University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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Theodore  Radovich

Name :

Theodore Radovich

Title :


Unit :

Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences

Address :

3190 Maile Way
                  Honolulu, HI 96822

Room :

St. John 209C

Phone :

(808) 956-7909

Fax :

(808) 956-3894

E-mail :

Website :

Specialties :

Cover crops, composting, sustainable ag, certified organic ag, Sustainable and Organic Agriculture Program, brassicas, pumpkin, turmeric

Professional Prep/Appointments :

Ph.D., Horticulture and Crop Science, The Ohio State University, 2004. M.Sc., Horticulture, University of Hawaii, Manoa, 2000. B.Sc., Horticulture, University of Hawaii, Manoa, 1994

Projects :

(PI) Enhancing Phyto-nutrient Content, Yield and Quality of Vegetables with Compost Tea in the Tropics. USDA Western SARE Chapter One Research and Education Grant, Project No.: SW07-073. 2007-2010. Funding awarded: $160,500. (PI) Enhancing Soil Quality and Fruit Tree Growth with Arachis pintoi Cover Crops in Hawai’i Orchards. HFBF. 2007-2008, Funding awarded: $38,751 (Co-PI) Sustainable Farming Systems: Critical Needs Research. USDA Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Research (T-STAR) program. 2006-2009. Funding awarded: $360,000. (Co-PI) Promoting adaptive management with ‘Tropic Sun’ sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) in Hawaii for cological strategies in weed control, nematode suppression and nutrient management. USDA WSARE PDP program. 2009-2011. Funding awarded: $53,768.

Courses Taught:

Vegetable Crop Production. TPSS 401. Organic Food Crop Production. TPSS 220. Herbs, Spices and Flavorings. TPSS 120C.

Research Interests :

My research program is focused on understanding how crop yield and quality can be optimized in agricultural systems that reduce reliance on conventional chemical inputs and increase use of ecological farming practices.

Selected Publications :

Radovich, T.J.K. 2009. Cabbage Flavor. Chapter 11 in: Handbook of Vegetable Flavors: Commodities, Products, Spices and Edible Oils. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Barber, S.G., C. Chan-Halbrendt, J. Krishnakumar, T.J.K. Radovich and K. Love. 2008. Hawai‘i Avocado Industry Analysis II: Buyer Preferences. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. EI-15. Radovich, T.J.K., M.D. Kleinhenz, J.G. Streeter. 2005. Irrigation Timing Relative to Head Development Influences Yield Components, Sugar Levels, and Glucosinolate Concentrations in Cabbage. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 130:943-949. Radovich, T.J.K., M.D. Kleinhenz, J.G. Streeter, A.R. Miller and J.C. Scheerens. 2005. Planting date affects total glucosinolate concentrations in six commercial cultivars of cabbage (Brassica olereacea L., Capitata Group). HortScience 40:106-110. Radovich, T.J.K., M.D. Kleinhenz, J.F. Delwiche and R.E. Liggett. 2004. Triangle tests indicate that irrigation timing affects fresh cabbage sensory quality. Food Quality and Preference 15: 471-476. Radovich, T.J.K., M.D. Kleinhenz and N.J. Honeck. 2004. Important cabbage head traits at five points in development. Journal of Vegetable Crop Production 10:19-32. Radovich, T.J.K., M.D. Kleinhenz. 2004. Rapid estimation of cabbage head volume across a population varying in head shape: a test of two geometric formulae. HortTechnology 14(3): 388-391.