Last updated on Friday, February 4, 2022
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Name : Parker Clayton (Clay) Trauernicht
Title : Assistant Specialist
Unit : Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
Address : 1910 East-West Road Honolulu, HI 96822
Room : Sherman Lab 233C
Phone : (808) 956-6875
Fax : (808) 956-6539
E-mail :
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Specialties : Fire ecology, Pacific Island ecosystems, tropical forest and savanna dynamics, statistical modeling, science communication
Professional Prep/Appointments : PhD University of Tasmania, Plant Science, 2013
MS University of Hawaii at Manoa, Botanical Science, 2004
BS University of Denver, Biology, Cum Laude, 1999
Interests : Fire, plant ecology, land cover change, fire management, statistics, Rstats, geospatial analysis, climate impact modeling, climate adaptation, local ecological knowledge
Publications :
Zhu, T.R., Litton, C.M., Giardina, C.P., Trauernicht, C., 2021. Moisture availability and ecological restoration limit fine fuels and modelled wildfire intensity following non‐native ungulate removal in Hawaii. J. Appl. Ecology 58:.2207-2219.
Bremer, L.L., Nathan, N., Trauernicht, C., Pascua, P.A., Krueger, N., Jokiel, J., Barton, J. and Daily, G.C., 2021. Maintaining the Many Societal Benefits of Rangelands: The Case of Hawai ‘i. Land, 10:764.
Selmants, P.C., Sleeter, B.M., Liu, J., Wilson, T.S., Trauernicht, C., Frazier, A.G. and Asner, G.P., 2021. Ecosystem carbon balance in the Hawaiian Islands under different scenarios of future climate and land use change. Environmental Research Letters 16:104020.
Melone, A., Bremer, L.L., Crow, S.E., Hastings, Z., Winter, K.B., Ticktin, T., Rii, Y.M., Wong, M., Kukea-Shultz, K., Watson, S.J. and Trauernicht, C., 2021. Assessing Baseline Carbon Stocks for Forest Transitions: A Case Study of Agroforestry Restoration from Hawaiʻi. Agriculture, 11(3), p.189.
Lucas, M.P., Trauernicht, C., Frazier, A.G. and Miura, T., 2020. Long-Term, Gridded Standardized Precipitation Index for Hawai‘i. Data 5:109.
Nugent, A., R. Longman, C. Trauernicht, M.P. Lucas, H.F. Diaz, T.W. Giambelluca. 2020. Fire and rain: the legacy of Hurricane Lane in Hawai‘i. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Published online:
Trauernicht, C. 2019.Vegetation-Rainfall interactions reveal how climate variability and climate change alter spatial patterns of wildland fire probability on Big Island, Hawaii. Science of the Total Environment 650:459-469
Balick, M.J., R.A. Lee, J.M. De Gezelle, R. Wolkow, G. Cohen, F. Sohl, B. Raynor, C. Trauernicht. 2019. Traditional lifestyles, transition, and implications for healthy aging: An Example from the remote island of Pohnpei, Micronesia. PloS one, 14:e0213567.
Frazier, A.G., J.L. Deenik, N.D. Fujii, G.R. Funderburk, T.W. Giambelluca, C.P. Giardina, D.A. Helweg, V.W. Keener, A.Mair, J.J. Marra, S.McDaniel, L.N. Ohye, D.S. Oki, E.W. Parsons, A.M. Strauch, and C. Trauernicht. 2019. Managing Effects of Drought in Hawai‘i and U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands pages 95-121 in J.M. Vose, D.L. Peterson, L. David, C.H. Luce, T. Patel-Weynand, editors. Effects of drought on forests and rangelands in the United States. Gen. Tech. Rep. WO-98. Washington, DC: U.S.D.A. Forest Service.
