University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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YinPhan  Tsang

Name :

YinPhan Tsang

Title :

Associate Professor

Unit :

Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management

Address :

1910 East-West Road
                  Honolulu, HI 96822

Room :

Sherman Lab 243

Phone :

(808) 956-6361

Fax :

(808) 956-6539

E-mail :

Website :

Specialties :

Watershed Hydrology; Hydrological Modeling; Ecological modeling; Aquatic Landscape Ecology; Aquatic Habitat Assessment; Water Science; Hydrology

Professional Prep/Appointments :

Ph.D. Biological Resources Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, 2008
M.S. Bioenvironmental System Engineering, National Taiwan University, 2003
B.S. Agricultural Engineering, National Taiwan University, 2001


NREM 301 Natural Resources Management
NREM 301L Natural Resources Management Laboratory 
NREM 601 Systems Analysis of NREM
NREM 662 Watershed Hydrology
NREM 664 Small Watershed Modeling

Selected Recent Publications :

Thornbrugh D, Infante D, Tsang Y. 2023. Regional Trends of Biodiversity Indices in the Temperate Mesic United States: Testing for Influences of Anthropogenic Land Use on Stream Fish while Controlling for Natural Landscape Variables. Water, 15(8), 1591;

Huang Y-F, Gayte M, Tsang Y, Longman R, Nugent A, Kodama K., Lucas M, Giambelluca T. 2022. Hourly rainfall data from rain gauge networks and weather radar up to 2020 across the Hawaiian Islands. Scientific Data 9, 334.

Wilmot E, Wong J, Tsang Y, Lynch A, Infante D, Kirsten Oleson, Ayron Strauch, Clilverd H. 2022. Characterizing mauka-to-makai connections for aquatic ecosystem conservation on Maui, Hawaiʻi. Ecological Informatics 70, 101704.

Widanage R, Chan C, Tsang Y-P, Sipes B, Melakeberhan H, Sanchez-Perez A, Mejía-Coroy A. 2022. Enhancing Technical Efficiency and Economic Welfare: A Case Study of Smallholder Potato Farming in the Western Highlands of Guatemala. Economia Agro-alimentare/Food Economy – Open Access.

Chandrasekaran S, Danos N, George U, Han J-P, Quon G, Müller R, Tsang Y, Wolgemuth C. 2021. The Axes of Life: A roadmap for understanding dynamic multiscale systems. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2021;, icab114,

Huang Y-F, Tsang Y, Strauch A, Clilverd H. 2021. Shifting magnitude and timing of streamflow extremes and the relationship with rainfall across the Hawaiian Islands. Journal of Hydrology.

Tsang Y, Infante DM, Wang L, Krueger D, Wieferich D. 2021. Conserving stream fishes with changing climate: Assessing fish responses to changes in habitat over a large region. Science of the Total Environment 755(2): 142503.

Benoit L, Lucas M, Tseng H,  Huang Y-F, Tsang Y-P, Nugent A., Giambelluca T, Mariethoz G. 2021. High Space-Time Resolution Observation of Extreme Orographic Rain gradients in a Pacific Island Catchment. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 8:546246. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.546246.

Cohen S, Raney A, Munasinghe D, Loftis D, Molthan A, Bell J, Rogers L, Galantowicz J, Brakenridge GR, Kettner AJ, Huang Y-F, Tsang Y-P. 2019. The Floodwater Depth Estimation Tool (FwDET v2.0) for improved remote sensing analysis of coastal flooding. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 19(9): 2053-2065.

Tsang Y-P, Tingley RW III, Hsiao J, Infante DM. 2019. Identifying high value areas for conservation: Accounting for connections among terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats in a tropical island system. Journal for Nature Conservation 50: 125711. DOI:10.1016/j.jnc.2019.125711.

Cooper AR, Tsang Y-P, Infante DM, Daniel WM, McKerrow AJ, Wieferich D. 2019. Protected areas lacking for many common fluvial fishes of the conterminous USA. Diversity and Distribution 25: 1289-1303. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12937.

Martin B, Tsang Y-P, Tingley RW III, Clilverd H, Infante DM. 2019. Characterizing Natural Barriers to Non-native Stream Fauna in Hawai‘i. Pages 83–104 in R. M. Hughes, D. M. Infante, L. Wang, K. Chen, and B. de Freitas Terra, editors. Advances in understanding landscape influences on freshwater habitats and biological assemblages. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 90. Bethesda, Maryland.

Clilverd H, Tsang Y-P, Lynch AJ, Infante DM. 2019. Long-term streamflow trends in Hawaiʻi and implications for native stream fauna. Hydrological Processes 33 (5): 699-719 DOI:10.1002/hyp.13356

Tingley RW, Infante DM, MacKenzie RA, Cooper AR, Tsang Y-P. 2019. Identifying natural catchment landscape influences on tropical stream organisms: classifying stream reaches of the Hawaiian Islands. Hydrobiologia 826(1): 67-83.  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-018-3726-5

Munasinghe D, Cohen S, Huang Y-F, Tsang Y-P, Zhang J, Fang Z. 2018. Intercomparison of Satellite Remote Sensing-Based Flood Inundation Mapping Techniques. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 54 (4): 834–846 DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12626

Zhang J, Huang Y-F, Munasinghe D, Fang Z, Tsang Y-P, Cohen S. 2018. Comparative Analysis of Inundation Mapping Approaches for the 2016 Flood in the Brazos River, Texas. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 54 (4): 820–833 DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12623

Yang D, Cai J, Hull V, Wang K, Tsang Y-P, Liu J. 2016. New road for telecoupling global prosperity and ecological sustainability. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 2 (10): e01242 DOI: 10.1002/ehs2.1242

Tsang Y-P, Infante DM, Stewart J, Wang L, Tingly RW, Thornbrugh D, Cooper AR, Daniel WM. 2016. StreamThermal: A Software Package for Calculating Thermal Metrics from Stream Temperature Data. Fisheries 41 (9): 548–554 DOI: 10.1080/03632415.2016.1210517

Sievert NA, Paukert CP, Tsang Y-P, Infante D. 2016. Development and assessment of indices to determine stream fish vulnerability to climate change and habitat alteration. Ecological Indicators 67: 403–416 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.03.013

Daniel WM, Infante DM, Hughes RM, Tsang Y-P, Esselman PC, Wieferich D, Herreman K, Cooper AR, Wang L, Taylor WW. 2015. Characterizing coal and mineral mines as a regional source of stress to stream fish assemblages. Ecological Indicators 50: 50–61 DOI: 10.1016/J.ECOLIND.2014.10.018