Last updated on Thursday, January 16, 2025
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Name : Thao Le
Title : Department Chair/Professor
Unit : Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
Address : 2515 Campus Road Honolulu, HI 96822
Room : Miller Hall 110
Phone : (808) 956-2232
Fax : (808) 956-2241
E-mail :
Professional Prep/Appointments :
2004 Ph.D. University of California, Davis
1994 M.P.H. University of California, Berkeley
1992 B.S. University of California, Irvine
1992 B.A. University of California, Irvine
2021-present Chair, Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS), UH Manoa
2020-present Professor, Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS), UH Manoa
2018-present Cooperating Graduate Faculty, School of Social Work, UH Manoa
2014-present Cooperating Graduate Faculty, Office of Public Health Studies, UH Manoa
2012-2020 Associate Professor, Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS), UH Manoa
2011-2012 Assistant Professor, Family & Consumer Sciences, UH Manoa
2005- 2011 Assistant Professor, Human Development & Family Studies, Colorado State University (tenure and promotion was granted July 1, 2011)
Projects :
Externally-Funded Projects as Principal Investigator (PI)
(2024-2028). Community-Based Cultural Connectedness for Resilience (CCCR). Department of Health & Human Services - Office of the Secretary. $6000,000/year, $2.4 million
(2024-2025). Enliving Forest Landscapes in Hawai'i - US and Indonesia. USDA, Forest Service, International Programs Office - USAID. $113,993
(2024-2025). Seeds of Wellbeing (SOW). Western Region Agriculture Stress Assistance Program IV. Washington State, USDA/NIFA. $119,621
(2023-2024). Agriculture Resiliency Navigator. Safe States. $20,000
(2023-2024). Seeds of Wellbeing (SOW). Western Region Agriculture Stress Assistance Program III. Washington State, USDA/NIFA. $100,000
(2022-2023). Seeds of Wellbeing (SOW): Hawaii Ag Mental Health Mentor Program, Cohort #2. Small grant funding of the Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program. $10,000
(2021-2023). Farm Ranch Stress Assistance Network - Hawaii State Plan to NIFA. USDA-NIFA & HDOA $474,835 + $23,010 supplemental
(2014-2021). Mindfulness-Based Development Training. Hawaii Department of Human Services, Office of Youth Services
(2016-2018). Engaged Mindfulness in Vietnam; Mind & Life 1440 Awards
(2011-2013). Hawaii Military Youth Adventure Camp: Military Community, Family & Youth Extension Program. DOD, Office of Family Policy, Children & Youth and USDA/NIFA
(2011-2012). Mindfulness as Youth Suicide Prevention Intervention for Native Americans. American Psychological Foundation Visionary Funds Grant
(2008-2010). School Context and Developmental Patterns of Delinquency and Violence among Immigrant Youth. Russell Sage Foundation
(2007-2009). Capacity Building for Organizations Empowering Communities against Youth Violence. DHHS Administration for Children and Families grant to National Council on Crime and Delinquency
(2007-2008). Evaluation of Creative Interventions: Community-Based Domestic Violence Intervention Project Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant to Creative Interventions
Internally-Funded Awards as PI at University of Hawaii Manoa
(2022-2023) Animal Assisted Mindfulness Intervention. HATCH & Extension Smith Lever Funds/USDA/NIFA
(2012-2023) Mindfulness-Based Intervention to Promote Positive Youth Development (& Farmer Stress) Hawaii. HATCH & Extension Smith Lever Funds/USDA/NIFA
Externally-Funded Projects as Co-PI
(2024-2025) Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program IV, USDA-NIFA
(2023-2024) Western Region Agriculture Stress Assistance Program III, USDA-NIFA
(2013) Mindfulness-Based Hawaii Military Adventure Camp: Extension-Military Collaboration. DOD/USDA-NIFA
(2010-2011) Rocky Mountain Adventure Camp: Extension-Military Collaboration. DOD/USDA-NIFA
Internally-Funded Awards as PI at Colorado State University
(2009-2010) Multiculturalism & Youth Violence: Settings & Processes. Colorado Injury Control Research Center
Consultant, Lead Investigator
(2005-2010) Center on Culture, Immigration and Youth Violence Prevention Center. Centers for Diseas Control & Prevention
Current Project: Farmer Stress
Seeds of Wellbeing (SOW) Project:
Le, T.N., Kerver, A. & Brown, E. (2022). Cool Mind Main Thing: A Wellness Guide for Hawaii Agricultural Community. CTAHR University of Hawaii Manoa. Translated into 7 languages (Hawaiian, Mandarin, Ilocano, Laotian, Thai, Spanish, Vietnamese)
Le, T.N., Kerver, A. & Brown, E. (2022). Cool Mind Main Thing: P2P Wellness Guide for Hawaii Agricultural Community. CTAHR University of Hawaii Manoa.
Current Project: Socio-Emotional Resources for Children
Le, T.N., & Brown, E. (2024). Ho'oponopono is Harmony. Legacy Isle Publishing: Honolulu, HI (children's picture book)
Le, T.N., & Kato, S. (2022). Ha’aha’. Legacy Isle Publishing: Honolulu, HI (children’s picture book)
Le, T.N., & Ting, A. (2021). Akahai. Legacy Isle Publishing: Honolulu, HI (children’s picture book)
Le, T.N., & Kato, S. (2020). Mindfulness with Aloha Breath. Legacy Isle Publishing: Honolulu, HI (children’s picture book)
Selected Courses Taught:
Current Course at UH Manoa
HDFS 333 Adolescent & Early Adulthood
HDFS 435 Mindfulness & Skillful Living
Courses Taught at Colorado State University
HDFS 311 Adolescent Development & Early Adult Development
HDFS 312 Adult Development & Aging
HDFS 492 Program Proposal/Senior Seminar
HDFS 550 Research Methods
HDFS 592 Grant Writing
HDFS 612 Adolescent Development
Professional Development Courses
PDE3 Mindfulness & Skillful Learning/Living
Research Interests :
Mindfulness-based prevention/intervention programs; farmer stress & mental health; place-based restoration projects related to resilience & socio-emotional development
Selected Publications :
Le, T.N., Fong, B., Keaulani, B., & Lum, K. (in press). Mindfulness and Native Hawaiian contemplative practices. Chapter 29 in Wendy Li, Gemma Griffith, Shuana Shapiro, & Zhuohong Zhu (eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Third-Wave Therapies. Springer Nature.
Le, T.N., & Brown, E. (2024). Farmer stress and coping: Qualitative study from Hawai’i. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine. doi: 10.21926/obm.icm.2404070
Le, T.N., & Kerver, A. (2024). Agricultural peer mentors for mental health support. Rural Society.
Le, T.N., Zhang, W., Brown, Em., Crum, J., & Wong, A. (2023). Risk factors for depression and suicide among Hawai’i agricultural producers. Journal of Agromedicine,
Le, T.N., Brown, E., Zhang, W. (2023). Sense of purpose and meaning making mitigates the experience of stress among Hawai’i farmers. Journal of Agromedicine.
Le, T.N., Kong, S., Kalani, S.P., Keaulani, B., & Lum, K. (2023). Restoring a royal fishpond with native Hawaiian youth: Traditional ecological knowledge fosters well-being and relational virtuosity. Children, Youth, and Environments, 33(3).
Le, T.N., Zhang, W., Brown, Em., Crum, J., & Wong, A. (2023). Risk factors for depression and suicide among Hawai’i agricultural producers. Journal of Agromedicine,
Le, T.N., Brown, E., Zhang, W. (2023). Sense of purpose and meaning making mitigatesthe experience of stress among Hawai’i farmers. Journal of Agromedicine.
Le, T.N. (2023). Hawai’i local residents’ perception of farming, weekly purchase and willing to spend more for local products. Extension Publications. CTAHR, University of Hawai’i Manoa.
Le, T. N., Ahmad, A., Brown, E., Crum, J., Wong, A., Sand, S., Oshiro, M., & Kirk, E. (2022). Rates of stress, depression, and suicide among Hawai’i agriculture producers and allied professionals. Extension Publications. CTAHR, University of Hawai’i Manoa.
Le, T.N, Greenwood, H., Brown, E., Wong, A., Crum, J., Ahmad, Am., Oshiro M., & Sand, S.(2022). Reported stressors and desired resources expressed by Hawai’i farmers and ranchers. Extension Publications. CTAHR, University of Hawai’i Manoa.
Le, T.N., & Jackman, T. (2022). Beyond aloha: Can university of Hawai'i students cultivate Native Hawaiian relational awareness in a mindfulness course? In C.M. Fleming, J. Proulx, and V. Y Womack (Eds.), Beyond white mindfulness: Critical perspectives on racism, wellness, and liberation. New York: Routledge Press.
Le, T.N., & Trieu, D. (2020). Personal wisdom as reflected in the Vietnamese classic literature in the Tale of Kieu. In A. Intezari, C. Spiller, & S.Yang (Eds.), Practical wisdom, leadership, and culture: Asian, Indigenous, And Middle-Eastern Perspectives. Taylor & Francis.
Le, T.N., Nguyen, K.T., & Douang, K. (2019). randomized study of mindfulness and service/project-based learning with students in Vietnam. International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, 7(1), Article 5.
Le, T.N., & Alefaio, D. (2019). Mindfulness training for social service providers in Hawaii: Context and considerations. Journal of Social Service Research.
Le, T.N., Buddharakkhita, B., & Cerswell, L. (2018). The six R’s framework as mindfulness for suicide prevention. Invited book chapter for edited volume Positive Psychology and Suicide Prevention.
Le, T.N., & Alefaio, D. (2018). Hawaii’s educators’ experiences in a professional development course on mindfulness. Professional Development in Education. DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2018.1474485
Le, T. N. (2017). Cultural considerations in a phenomenological study of mindfulness with Vietnamese youth and cyclo drivers. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 6(4), 246-260.
Proulx, J., Bergen-Cico, D., Fleming, C.M., Croff, R., Le, T.N., Noorani, M., Aldwin, C., & Oken, B. (2017). Considerations for research and development of culturally relevant mindfulness interventions in African minority communities. Mindfulness. 10.1007/s12671-017-0785-z
Le., T.N., & Proulx, J. (2015). Feasibility of mindfulness-based intervention for mixed-ethnic Asian/Pacific Islander incarcerated youth. Asian American Journal of Psychology. Advance online publication.
Le, T.N., & Trieu, D. (2015). Translating and implementing a mindfulness-based positive youth development program in Vietnam. Health Promotion International. 10.1093/heapro/dau101
Le, T.N., & Gobert, J. (2015). Translating & implementing a mindfulness-based youth suicide prevention intervention in a Native American community. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24(1), 12-23. DOI: 10.1007/s10826-013-9809-z
Le, T.N. & Shim, P. (2014). Mindfulness and the aloha response. Journal of Indigenous Social Development, 3(1) 1-11.
Le, T.N.(2014). Mindfulness-based adventure camp for military youth. Journal of Extension, 52(2), #2FEA5.
Le, T.N., & Doukas, K.M. (2013). Making meaning of turning points in life review: Values, wisdom, and life satisfaction. Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Aging.doi: 10.1080/15528030.2013.765367
Goebert, D., Le, T.N., & Sugimoto-Matsuda, J. (2012). Violence, Asian Americans, and health. In G. Yoo, M.N. Le, & A. Oda (eds). The Handbook of Asian American Health.
Le, T.N., Johansen, S. (2012).The relationship between perceived school multiculturalism and interpersonal violence: An exploratory study. Journal of School Health, 81(11), 688-695.
Le, T.N. & Stockdale, G. (2011). The influence of school demographic factors and perceived student discrimination on delinquency trajectory in adolescence. Journal of Adolescent Health, 49(40< 407-413.
Le, T.N., Arifufku, I., Vuong, L., Tran, G., Lustig, D.F., & Zimring, F. (2011). Community mobilization & community-based participatory research to prevent youth violence among Asian and immigrant populations. American Journal of Community Psychology. 48 (1-2), 77-88. DOI: 10.1007/s10464-010-9413-y.
Chang, J., & Le, T.N. (2010). Multiculturalism as a dimension of school climate: The impact on the academic achievement of Asian American and Hispanic youth. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology.
Le, T.N. (2010). Life satisfaction, openness value, self-transcendence, and wisdom. Journal of Happiness Studies. doi: 10.1007/s10902-010-9182-1
Le, T.N., Lai, M., & Wallen, J. (2009). Multiculturalism and subjective happiness as mediated by cultural and relational variables. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. 15(3), 303-313.
Le, T.N., Goebert, D., & Wallen, J. (2009). Acculturation factors and substance use among Asian American youth. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 30(3),453-473. doi: 10.1007/s10935-009-0184-x (rejection rate 2008 = 80%)
Le, T.N., & Stockdale, G. (2008). Acculturative dissonance, ethnic identity, and youth violence. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 14(1), 1-9. Published as the FEATURE ARTICLE of this volume.
Le, T.N., & Wallen, J. (2008). Risks of non-familial violent physical and emotional victimization in four Asian ethnic groups. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 11(3), 174-187. doi: 10.1007/s10903-007-9100-8.
Le, T.N. (2008). Cultural values, life experiences, and wisdom. The International Journal of Aging & Human Development, 66(4), 259-281.
Le, T.N. (2008). Age differences in spirituality, mystical experiences, and wisdom. Ageing & Society, 28(3), 383-411.
Ngo, H., & Le, T.N. (2007). Stressful life events, culture, and violence. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 9. 75-84. 10.1007/s10903-006-9018-6.
Le, T.N., Tov, W., & Taylor, J. (2007). Religiousness and depressive symptoms in five ethnic adolescent groups. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 209-230.
Spencer, J., & Le, T.N. (2006). Parent refugee status, immigration stressors, and Southeast Asian youth violence. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 8, 359-368. doi: 10.1007/s10903-006-9006-x.
Le, T.N., & Kato, T. (2006). The role of peer, parent, and culture in risky sexual behaviors for Cambodian and Lao/Mien adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 39(3), 288-296.
Le, T.N., & Arifuku, I. (2006). Moving picture of API youth: A case for disaggregate data on youth victimization and delinquency. Amerasia Journal, 29-41.
Le, T.N., & Stockdale, G. (2005). Individualism, collectivism, and delinquency in Asian American adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 34(4), 681-691.
Le, T.N. (2005). Non-Familial victimization among Asian Pacific Islander: The Oakland experience. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 3(3), 49-64.
Le, T.N., Monfared, G., & Stockdale, G. (2005). The relationship of school attachment, parent engagement, and peer delinquency with self-reported delinquency for Chinese, Cambodian, Lao/Mien, and Vietnamese youth. Crime and Delinquency, 51(2), 192-219. DOI: 10.1177/0011128704273466.
Go, C.C., & Le, T. N. (2005). Gender differences in Cambodian delinquency: The role of ethnic identity, parental discipline, and peer delinquency. Crime and Delinquency, 51(2), 220- 237. doi: 10.1177/0011128704273466.
Chang, J.,Le, T.N. (2005). The Influence of parents, peer delinquency, and school attitudes on academic achievement for Chinese, Cambodian, Laotian-Mien, and Vietnamese youth. Crime and Delinquency, 51(2), 238-264. doi: 10.1177/0011128704273469.
Le, T., Arifuku, I., Nunez, M. (2003). Girls and culture in delinquency intervention: A case study of RYSE. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 54(3), 25-34. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-6988.2003.tb00078.x.
Le, T. (2002). Asian Pacific Islander and delinquency: A review of literature and research. The Justice Professional, 15(1), 57-70. doi: 10.1080/08884310212825.
Jenkins, C. Le, T., McPhee, S., Stewart, S., & Ha, T. (1996). Health care access and preventive care among Vietnamese immigrants: Do traditional beliefs and practices pose barriers? Social Science and Medicine, 43(7), 1049-1056.