeditions virtual reality technology.

Selected Publications :

Recent Curriculum

Ooki, N., Greenwood-Junkermeier, H. Riggs, N., Mendoza, N., Fruhauf, C., and Yancura, L. (2018, February) Grandcares youth club program.

Ooki, N. (2017, August 31). Catching conflict to conquer conflict. Expeditionary Skills for Life [Curriculum]. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Available online:

Ooki, N. (2017, August 31). Finding the right person for the job. Expeditionary Skills for Life [Curriculum]. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Available online:

Recent Publications

Uyeda, J., Silva, J., Sugano, J., Nakamura-Tengan, L., Zee, J., Ooki, N., Wages, S., Wong, K., Wang, K., Radovich, T., Ahmad, A. (2018) Evaluation of Multi-colored Carrot Varieties. Hanāi ‘Ai Newsletter.

Ooki, N., Nakamura-Tengan, L., Wong, K., and Zee, J., GET local initiative. Hanāi ‘Ai Newsletter. 2017. V30. University of Hawaii at Mānoa, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources.