University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
UH Seal The founding college of the University of Hawai‘i, established 1907 Site Search | Directory
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Publication and Information Central

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Eucalyptus Production Guidelines  
Growing Orchids Locally Light Considerations  
Growing Eucalyptus from Seed  

Taro Varieties in Hawaii

Piko Lehua-apei
Piko Lehua-apei, Lehua Apei
The information in this online catalog is extracted from the book titled "Taro Varieties in Hawaii." First published in 1939, it contains detailed descriptions of 84 varieties of taro then found in Hawaii.

Other Information Sources

Ask the Experts

This collection of questions and answers on topics in CTAHR’s areas of expertise can be searched by crop or key word to find information on plants, farming, gardening, and more.

Knowledge Master

This compendium of information on pests of Hawaii’s crops and homes includes insects and other pests as well as plant disease organisms.

Hawaii Native Plant Propagation Database

This is a compilation-in-progress of information on Hawaii’s native plants, being created as a thesis project by Eileen Herring, a CTAHR Dept. of Tropical Plant and Soil Science graduate student and UH Manoa science reference librarian.

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