Hawaii is a member of the Southwest States and Pacific Islands Water Quality Coordination Team
Issues and Options, NREM 210/PEPS 210
literacy and appreciation of food production systems, use of natural
resources, and the environment often seem at odds. Students have
difficulty in understanding the complex interactions between food
and fiber production systems, population growth, and environmental
quality. The political and popular discourse on these subjects is
often polarized and contentious, rather than thoughtful and illuminating.
This science-based course provides students with the foundation for
making critical judgments concerning agriculture, management of natural
resources, and the environment.
Watershed Modeling, NREM
491 (Spring 2005)
This course will introduce
students to process-based modeling of watershed with emphasis on
current concepts and model applications. It deals with the characterization
and simulation of small watershed systems including land and channel
phase hydrologic processes and pollutant transport processes. Significant
time will be given to the investigation of the structure and capabilities
of current watershed computer models. The students will have an opportunity
for "hands-on" use of some currently available watershed
models and will be expected to use computers extensively.
Erosion and Conservation, NREM 461
The course will evaluate past and present problems in soil and water
conservation. The principles of water and wind erosion will be discussed
and students will learn to use the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation
and the Wind Erosion Prediction Equation. Water conservation issues
such as irrigation, drainage, salinization, and storm water management
will be discussed. Emerging issues such as total maximum daily load
development, land-based threats to coastal zones, and integrated watershed
management will be covered. Finally, programs and agencies responsible
for soil and water conservation in the U.S. and the international community
will be studied.
NREM 662
course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of
the hydrologic cycle, the interactions among the hydrosphere, atmosphere,
and land-use management effects on the amount, timing, and quality
of water resources. Students will also develop the ability to quantify
the magnitude of hydrologic entities in small watersheds. They will
have some hands on watershed management such as rainfall, effective
rainfall, canopy rainfall interception, evapotranspiration, infiltration,
stream flow, and hydrographs.
Dr. Carl Evensen, Dr. Brent Sipes,
Dr. Janice Uchida
Sherman Laboratory
Dept. of Natural
Resources and Environmental Management
1910 East-West Road
Honolulu, HI 96720
PART l: Human Food Supply
Lecture 1. Introduction to the course
(subjects, grading, assignments) and the Land Grant University
Lecture 2. Does scientific "truth" guide our lives today?
Lecture 3. What's for lunch? (Photosynthesis, Food Production and Ecosystems)
Lecture 4. Out in the jungle...are you the lunch? (Food Chains and Energy Transfer)
Lecture 5. Human Populations
Lecture 6. No one goes there anymore... it's too crowded (Sustainable Development)
Lecture 7. World Food Production (Food)
Lecture 8. Who ate that apple (Pathogens, Pests, and Weed Organisms)
Lecture 9. Protecting our food from pathogens and pests
Lecture 10. Wormy apples or "perfect" apples with pesticide residues
(Food Safety -- Pesticides, Pathogens, or Natural Toxins)
Lecture 11. Case Study Discussion
Lecture 12. How safe is "safe"? (Human Health Risks, Carcinogens,
Public Concerns)
Lecture 13. Is a "gene gun" better than a pesticide? (Mitosis, Meiosis,
and Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering)
Lecture 14. Exam I
PART II: Environmental Quality and Management
Lecture 15. Hooray for the suburbs (Urban Environments)!
