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Coffee Berry Borer (CBB) and Coffee Leaf Rust (CLR) Conference 2021

In April 2021, the Coffee Berry Borer Area-wide Program held a virtual conference about research on Coffee Berry Borer (CBB) and Coffee Leaf Rust (CLR).


Session 1: The Latest in Managing Coffee Berry Borer (CBB)

Areawide IPM for Coffee Berry Borer in Hawaii and Puerto Rico

The Latest on CBB Biocontrol

CBB Flight Patterns

Session 2: The Latest in Managing Coffee Leaf Rust (CLR)

Basics of CLR and Update about CLR in Hawaii [Part 1]   [Part2]

Preliminary Survey and Management of CLR in Commercial Coffee Farms in Kona, Hawaii Island

Testing Lecanicillium Fungi for Biocontrol of Coffee Leaf Rust

Coffee Leaf Rust and its Management in Colombia [Part 1]   [Part2]

Session 3: Statewide Economic Benefits and Management Technology

Statewide Economic Benefits from CBB Management, 2010-2020

Best Beans: An App to Help You Manage CBB and More

Current CLR and CBB Management Recommendations

Session 4: Other Coffee Diseases and Management Practices

Screening New Coffee Cultivars for Root-Knot Nematode Resistance

Distribution of Coffee Fruit Rot in Puerto RIco

Cultural Control Practices to Reduce CBB Populations in Commercial Coffee Farms in Hawaii

Integrated Research on Key Pests and Diseases Threatening a Sustainable Production of High-Quality Coffee in Puerto Rico

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