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Brochures: Rainwater Catchment Solutions Series

Welcome to Rainwater Catchment Brochure Cover

Welcome to Rainwater Catchment 

This brochure provides an overview of rainwater catchment, including its benefits.  Ideal for those who are new to the concept. [PDF: 894 KB - Aug 12, 2008]


Clean Water Starts Before Your Tank Cover ImageClean Water Starts Before Your Tank

This brochure discusses various means of keeping your catchment water cleaner before the tank to lengthen the life of filters and pumps as well as improving water quality.  [PDF: 6.48 MB - Aug 19, 2008]


First Flush Diverters Cover ImageFirst-Flush Diverters

This brochure tells you how to have a cleaner water supply by diverting the first rainfall that touches your roof, where debris collects between rainfalls.  [PDF: 906 KB - Aug 12, 2008]


Ultra Violet Light Brochure Cover ImageUltra-Violet (UV) Light Water Treatment Systems

This brochure tells you how UV lights decontaminate water and make it safe, as well as how to maintain the light systems.  [PDF: 848 KB - Aug 14, 2008]


How to Decontaminate and Maintain Your Rainwater Catchment System Brochure Cover ImageDecontaminate & Maintain Your Catchment System

This brochure tells you how to decontaminate your catchment system and keep it in good condition.  [PDF: 1.17 MB - Aug 12, 2008]


How to Build an Overflow Device for Your Tank Brochure Cover ImageHow to Build an Overflow Device for Your Tank

This brochure tells you how to protect your tank and foundation by building an overflow device.  [PDF: 978 KB - Feb 27, 2009]


Filters for Rainwater Catchment Systems Brochure Cover ImageFilters for Rainwater Catchment Systems 

This brochure provides an overview of filter options and maintenance after the tank. [PDF: 5.34 MB - Aug 22, 2008]


How to Build a Floating Intake Brochure Cover ImageHow to Build a Floating Intake 

This publication provides instructions for building a floating intake device to draw water from the cleanest part of your tank. [PDF: 909 KB - Aug 22, 2008]


Floating Intake Supplimental Information Cover Image

Supplemental floating intake information sheet (English only)