Lecture 16. Is it fog, vog, or smog? (Air Pollution)
Lecture 17. Where did all that mud come from? (Land Quality and Degradation)
Lecture 18. Whose water is it, anyway? (Water Cycle and Water Management)
Lecture 19. What's so special about water? (Water Quality)
Lecture 20. Down the drain and out to sea! (Waste Water Treatment and Use)
Lecture 21. What can I do about pollution? (Pollution Control)
Lecture 22. The three "R's" (Solid Waste Management)
Lecture 23. What's an ahupua'a? (Watershed Management in Hawaii)
Lecture 24. Exam II
PART III: Global Policy Issues
Lecture 25. How can I change things? (Environmental Policy,
Laws and Regulations)
Lecture 26. Where have all the Alala gone? (Biodiversity and Endangered Species)
Lecture 27. Aren't you tired of hearing about the rain forest? (Natural Resource
Management and Ecological Balances)
Legislative Testimony due
Lecture 28. We're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave... (Global Environmental
Lecture 29. Case Study Presentations - HTML instructions
Lecture 30. Course Evaluation
FINAL EXAM: To be announced
Ali Fares, Assistant Professor of Watershed Hydrology
Sherman Laboratory
Dept. of Natural
Resources and Environmental Management
1910 East-West Road, 242 Sherman Lab
Honolulu, HI 96720
Phone: 808-956-6361
Email: AFares@hawaii.edu
Web site: http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/faresa/Teaching.html
Dr. Aly I. El-Kadi,
Associate Professor of Hydrology, Geology & Geophysics
School of
Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
1680 East-West Road, POST 709A
Honolulu, HI, USA 96822
Phone: 956- 6331
Email: elkadi@hawaii.edu
1- Introduction
2- Modeling Concepts and Objectives
3- Model Classification: Choice of model complexity
4- Model Overviews: AnnAGNPS, SWAT 2000, WEPP, N-SPECT, WMS
5- Model Application and Selection
6- Hydrologic Model Components
7- Model Calibration and Testing
8- Student Model Presentations
9- Model Component Comparisons
10- Model Application Examples
11- Student Model Performance Presentations
Course Format:
The course will consist of three lectures per week, a term project,
significant class participation, a written critiques published papers,
and a written critique of the models.
Course Assessment:
Model Component Presentation/Report 20%, Model Performance Presentation/Report
20%, Model Performance Written Report 10%, Written Critique of Manuscripts
25% Written Critique of Models 25%, Final Exam 10%.
Greg Bruland
Office: Sherman Lab, Room 226
of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
1910 East-West Road
Honolulu, HI 96720
Phone: (808) 956-8901
Email: bruland@hawaii.edu
Class Meetings: Mon., Wed., Fri. 1:30-2:20 PM
Office Hours: Tues. 9:00-10:00
AM, Wed. 2:30-3:30 PM
Prerequisites: NREM 304 Fundamentals of Soil Science, recommended
Required Texts: Troeh, F.R., Hobbs, J.A., and Donahue, R.L. 2004.
Soil and Water Conservation for Productivity and Environmental Protection,
4th Ed.
Course Objectives:
- Gain an appreciation of the historical context and current status
of soil and water conservation
- Be able to discuss the effects and
interactions of population increase and socioeconomic factors as
they relate to soil and water conservation
- Understand the mechanics
of water and wind erosion, models for their prediction, and onsite
and offsite consequences
- Know how to use the RUSLE,WEQ, and Thornthwaite
equations to quantitatively predict water erosion, wind erosion,
and evapotranspiration rates
- Understand the effects of land-use
and tillage practices on soil and water resources, and be able
to suggest appropriate best
management practices under different land-use and tillage
- Learn about the increasingly complex and critical issue
of global freshwater resources and scarcity
- Understand the soil
and water conservation issues that are unique to tropical islands
Be familiar with current issues in soil and water conservation
such as TMDL development, land-based threats to coastal
zones, and watershed
Dr. Ali Fares, Assistant Professor of Watershed
Sherman Laboratory
Dept. of Natural
Resources and Environmental Management
1910 East-West Road
Honolulu, HI 96720
web site: http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/nrem/syllabi/syllabus-NREM662.html
- The
hydrologic cycle, an overview
- Watershed
- Precipitation
and Interception
- Evapotranspiration
- Soil
Water Storage
- Infiltration
- The
runoff process
- Soil
- Hydrologic
- Wetlands
Hydrology & Management
- Riparian
Area Management
- Erosion
- Tropical
watershed management
- Socioeconomic
considerations in watershed management
- Water
- Watershed
planning and protection