Trauernicht, C, T. Ticktin, H. Fraiola, Z. Hastings, A. Tsuneyoshi. 2018.Active restoration enhances the recovery of a Hawaiian mesic forest after fire. Forest Ecology and Management 411:1-11
Bremer, L, L. Mandle, C. Trauernicht, K. Burnett, P. Pascua, H.L. McMillen, N. Kurashima, C.A. Wada, S. Quazi, T. Giambelluca, T. Ticktin. 2018. Bringing multiple values to the table: assessing future land-use and climate change in North Kona, Hawaiʻi. Ecology and Society 23
Gollin, L.X., and C. Trauernicht. 2018. The critical role of firefighters’ place-based environmental knowledge in responding to novel fire regimes in Hawaii. in C. Fowler, j. Welch, and A. Sullivan, editors. Fire Otherwise: Ethnobiology of Burning for a Changing World.University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
Wada C., L.Bremer, K. Burnett, C. Trauernicht, T. Giambelluca, L.Mandle, E.Parsons, C. Weil, T. Ticktin. 2017. Estimating cost-effectiveness of Hawaiian dry forest restoration using spatial changes in water yield and landscape flammability under climate change. Pacific Science
Mora, C., B. Dousset, I.R. Caldwell, F.E. Powell, R.C. Geronimo, Coral R. Bielecki, C.W. Counsell, B.S. Dietrich, E.T. Johnston, L.V. Louis, M.P. Lucas, M.M. McKenzie, A.G. Shea, H.Tseng, T.W. Giambelluca, L.R. Leon, E. Hawkins, C. Trauernicht. 2017. Global risk of deadly heat. Nature Climate Change.
Hawbaker, T., C. Trauernicht, S. Howard, C. M. Litton, C.P. Giardina, J. Jacobi, L. Fortini, F. Hughes, P. Selmants, Z. Zhu. 2017. Wildland fires and greenhouse emissions for Hawaii. Z. Zhu et al. Baseline and projected future carbon storage and greenhouse gas fluxes in ecosystems in Hawaii.US Geological Survey Professional Paper.
Trauernicht, C., B.P. Murphy, L.D. Prior, M.J. Lawes, D.M.J.S. Bowman. 2016. Human imposed, fine-grained patch burning explains the population stability of a fire-sensitive conifer in a frequently burnt northern Australian savanna. Ecosystems 19:896-909
Trauernicht, C., E. Pickett, C.P. Giardina, C.M. Litton, S. Cordell, A. Beavers, A. 2015. The contemporary scale and context of wildfire in Hawaii. Pacific Science 69:427-444
Friday, J.B., S. Cordell, C.P. Giardina, F. Inmahn-Narahari, N. Koch, J.K. Leary, C.M. Litton, C. Trauernicht. 2015. Future directions for forest restoration in Hawaii. New Forests 46:733-746
Trauernicht, C., B.W. Brook, B.P. Murphy, G.J. Williamson, D.J.M.S. Bowman. 2015. Local and global pyrogeographic evidence that indigenous fire management creates pyrodiversity. Ecology and Evolution 5: 1908–1918
Trauernicht, C., B. P. Murphy, N. Tangalin, D.M.J.S. Bowman. 2013.Cultural legacies, fire ecology, and environmental change in the Stone Country of Arnhem Land and Kakadu National Park. Ecology and Evolution 3:286-297
Trauernicht, C. 2013. Guyanan Savannas. In: R.W. Howarth, ed. Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia. Salem: Salem Press
Trauernicht, C. 2013. Shu Swamp. In: R.W. Howarth, ed. Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia. Salem: Salem Press
Radford, I., A.N. Andersen, G. Graham, C. Trauernicht. 2013. The fire refuge value of patches of a fire-sensitive tree in fire-prone savannas: Calltiris intratropica in Northern Australia. Biotropica 45:594-601
Trauernicht, C., B.P. Murphy, T.E. Portner, D.M.J.S. Bowman. 2012. Tree cover–fire interactions promote the persistence of a fire-sensitive conifer in a highly flammable savanna. Journal of Ecology 100:958-968 **Featured as a Research Highlight in Nature, April 2012
Trauernicht, C., T. Ticktin, and G. Lopez Herrera. 2006. Cultivation of nontimber forest products alters understory light availability in a humid tropical forest in Mexico. Biotropica 38:428-436
Trauernicht, C. and T. Ticktin. 2005. The effects of nontimber forest product cultivation on the plant community structure and composition of a humid tropical forest in southern Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management. 219:269-278