CTAHR Programs in Maui County
The University of Hawai‘i’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources serves the citizens of Maui County by providing science-based research, education and public service to help them solve problems in agriculture, natural resources, food and nutrition, food safety and community development. These services are provided through our faculty and staff of Cooperative Extension located in Kahului and Hoolehua, and the Maui Agricultural Research Center located in Kula.
Livestock, Pasture, and Range Systems
Assisting the livestock industry with pasture management, livestock production, nutrient management, and weed control strategies
Vegetable Production
Pursuing research and outreach programs to support edible crop production through variety trials, insect and disease management, and business and marketing education
Landscape, Floriculture, and Ornamental Plants
Developing and transfering research-based knowledge to industries that help make Hawai‘i uniquely attractive to visitors and residents
4-H Youth Development
Building a community of young people across America committed to developing leadership, citizenship, and life skills
Intergenerational Programs
Benefiting individuals, families, and the community through programs designed for young and old to share their talents and resources in mutually supportive relationships
Nutrition and Food Safety
Promoting healthy food choices, good nutrition, and safe handling of food from farm to fork
Soils and Plant Management
Providing solutions and information for efficient nutrient use to maximize productivity and maintain quality.
Urban Horticulture
Providing gardening information and advice to Maui gardeners, in part through the help of the Master Gardeners of Maui. The Master Gardeners are Extension-trained volunteers, who assist the Cooperative Extension Service in outreach to Maui gardeners.
Emergency Preparedness
Businesses, families and individuals need to be ready for emergencies and disasters. Natural disasters (floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires)or deliberate acts of terrorism can be disruptive to people lives and the communities in which they live. Be ready with the information and resources to prepare and respond.