Insect Ecology and Integrated Pest Management Lab, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Dr. Simone S. Prado B.S., M.Sc. (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil). Ph.D. (University of Hawaii)


Current projects:
Biological and molecular characterization of caecum-associated symbionts in the Pentatomidae (under primary superivision by Rodrigo Almeida, UC Berkeley).

Research interests:
Ecology and insect-microbe interactions; Insect transmission of plant pathogens.

Lopes, J.R.S., Perina, F. and Prado, S.S. 2003. Avaliação da passagem de afídeos vetores por telas usadas em viveiros de mudas cítricas. Laranja 24: 31-43.

Prado, S.S. , Rubinoff, D. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2006. Vertical transmission of a pentatomid caeca-associated symbiont. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 99: 577-585.

Prado, S.S. , Lopes, J. R. S., Demetrio, C., Borgatto, A., and Almeida, R. P. P. Host colonization differences between citrus and coffee isolates of Xylella fastidiosa in reciprocal inoculation. Scientia Agricola. A ccepted.

Prado, S.S. , Almeida, R.P.P . Phylogenetic placement of pentatomid stink bug gut symbionts. Current Microbiology. Submited.

First Place in the Student Competition for the President's Prize for poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America in December 2005. Title: "Surface sterilization of egg masses eliminates a bacterium associated with the caeca of the stink bug Nezara viridula."

Published abstracts:
Hinde, J.; Pieske, O.R.; Prado, S.S. et al. 1997. Modelos de superdispersão para dados de resposta de tempo toxicológico. In: Simposio de iniciacao cientifica da USP, Piracicaba: ESALQ - USP, v. 1, p.467.

Prado, S.S. ; Lopes, J.R.S. 2002. Infectividade natural e eficiência de transmissão de fitoplasma do milho por machos e fêmeas do inseto vetor, Dalbulus maidis (Hemiptera: Cicadelldae). In: XXIV Congresso Nacional de Milho e Sorgo, Florianópolis, SC. Anais. Sete Lagoas, MG: EMBRAPA- Milho e Sorgo, v.1.

Prado, S.S. ; Lopes, J.R.S. 2003. Inoculação cruzada de estirpes de Xylella fastidiosa em citros e café. In: XXVI Congresso Paulista de Fitopatologia, 2003, Araras.

Prado, S.S. ; Lopes, J.R.S. 2003. Variações em morfologia e crescimento de colônias em meio de cultura entre estirpes de Xylella fastidiosa de citros e de cafeeiro. In: XXXVI Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, Uberlândia, MG.

Prado, S.S. ; Lopes, J.R.S. 2003. Avaliação da infectividade de estirpes de Xylella fastidiosa em plantas de citros e de café. In XXXVI Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, Uberlândia, MG.

Nascimento, F.E.; Prado, S.S.; Lopes, M.T.V.C.; Lopes, J.R.S. 2003. Sensitividade de oligonucleotideos na detecção de Xylella fastidiosa por PCR em citros e cafeeiro. In: Simposio Internacional de Iniciacao Cientifica da USP, Piracicaba: ESALQ – USP.

Prado, S.S. ; Almeida, R.P.P. 2005. Biology of Nezara viridula’s (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) caeca associated symbiont. In: 11th Pacific Entomology Conference, Honolulu , HI . February.

Prado, S.S. ; Almeida, R.P.P. 2005. Characterization of a caecum-associated bacterial symbiont of Nezara viridula (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). In: 17 th UH CT AHR Student Symposium, Honolulu , HI . April. (oral presentarion)

Prado, S.S. ; Almeida, R.P.P. 2005. Surface sterilization of egg masses eliminates associated with the caeca of the stink bug Nezare viridula. In: 2005 Entomological Society of America Annual Metting, Fort Lauderdale , Florida . December.

Prado, S.S. , Rubinoff, D. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2006. Phylogenetic placement of six pentatomid caeca-associated symbionts. In: 2006 Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America , Maui , Hawaii . March.

Prado, S.S. ; Almeida, R.P.P. 2006. Surface sterilization of Acrosternun hilare (Say) eggs impacts insects fitness and presence of caeca-associated bacteria. In: 2006 Entomological Society of America Annual Metting, Indianapolis , Indiana . December.

Almeida, R.P.P.; Prado, S.S. 2006. Are pentatomid caeca-associated symbionts monophyletic? In: 2006 Entomological Society of America Annual Metting, Indianapolis , Indiana . December.

Prado, S.S. ; Almeida, R.P.P. 2007. Impact of gut-associated bacteria on the fitness of two pentatomid species. In: 2007 12th Pacific Entomology Conference, Honolulu , HI . February.

Prado, S.S. ; Almeida, R.P.P. 2007. Effect of temperature on the maintenance of petatomid gut-associated symbionts. In: 2007 Entomological Society of America Annual Metting, San Diego , California . December. (oral presentation)

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